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Official Game Dread: Magic at Hawks


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26 minutes ago, terrell said:

Disagree with what?


Yall give Trae too much credit for that 2021 run. IMO(some deserving of course.)

Our bench was spectacular.. Not to mention we had MVP Capela..

Trae fg and 3 pt shooting was ass..

I dont even think we beat the Knicks if Mitchell Robinson was healthy

Kev star performance saved us in Philly game 7

Trae was like 5-25 or some shit




I agree with AHF.  DJM is a nice player but the only way he is averaging 25-10 is on a bad team.  

I also agree with AHF that a silver lining of Trae's injury may be the opportunity to showcase DJM to enhance his trade value in the off-season (with the idea of bringing in a better fit alongside Trae).

Trae has his warts for sure but he offensive talent that makes the Hawks uniquely dangerous - and gives them the ability to win a playoff series.  I don't think they have enough defense currently to do that but if they can get that part squared up then they can be dangerous in the playoffs.  It will require some very meaningful roster changes, including in all likelihood moving on from DJM to get a better defending guard to play alongside Trae.

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42 minutes ago, KB21 said:

The Trae hate has gotten comical.  DJM is nowhere near the player that Trae is.  It's pretty clear that their idea of getting someone who would allow Trae to play more off the ball was a stupid idea, and I thought so at the time.  I want Trae to have the ball in his hands more often than not.  We need a spot up shooter that can be a strong on the ball defender at the wing guard position.

Who's hating?

And who said he was the player Trae is? 

Theyre totally different skill sets..

I said hes better DEFENSIVELY than Trae when guarding his natural position. 

And I think he can put up better numbers offensively with Trae's usage..

Plus a player of DJM’s caliber and contract combo is better for roster construction if we’re "starting over" essentially.


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2 hours ago, terrell said:

I dont even think we beat the Knicks if Mitchell Robinson was healthy

Kev star performance saved us in Philly game 7

Seeing a lot of revisionist history on the playoff run.  Knicks won ONE game against us.  You think Mitchell Robinson is getting them 3 more? 

And how did Kevin get all those open looks? 

Did Trae shoot pretty bad for the playoffs?  yeah but he basically controlled the offensive end of the floor.

I agree though Lou/Gallo were huge for us. 

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2 hours ago, RedDawg#8 said:

Murray did exactly what Murray was brought here to do, which is help carry the team so that we don’t fall off a cliff whenever Trae sits.

Murray is an excellent player. He could definitely put up bigger numbers as the main PG. But that is not what he was brought here for.

I will say, if we wanted DJ on ball more then yes, let’s look at that. I hate the Curry/Warriors comps to my core but Murray could be Draymond and help facilitate the offense while Trae and Bogi (Klay) use their gravity to open up the floor. Problem is, Trae doesn’t have the same off ball gravity as Curry.

How the offense performs when Trae sits has been one of the disappointments I’ve had with DJM.  He has had some good games but the team has had many more bad minutes when Trae sits down than good ones. Obviously his defense at the off guard is the other big issue as far as playing with another point.

The great thing has been he has been so much more efficient as a scorer in Atlanta than in SA.  I’m sure some of that is the quality of shot improvement given that the defense is more keyed to stop Trae than him but I think it is also a skill improvement on his end.  I was worried his ts% might be garbage but that hasn’t ended up being the case at all.  

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I agree. I still want Trae to be our superstar. But i am very concerned if we can make changes fast enough before he asks out of Atlanta. It’s the sad but unfortunately reality imo. Who could we actually get that would make us serious contenders given the pieces we have now? We’d have to give up DJ + more to bring in a front court player who can actually move the needle. And we’d still need more than just one player. 

It would also have to be convincing enough for Trae to want to recommit to Atlanta. Otherwise, we risk losing him in FA in the near future. 

we should have built around Trae the right way years ago but we didn’t and now we’re stuck and desperate to make it work this off-season and all the teams will know it and won’t do us any favors in the trade market. 

I wouldn’t be shocked if they considered trading Trae in the off-season and seeing what they can do with DJ and Kobe. We’d get more for Trae than anyone else at this point. This all makes me sad. 

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15 minutes ago, Bonzaii58 said:

we should have built around Trae the right way years ago

We were building around him the right way, at least when Schlenk was here.  We brought in a very good defensive anchor center, Capela.  We drafted long defensive wings (Cam/Hunter), and we put shooter around him (Heurter, Bogi, Gallo).  And we got another big with a lottery pick (OO).  I would argue this was the "right way" and right approach.

Things went off the rails when we spent our assets to bring in someone completely redundant with Trae, which was a very recent shift.  Theoretically, we could still move DJ for a big or wing to shore up the fit issues.  But in my opinion, fit issues have been dwarfed by talent issues, until Jalen.  We just haven't had any guys really pan out to their projected ceilings (Cam/Hunter/OO/JC).  Upgrading the roster requires sending out picks and now we're pick starved as well, so options are pretty limited outside of developing the talent we have.

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2 hours ago, Sothron said:

I am a fan of the team more than any player. That includes situations where a player I absolutely love is moved. I love Trae. 

That being said if the right deal was there I would move him. I do think DJM will be the one gone this summer for a front court player. 

One thing I would like to see is DJM and Kobe starting together so we can see how that would potentially work. DJM guarding his natural position and Kobe being the POA defender in theory should work.

I’m all aboard on the keep Trae and trade DJM train, but I also fully agree with this. Trae, to me, is worlds better than DJM. But there is an argument that what makes our team better?

