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Rockets interested in Sheed?


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The Houston Rockets have been in contact with Rasheed's agent about a possible trade that will bring us Steve Francis and Mo Taylor. Here is the link of the article.


Would you guys do it?

I say no, now we have no interior offensive player, only Nazr. Atleast with Sheed we will have a pretty solid front court with Nazr, Sheed and Jax or Diaw. With this trade, everything will come from the outside, because Nazr, Mo, and Jax or Diaw.

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If that opportunity presented itself, I would do it.

In fact, to give this thought teeth...

JT/Wallace(SNT) to Houston.

Francis/Cato/Nachbar/1st (2005) to Atlanta.

I do this deal, IF we have a high enough draft pick.

I wouldn't take Taylor because his contract is too long.

My thought is that our First will be a PF. This is a deal at 24 million.

The question would come down to the Franchise. IS he worth it?

I think he can pull an 18/6/6 season..

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I'd do it too. This year is shot. Francis is a legitimate draw for fans and we can get some big men in the offseason. At least when next year rolls around we would be showing something for SAR and Theo rather than just having extra bucks. I'd love to see Francis here.

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I don't know about this. We then have JT and Francis. Let's say we trade JT. I'd only trade him for a big man. But I'm not too keen on Diesel's trade cuz we don't get much out of it because their #1 will be mid to low..

But having Francis and Kobe would be pretty cool I guess. We'd still needs some serious bigs and depth too. If we picked up Francis and signed Kobe, what bigs could we afford as free agents? Any ideas?

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The question isn't can Francis draw fans. The question is can he draw other free agents.

Now that I think about it more, the price is too high. It would leave us hurting at the PF position. There would have to be a three way though that could give us a better deal.

When I say the price is too high, I mean Cato and Taylor's contracts are too long. I'd like Francis, but I remember the show he put on on draft night. He ruined a franchise that night.

Did Knight draft him or was that another GM?

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I believe it was Knight that drafted him, remember he came into the league in 1999, same year as JT, Davis, and Miller and we got Reef during the draft time of 2000 and that was when Knight was still in Grizzlies. So most likely of what happenened that draft with Vancouver and Francis, i dont see Francis here because of what he did that night to Knight and the Grizz.

Now lets say if it is considered, yes we gain Francis, he is a 18/6/6 guy, but Sheed is a 18-19 ppg and 8-9 rpg guy, with 2.0 blocks per game, we lose everything we had inside and gain a perimeter player while giving up JT, so gain a perimeter player for another one, but losing everything we had inside with Sheed. I dont think I will do this deal. Although Francis will lure fans and maybe some FA's this offseason, so I am very skeptical about this deal.

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I wouldn't mind having francis but what kind of cpa hit would we take? I mena we would be so think down low as you said that it scares me. Obviously we would draft either okafor or howard w/ our pick but is that enough to make us a championship contender? I don't think so. We might be in the same boat we just got out of. Lots of high priced players and no where to go but down. I think I may be more inclined to sit back right now let sheed walk and taek a couple of yrs to stockpile talent.

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What I would like to see is another team involved. I would love to get rid of JT in the process (if we bring on Francis). I don't think that happens though.

What about a three way with New York. They are willing to pay alot of money and want to win now.

Sheed to Houston

Francis/Thomas/Knight/Doleac to ATL

Mo Taylor/Nazr to New York

We end up with a lineup of...






Knights contract comes off the books at the end of the season, so we have his cap space. We draft a Center and try to convince Kobe that we have the team for him to win with...

Francis/Kobe/Diaw/Thomas/Okafar That team would play tremendous defense, fantastic peremiter offense and could compete in the eastern conference

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JT would have to be a part of that trade also. Houston doesn't have a PG. I don't consider anything from the Post a rumor. I think Vescey just sits around and thinks of trades and past them off as Rumors.

The fact is JVG is unhappy with Francis. Francis would be a draw in Atlanta. Once JT comes off BYC, the trade could be JT/Wallace for Taylor/Francis/and Piakwoski or something like that.

However, if we did the trade NOW...

Meaning we involve UTAH.

JT/Sheed goes to Houston.

We give up 24, we take back 20-21.

Francis/Taylor is about 18. That means that we'd take Piakwoski as well or Eddie Griffin's contract (if that can be done).

Houston would also have to send Utah the remaining 3-4 million. I'm thinking Utah would love to trade Spoon for Arroyo...

That gives them 4 million.

It Gives Utah their PF.

SO, we'd have:

Francis/Diaw/Jax/Taylor/Nazr to finish the season.

Francis would be a fan draw for years, but like I said before, he'd have to be able to draw FAs.

At the end of the season...

WE'd only clear 7 million (Person) with Glover and possibly Jax. So that's a clearance of 9 million. However, we'd draft a high pick... 2-3 million.

I don't know... This team might be capable of winning in the East?

I think our chances are better with Sheed if he can maintain control.

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i wouldn't do this

sure, francis would bring in fans...great for business, at least short-term

but as a fan, I don't care about attendance...i want to win in the future

i don't think we ever will with francis' contract

he's not much better than jt...not that many million more...

i'd rather trade jt and sign arroyo

draft okafur/howard

try to trade sheed for murphy/pietrus/expiring

try to trade nazr for butler

sign okur with our cap space

go with:






next summer, we lose 13 mill when hendu/cc/jax go off the books

try to sign mcgrady then:






then, in 07 or 08, when iverson is slowed down and philly is in lotto land, get our 1st from them

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