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Hawks looking to trade


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3 minutes ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

Murray, in the grand scheme of things, isn't the biggest issue on this team.  It's our frontcourt.  And I will continue to say that.

And how do you improve the front court? Have to trade Murray.


The Raptors got it right just now.  Do you think OG was their problem? Absolutely not, but you have to trade value to get value back.  And now they have their PG for the future…


There are no front court upgrades by trading mid talent on expensive contracts.  DJ is the only valuable trade piece we have which is why this move will likely dictate our future, and as many have said, the stakes are quite high in our current predicament 

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7 minutes ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

They needed to do more than what they did.

Murray, in the grand scheme of things, isn't the biggest issue on this team.  It's our frontcourt.  And I will continue to say that.

If we can't toss a lob to Clint, he's not scoring unless he's getting an offensive rebound.  And even then, he's rebounding his OWN miss, to get that rebound.

Quin refused to go ahead and start OO instead of Capela, which has possibly limited OO's development.

Quin also didn't even have the foresight to start JJ in the lineup, until it became obvious that JJ was head and shoulders a better player than Bey.

And speaking of Bey, if he can't make open shots, his value plummets tremendously, despite the 2 or 3 hustle plays he makes in a game.

Our only above average frontcourt piece right now, is JJ.

I think if there is one thing Quinn got right it was giving playing time to JJ.  Nate did not give JJ any playing time, but as soon as Quinn arrived JJ entered the rotation and those minutes he got last season have benefitted him now. 

That said, it is hard to understand why the player development is so uneven - OO and AJ have both seemingly regressed and none of this years draft picks are ready to play.  

My expectations for any 2024 draft picks (not even taking into account the fact that this is supposed to be a weak draft) making an impact next season are very, very low.

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From the Athletic's power rankings today..


We’ve seen the Hawks randomly turn a season around in the middle of it before, so we can’t completely write them off from making the playoffs. However, turning it around to get to 43 wins and hit the over seems highly unlikely. This team just isn’t serious about doing the right things to win games. There is so much talent on this team. They have a good coach. They still can’t do what it takes to take down non-losing teams. The Hawks need a complete overhaul because this approach is broken.

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As stated above, I'm one of those older Hawk fans here on the Squawk and I would love to see this Hawk team do a lot better than it's doing right now.  


I suppose we will continue to see this and have many, many pages of "what if" ideas about who might or might not get traded.  It's almost a month until the trade deadline.  If Atlanta holds out, hoping for a better offer and we get it, then will we really be happy?  If we hold out and one of the key pieces gets a bad injury, this means "no deal" and then we can discuss what might have been.

Timing is everything.  Should we do this today?  Or, will a better deal suddenly appear tomorrow?  What if we don't do that good deal and someone else swoops in and takes the player we were offered?  I'm glad I'm not the one having to make these decisions.  You can bet your sweet patooty that, whatever trade happens, some posters will be happy with the deal and some will be mad because they really don't like the deal.


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20 minutes ago, Atlantaholic said:

At what point do we admit Quin has been nothing short of a disaster. This is the same team that was playing much better last year minus Collins.

He's definitely getting a pass from most in the fan base.  But those rumblings are really starting to come to the surface.

The front office may have to take away some of his toys ( Bogi, 12, Bey ), in order to see what he can really do as a coach.

Can't just rely on shooters to bail you out.  AT some point, you have to show that you're an all-around good to great coach that can make adjustments and correct bad habits of the team.

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7 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

Like I said, there has to be a plan beyond saying 'we recouped the picks' or they've really failed.

You see, Tony? This is why you should have let your GM be the GM. I hope this fool has at least learned a lesson and has admitted he was wrong. 

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Just now, warcore said:

You see, Tony? This is why you should have let your GM be the GM. I hope this fool has at least learned a lesson and has admitted he was wrong. 

We said that when he 'personally' took over the Milsap trade talks and said over his dead body and then let him walk for nothing.  

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Man, reading through this thread today has been an experience to say the least.  We do have assets, although middling.


Two draft picks this year.  The pick swap in 2026 with San Antonio doesn't bother me too much either.  It's not the end of the world.  We can make some trades to get some first round picks for 2025 and 2026 potentially. They won't be unprotected like our front office did, but first round picks are much more valuable with the new CBA. 

I honestly don't know how to fix this team.  If the Hawks could some how get a competent big on both ends in one of these trades, that'll go along way with helping them.   Also need some defensive talent in every position.

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I don’t think Murray is our biggest problem. But if we need to trade him to get Trae help - then so be it. But trading him for draft picks is not going to help us win now and it’s certainly not going to help us keep Trae here and happy. I’d love for a trade with the Nets (bring in Claxton and another defender). 

As much as I’m over the whole Saikam debacle, I’d be okay with rolling the dice on him. I just wouldn’t give up Murray but they can have Hunter and Capela. 

It’s super frustrating that we don’t seem to draft well.. Hunter was #4 overall pick! 🤦‍♀️

He has not lived up to expectations, unfortunately. That is also hurting us badly right now. It’s time to move on from Hunter imo. 

Edited by Bonzaii58
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6 minutes ago, marco102 said:

Man, reading through this thread today has been an experience to say the least.  We do have assets, although middling.


Two draft picks this year.  The pick swap in 2026 with San Antonio doesn't bother me too much either.  It's not the end of the world.  We can make some trades to get some first round picks for 2025 and 2026 potentially. They won't be unprotected like our front office did, but first round picks are much more valuable with the new CBA. 

I honestly don't know how to fix this team.  If the Hawks could some how get a competent big on both ends in one of these trades, that'll go along way with helping them.   Also need some defensive talent in every position.

Trading Murray for KAT would have solved issues for both teams but that would have to wait until the offseason. Team is more interested I think in moving DJM now than later. I do think the idea is tank the rest of this season because we have a window for it and then use assets to upgrade the roster in the offseason.

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2 minutes ago, Sothron said:

Trading Murray for KAT would have solved issues for both teams but that would have to wait until the offseason. Team is more interested I think in moving DJM now than later. I do think the idea is tank the rest of this season because we have a window for it and then use assets to upgrade the roster in the offseason.

That would be ideal, if you ask me. 

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12 minutes ago, macdaddy said:

We said that when he 'personally' took over the Milsap trade talks and said over his dead body and then let him walk for nothing.  

I've also seen a Mark Cuban interview (or maybe it was a short) in which he talks about the Trae/Luka trade. From his perspective, he said he called the owner (Tony) directly and convinced him "hey comon' we know you want Trae and we want Luka and we'll give you a pick". 

The way he puts it, Tony went behind Travis in that situation as well. But who knows -- that's just one side of the story. 

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