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1 minute ago, Sothron said:

I don't know where this "bad teammate" is coming from. It is blatantly false. The only thing it can be is another FO trying to lower his value by smearing his name.


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14 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

Murray been our best teammate within the locker room. Anyone who has issues with him ain't on the coaching staff or in the locker room and they aren't Landry 


So that leaves Kyle, Tony and Nicky.....mmmmmmmmmmmm?

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19 minutes ago, Sothron said:

I don't know where this "bad teammate" is coming from. It is blatantly false. The only thing it can be is another FO trying to lower his value by smearing his name.

Perhaps not bad teammate, but you did say he was not doing what QS was asking him to do on the court. He was also posting negative things about his role on social media. Not saying that means we should trade him, but that isn't nothing either.

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About those twitter back and fourths that you said that DJ took part in...  do you have a link to those?  Do you have anything that proves that they exist?  Or are you just carrying a narrative that somebody else said?


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8 minutes ago, Diesel said:


About those twitter back and fourths that you said that DJ took part in...  do you have a link to those?  Do you have anything that proves that they exist?  Or are you just carrying a narrative that somebody else said?


They’re not hard to find if you search. It’s not up for serious debate that he got into it with someone on twitter and subsequently deleted the interaction. The real question is how big of a deal you think it is. 

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Just now, Eddielives said:

They’re not hard to find if you search. It’s not up for serious debate that he got into it with someone on twitter and subsequently deleted the interaction. The real question is how big of a deal you think it is. 

Help me with the search.  I searched for an account and Dejounte doesn't have one on twitter...Not a verified twitter account.   I figured that @JeffS17 may know his way to the deep dark web or something.  Or maybe I'm in the information super dirt road...   At either rate, it's not easy.. so if you can just send me a search link or something... since it's easy, I would be appreciative. 


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Oh.. So you guys have been talking about things his father has said??  That's a Father being just as passionate as his son... A Father is going to try to protect his son. doesn't means that he speaks for his son....

or did yall miss this

No... nobody would post that... because it doesn't fit their agenda.


Yall keep trying to trade DJ for Grimes 


DJ for Huichimura.. if you like. I'm going to keep screaming  Hell No... til I'm hoarse. 

[ ]



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23 minutes ago, Diesel said:

Help me with the search.  I searched for an account and Dejounte doesn't have one on twitter...Not a verified twitter account.   I figured that @JeffS17 may know his way to the deep dark web or something.  Or maybe I'm in the information super dirt road...   At either rate, it's not easy.. so if you can just send me a search link or something... since it's easy, I would be appreciative. 


@Dieselgo to the second page of forum topics and there is a topic along the lines of “somebody tell me about this mysterious tweet” or something. The message is in there.

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Thanks @JayBirdHawk


I think this is a fake...



Because I found this elsewhere...


The post that I found was written by somebody name... "Bring back the picks". 



Think about the name for a second.   Somebody that names themselves bring back the picks.... sounds like they have an agenda right?

Now we have the same post written in two different places in two different ways. One with Murray's name plastered on it and one without.   I'm not a master with Twitter but I would think that it's easy to fake that. 

The second piece of evidence.   

I type pretty fast.   You telling me that DJ typed this whole diatribe filled with punctuation and emoticons and nothing misspelled .. no errors... in 1 Minute???    @sturt would be proud.



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7 minutes ago, Diesel said:

Thanks @JayBirdHawk


I think this is a fake...



Because I found this elsewhere...


The post that I found was written by somebody name... "Bring back the picks". 



Think about the name for a second.   Somebody that names themselves bring back the picks.... sounds like they have an agenda right?

Now we have the same post written in two different places in two different ways. One with Murray's name plastered on it and one without.   I'm not a master with Twitter but I would think that it's easy to fake that. 

The second piece of evidence.   

I type pretty fast.   You telling me that DJ typed this whole diatribe filled with punctuation and emoticons and nothing misspelled .. no errors... in 1 Minute???    @sturt would be proud.



It's a real post.  He's had more immature fan interactions on Twitter in the past in addition to this, and even more from his Spurs days.  I see no reason to resurface those, for the same reason I intentionally ignored your request to post this one, which is that I take no joy in bringing up dirt on our current players.  And the message is not fake -- everything is not a conspiracy.  @Sothron already confirmed it's a real DM (although he also did not speak on it much other than confirming it, presumably for the same reason I'd rather not belabor the point).  Everything he says in the message tracks with his behavior on the court, what his dad tweets, etc.  No real reason to question the authenticity of that one.

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7 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

It's a real post.  He's had more immature fan interactions on Twitter in the past in addition to this, and even more from his Spurs days.  I see no reason to resurface those, for the same reason I intentionally ignored your request to post this one, which is that I take no joy in bringing up dirt on our current players.  And the message is not fake -- everything is not a conspiracy.  @Sothron already confirmed it's a real DM (although he also did not speak on it much other than confirming it, presumably for the same reason I'd rather not belabor the point).  Everything he says in the message tracks with his behavior on the court, what his dad tweets, etc.  No real reason to question the authenticity of that one.

That was a real DM sent from DJ's real twitter. It is real. It also was sent earlier than when it was leaked. I have suspicions why it was released when it did but I'll keep that to myself.

But it was 100% legit from DM to a fan. He also had back and forth DMs with Spurs fans when he was in SA. This isn't rare for him to do that.

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Like I said, his history of being very emotional and posting content that later gets deleted isn’t the question. It’s whether you interpret what he said as just being passionate and heated in the moment or actually a personality problem. A lot of otherwise really smart, well intentioned people need to just stay off social media because they don’t realize how much trouble they can get themselves in when trying to make a point with limited characters and emotions flowing. 

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I think it's a NON Issue.   Just like Durant's Burner account.   These guys are Gen Zers.. they are glued to their social media.   The hope is that he gets a social media team that helps with his branding.  Still.. neither in San Anton nor here has it effected what he does on the court or in the lockerroom so it's just a lot of people pushing agenda.  Throwing rocks and hiding their hands.  Some of it may even be corporations doing the same. 



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15 minutes ago, Sothron said:

That was a real DM sent from DJ's real twitter. It is real. It also was sent earlier than when it was leaked. I have suspicions why it was released when it did but I'll keep that to myself.

But it was 100% legit from DM to a fan. 

You telling me that DJ typed this whole diatribe filled with punctuation and emoticons and nothing misspelled .. no errors... in 1 Minute???

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