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2024-25 Insider Thread


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To lay things out, in summary, without tedious detail:

  1. Went to the ECF in '21
  2. Mostly ran our roster back in '22 (offloaded Cam for a 1st rounder, of which I expect no major disagreement now that we have a couple years of hindsight) with disappointing results (43-39)
  3. In '22-23 season, in summary, we upgraded the roster talent by bringing in Murray and sending out Heurter.  We spent ~$30M over the cap up to the first apron this season.  It's true we could have paid the tax to retain Heurter as a third string SG or a second string SF.  Teams do not generally go into the tax for no-defense 10 PPG bench players.
  4. After another utterly mid season (41-41), we offload John Collins and free up minutes for Jalen at PF.  We also have a new coaching staff that is aligned with the FO on a vision forward.  Again, going into the tax as a play-in team is pretty unprecedented, but many here believe JC was worth it.
  5. Now we had another poor season, not even making the playoffs, primarily due to the horrendous fit of Trae and Murray, and secondarily, due to injuries and personal issues that created depth problems.

The discourse around Ressler paying the tax completely miss the mark on this teams issues, which are deep and not able to be fixed by spending.  The issues with our team right now, outside of player fit, is that we do not have enough top-end talent.  Furthermore, before this Murray trade, we simply do not have the assets to acquire top end talent.  Landry is course correcting and putting the squad on a trajectory for long term success, with a focus on potential and development.  If your focus is only on the next season of play, I think many of you will continue to be disappointed for the next year or two.  But anyone interested in watching the players and team continue to improve and develop chemistry, the next couple of years is going to be really fun.  A championship is not in reach with the level of talent and assets we have right now.

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4 minutes ago, AHF said:

I’m going to one up @sturt and rate my confidence at a 95% level that we aren’t going to be a tax paying team this year.

I would put it at 99% for myself.  I'd also disclaim that I think paying the tax next season is completely irrelevant to any chance we have of contending in the near future.

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22 minutes ago, ShooterSays said:

Yeah I mean he's not going to just pay it to keep Hunter and Capela on this team. But if they can add like a Jarrett Allen, Lauri, or some other winning combo of players, I believe he'll pay it.

I wouldn't want to pay it either to keep Hunter and Capela here.

Our best asset to land a big player was DJM.  We converted him partly into trade assets but I just don’t think our owner is interested in paying the tax and think we are low on assets to make that kind of move anyway.

Remember that last year we positioned ourselves so that we could trade for Siakam and still avoid the tax.  It is very possible that even if we made a big trade we still won’t push ourselves over the tax line.

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2 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

Forget the money for a bit: my issue is that more NBA Talent going out - less coming back or in some cases, nothing....meanwhile they're talking about avoiding the play-in. 


AJ is an “it’s complicated” situation.

Murray I think had more limited offers than we realize.  Can only trade him to teams that want to give him the keys as your main on ball player.  

Two first round picks added with our other assets makes our potential trade packages more viable.  Gonna wait and see how we complete the roster, but we need more scoring.

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2 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

I would put it at 99% for myself.  I'd also disclaim that I think paying the tax next season is completely irrelevant to any chance we have of contending in the near future.

I would disclaim that as well because clearly teams will do better if they wisely spend more money.

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Just now, Spud2nique said:

If for nothing else we have a vision I guess. Rebuild 2 way wings 🪽 around Trae but we still gotta swing at least Capela or Hunter to shape the roster a bit more. 

Go Hawks! (Still a fan 😐)

I can't be anything else but a fan 😂,  a Atlanta native and Atlanta fan. Things can only go up from here

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4 minutes ago, KB21 said:

Yep.  As long as we have Trae Young’s gravity and Quin Snyder’s genius, the Hawks will be good offensively.  

That’s exactly what I was gonna say. We are kinda like posting twins 👯 at times but I’m better looking is all.

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4 minutes ago, AHF said:

Our best asset to land a big player was DJM.  We converted him partly into trade assets but I just don’t think our owner is interested in paying the tax and think we are low on assets to make that kind of move anyway.

Who are these "big" players that were available for DJM?

Because most trades like this aren't player for player, they're player for picks. Which we now also have again.

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Just now, Marvin24Williams said:

I know it’s us, the Hawks but a combo of Cap and Hunter could bring back more than DJ. There are 29 teams out there and lots of them could use a rebounder like Cap and a defending (kinda, well, ya..) Hunter on the 🪽 

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1 minute ago, JayBirdHawk said:

Cutting off your nose to spite your face perhaps, LAC?



....not that they didn't like the offer, but was just averse to sending him there. He goes to a Capspace team, LAC gets nothing besides a TPE.

I hate Lacob with a passion. The way he stormed out after that 2016 finals loss to the Cavs was childish. I hope he doesn’t get anyone good. 🙏🏿 

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3 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

Cutting off your nose to spite your face perhaps, LAC?



....not that they didn't like the offer, but was just averse to sending him there. He goes to a Capspace team, LAC gets nothing besides a TPE.

Speaking of the scrubs and the pacific division, I believe Klay will be a Laker cuz he got burned by the scrubs. Revenge within 😆 

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20 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

The discourse around Ressler paying the tax completely miss the mark on this teams issues, which are deep and not able to be fixed by spending. 


You accuse, perhaps with validity, that some people aren't seeing the bigger picture.

I'm accusing you of not seeing the still bigger bigger picture.

The owner has confirmed without question... in behaviors even more so than words... that his priority is what his priority is.

And the practical meaning of that is, if/when this team ever does finally get back into the vicinity of Base Camp IV, there will remain the question of whether he perceives they are in that vicinity, ie sufficient for him to provide the special resources he, for now can just theoretically claim he will provide... but b/c his priority is what his priority is, there's an extremely good reason to be skeptical that his assessment will be balanced... that his assessment will not, instead, be tainted by his myopic focus on whether he's had sufficient income in the lead-up to that to be comfortable with spending money.

I've been used. I'm tired of being used. Tony wants the imagery that he cares enough... so... that others will care (and with that, buy tix, merch, and help provide income thru advertisers)... but what he cares about primarily is self-interest, not what the rest of us care about. That mindset represents something like a glass ceiling. This team will find it so much more difficult to summit Everest than most, maybe even all, other franchises in this league, due to its owner. That's depressing, but it's reality.

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