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2024-25 NBA Regular Season: Notes/Tidbits/Updates etc.


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13 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

So they avoided the year they would be in a crunch that I outlined above, AND they front loaded the contract as I suggested would be prudent. 

Damnnnnnn ol' JEFFE does understand the cap and how to make strategic decisions 😯😯😲  🙃 makes you really think  🤔 wow! 🙃😏 🤪🤪🤪🤪 

Presti is such a shrewd GM.  Constricted arguably the most talented young core ever and doing a damn good job at his second act.  I know it pained him to max out Westbrook but he had to patronize their fanbase at the time.

If they stay healthy then mfers might push 65-67 wins.  The additions of Caruso and Hartenstein  (did everyone know he’s Black?) are gonna make them so f&@kin hard to score upon, already adding to studs in Dort and Chet.  I watched them a whole helluva lot last season, even more upcoming.

Edited by benhillboy
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3 minutes ago, Alex said:

Yep I totally agree. They definitely got worse from last season after winning the title the year prior. They’ve got zero depth as it was and now can’t afford to keep one on their starters around. At this point it’s a challenge to field an NBA roster for Denver. Their starting 5 was hands down the best in the league. Inserting whoever into KCP’s spot is a downgrade, but it’s still probably a top 8ish starting unit now. Unless they find gold with an unknown bench piece or two they are in trouble.

The crime there is they have arguably the best player in the league on the roster.  If you don't 'go for it' in that circumstance, when do you ever?

I suspect, because Jokic is a big and not as marketable as others of his talent level, they may have not seen the post-title financial gains that GS did (for example).  And they've decided winning big isn't worth it.  That's criminal, from a sports perspective, but I get it from a management perspective.  

3 minutes ago, benhillboy said:

Presti is such a shrewd GM.  Constricted arguably the most talented young core ever and doing a damn good job at his second act.  I know it pained him to max out Westbrook but he had to patronize their fanbase at the time.

If they stay healthy then mfers might push 65-67 wins.

He signed the check so its his fault, not the fans'.  Don't let him off the hook for it just 'cause you like him.  That's all I'll say.

Agree overall that they're a really good collection of talent that's been put together intelligently. 

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13 minutes ago, kg01 said:

The crime there is they have arguably the best player in the league on the roster.  If you don't 'go for it' in that circumstance, when do you ever?

I suspect, because Jokic is a big and not as marketable as others of his talent level, they may have not seen the post-title financial gains that GS did (for example).  And they've decided winning big isn't worth it.  That's criminal, from a sports perspective, but I get it from a management perspective.  

He signed the check so its his fault, not the fans'.  Don't let him off the hook for it just 'cause you like him.  That's all I'll say.

Agree overall that they're a really good collection of talent that's been put together intelligently. 

I’m pretty sure it was an ownership override.  He didn’t want to get fired like Schlenk for trying to offload an extremely marketable player, especially in their diminutive market.

Edited by benhillboy
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14 minutes ago, kg01 said:

Iirc, his mom or dad is black.  I suspect either his mom or dad has some 'splainin' to do ... 

That is right.  I just thought it was funny given how pale he is.  This is his dad, Florian Hartenstein.

Flo Hartenstein im Interview über die ProB, junge Talente und seinen ...

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40 minutes ago, benhillboy said:

I’m pretty sure it was an ownership override.  He didn’t want to get fired like Schlenk for trying to offload an extremely marketable player, especially in their diminutive market.

I thought you heat culcha club members frowned on excuses? 😇

38 minutes ago, theheroatl said:


Hawks could learn something about selling high


30 minutes ago, ShayD said:

Won the chip and giving luxury tax responsibilities to the next owner. Ressler could learn from him.

You both are 1000% correct.  But scared money don't make no money.. 

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12 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

Lebrons call to Klay last night:

Klay, you even gonna get the MLE?? LOL! Not gonna be a Laker, chief, good luck scraping for pennies!!! #Washed

LeB: Mmyeah, see Bronni really likes the ball on the wing so we're gonna need you setting screens like a mad man an...

Kl0y: Uhm, is this part of what JJ wants for the team, 'cause I was under the imp...

(shuffle, shuffle)

JJ: Listen, send help.  I signed up for a podcast but now they got me locked in...

(thud, blows landing)

LeB (calmly): Yaas, see JJ is 100% on board with the plan.  Uhm, we'll pay you the minimum and .... let's say about 20 minutes a day in my presence.  AD settled for a 'taco tuesday' dinner and 2 tweets a month but we're willing to go that extra mile for you, Kl0y .. I mean, Klay.  Sorry, almost had a West-brick moment there.  Haha...

Kl0y: Uhm... is my dad there with you?  I haven't heard from him in .. months.

LeB: Sorry, I can't comment.  Statue of limitations and all that, amirite?  Hyuk, hyuk ... Kl0y, you still there? 

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