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Sheed 3 way that brings us Franchise/Dampier


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Okay guys, let me know what you think of this deal. We could legitmately make this deal today I do believe and this would make us a vastly improved team.

Rasheed to Houston

Future first from Atlanta via Philly to Houston

Mo Taylor to Golden State

Piatkowski to Golden State

Franchise to Atlanta

Dampier to Atlanta

Trade ID: 1501737

Now, this hurts our cap space quite a bit if Dampier doesnt opt out and he is a risk because of his history in the league so far......but if he is truly breaking out then we would have one of the best centers in the game. We could then draft Howard or Okafor and have a pretty damn nice squad.






Or if Damp opts out and we dont want to resign him we can let him go and make a run at Kobe since we would still have some money, or maybe QRich if we cant get Kobe.

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I suppose that GS would do it. However, my thinking about GS trading Dampiere was for more Cap Space.

I have heard that they were interested in Dale Davis for Damp with the right perks...

Now... The way to make something work...

Sheed/Nazr to NY.

Thomas/F. Williams to GS.

KVH/JT to Houston.

Cato to Utah.

Francis/Taylor/Dampier/Brochardt to Atlanta.

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Taylor has a long contract and while he is a very good scorer, he is a below average rebounder and defender. That being said, IF the other 2 teams would do it, I'd probably pull the trigger. If I did do it, I'd have to keep Nazr because Damp seems to be more effective when he plays no more than 30-32 minutes. In addition, I would give JT and Francis a chance to see how they played together in the backcourt but I might look to move JT before its all said and done.

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1) Sheed CAN'T be combined with another player in a trade for 45 days which means we can't trade him with another Hawks player until the offseason.

2) Why in the heck would you want to bring Mo Taylor's jacked up contract here? I'd MUCH rather have Nazr and JT and their contracts than Mo Taylor's contract. Mo comes off the bench for Houston at a bigger salary than JT is making now. I'd much rather have Nazr and JT coming off the bench for us than Mo Taylor and Curtis Borchardt coming off the bench, not to mention that both JT's and Nazr's contracts end 3 seasons before Taylor's does. JT would be a terrific 6th man, maybe the best in the NBA. And Nazr is solid off the bench. Houston can keep Taylor as far as I'm concerned or they could ship him to GS if they would want him.

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The only real reason that I can think of is in case Dampier doesnt opt out this year. He is making a pretty decent salary and might not make more than he currently is, so there is a chance that he might stay on for 2 more years at his current high salary. They have Foyle who will be coming back and he would be a good replacement (maybe even better) than Dampier. Piatkowski when healthy gives them a much needer jumpshooter......but you are right, they might not have any real incentive to do this deal. I think both us and Houston would be fine with it. Maybe we would be send that first to GS instead of to Houston to give them enough incentive.

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