DJM + what we could get for Trae or Trae + what we could get for DJM. What makes the Hawks better? I firmly believe it is Trae plus what we get in a DJM trade, but it’s foolish for the organization not to consider both options. 

Is there a world they coexist with better help from the front court? A lot of options with no really great answers (as of now).

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5 hours ago, KB21 said:

The Trae hate has gotten comical.  DJM is nowhere near the player that Trae is.  It's pretty clear that their idea of getting someone who would allow Trae to play more off the ball was a stupid idea, and I thought so at the time.  I want Trae to have the ball in his hands more often than not.  We need a spot up shooter that can be a strong on the ball defender at the wing guard position.

It's not trae hate for me i actually like trae quite a bit.  I don't think DJM is as good as Trae is as a PG but i don't think he is super far off either.  Trae is better offensively no doubt but DJM is better defensively.  The kicker for me in the trade aspect of things is i know i can get alot more back from Trae and possibly even another star to upgrade another position to help the team as a whole.   Like if i had a offer of something like this

DJM for 2 1sts + a solid player which was being reported it what we were asking.    or a offer like this  Trae for  Brown, KAT KD, AD etc...

Im more than likely taking that Trae trade as i think the team as a whole would be better with that other star + murray than Trae + those 2 1sts and a role player.  

Now if you can find a trade where we keep Trae and move DJM + a few more pieces to get back one of those other stars then thats my 1st choice to do but if we can't.   Then im as said going the Trae for star route if available.

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6 hours ago, JeffS17 said:

Things went off the rails when we spent our assets

How soon people forget.

Things went off the rails when....

  • We traded Cam for Knox and a Pick.
  • We traded Kev for a Pick
  • We traded JC for ???

The rail we went off was making moves to keep us from going into the LT..

That's last and final.  You can't lose product players for future picks and think that your current team is not going to suffer.   The game is won by talent on the floor, not picks. 


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17 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

Let's see how the teams plays without Trae. He will probably miss around 15 games, that's a decent sample size. Offense might take a step back, defense might take a step forward, but those outcomes aren't guaranteed. 

This is mostly where im at as we aren't doing anything til offseason anyways.   Im open to anything in the offseason as far as trades go outside of moving Jalen probably.    I want to see if we improve or get much worse without Trae to see what type of upgrades need to be had.    If we are pretty similar without Trae for the next 15 games then that says alot to me and he becomes much more available in my eyes.    If we get much worse then other people need to be looked at 1st to be moved because Trae is carrying us to much and he needs better help. 

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10 hours ago, KB21 said:

The Trae hate has gotten comical.  DJM is nowhere near the player that Trae is.  It's pretty clear that their idea of getting someone who would allow Trae to play more off the ball was a stupid idea, and I thought so at the time.  I want Trae to have the ball in his hands more often than not.  We need a spot up shooter that can be a strong on the ball defender at the wing guard position.

Trae lacks feel for the game but his awareness is world class and his BBIQ is very high so we should have always looked to find someone who's like Danny Green. I know, easier said than done. I think that's the idea they think they can develop Lundy into. 

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4 hours ago, bleachkit said:

Let's see how the teams plays without Trae. He will probably miss around 15 games, that's a decent sample size. Offense might take a step back, defense might take a step forward, but those outcomes aren't guaranteed. 

He's almost certain to be gone from the season. Past RCL surgery repairs saw guys return to basketball activity in 6-8 weeks. The season will be over before he could play again.

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5 hours ago, NBASupes said:

Trae lacks feel for the game but his awareness is world class and his BBIQ is very high so we should have always looked to find someone who's like Danny Green. I know, easier said than done. I think that's the idea they think they can develop Lundy into. 

Agree again.  Scary.  

And this is why I take issue with the front office.  It doesn't appear to me they realize we need a Danny green type.  Lundy shld be playing right now instead of meth-Bogi. 

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13 hours ago, Bonzaii58 said:

I agree. I still want Trae to be our superstar. But i am very concerned if we can make changes fast enough before he asks out of Atlanta. It’s the sad but unfortunately reality imo. Who could we actually get that would make us serious contenders given the pieces we have now? We’d have to give up DJ + more to bring in a front court player who can actually move the needle. And we’d still need more than just one player. 

It would also have to be convincing enough for Trae to want to recommit to Atlanta. Otherwise, we risk losing him in FA in the near future. 

we should have built around Trae the right way years ago but we didn’t and now we’re stuck and desperate to make it work this off-season and all the teams will know it and won’t do us any favors in the trade market. 

I wouldn’t be shocked if they considered trading Trae in the off-season and seeing what they can do with DJ and Kobe. We’d get more for Trae than anyone else at this point. This all makes me sad. 

He's in the second year of a 5 year max extension. He can't go anywhere. He has no leverage. According to insiders the team has bent over backwards to cater to his every whim. If he thinks the Lakers or the Spurs are going to afford that luxury, he's sorely mistaken. Quite frankly, there is a reasonable case to be made he's an empty stats guy whose play does not lead to wins. 

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In my mind, there's a new best Case scenario for this team.

Either way, DJ improves his value over the next for weeks. 

Boston loses in the playoffs. 

Boston becomes very eager to do a DJ For Brown swap. 

We get a big from the draft... in a dream world... Sarr. 

There's still an undercurrent in Boston that believes that Brown and Tatum won win together.  As successful as they have been, there are stil some that still believes that Brown doesn't create for himself outside of dunks.   There's a few that believes that they overpaid for him. 

All well and good.   If they take a loss in the playoffs and they come calling, we have to answer that call.  The upgrade in size will help our defense. 

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