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The new Yankees lineup will be very tough


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Based on last years numbers

Kenny Loften .296 BA / .352 OBP / .801 OPS / 12HR / 46 RBI

Derek Jeter .324 BA / .393 OBP / .844 OPS / 10HR / 52 RBI

Alex Rodriguez .298 BA / .396 OBP / .995 OPS / 47 HR / 118 RBI

Jason Giambi .250 BA / .4112 OBP / .939 OPS / 41 HR / 107 RBI

Gary Sheffield .330 BA / .419 OBP / 1.023 OPS / 39 HR / 132 RBI

Bernie Williams .263 BA / .367 OBP / .778 OPS / 15 HR / 64 RBI

Jorge Posada .281 BA / .405 OBP / .922 OPS / 30 HR / 101 RBI

Hideki Matsui .287 BA / .353 OBP / .788 OPS / 16 HR / 106 RBI

Miguel Cairo .245 BA / .289 OBP / .665 OPS / 5 HR / 32 RBI

The only real weak spot in the lineup is Cairo and thats pretty insignificant being that he is the #9 hitter. I wouldnt be surprised to see someone else playing 2nd base like Eric Almonte though. Bernie and Jeter both missed 40 games last year so their stats were significantly down and should definitely improve. Matsui should be even better now that he has gotten used to MLB a little bit. Giambi should be able to pull his average up this year if he can remain healthy. One thing I didnt realize until just now is how good of a season Sheff had last year. His numbers were amazing. If he can just be a good citizen in the clubhouse he should be able to come close to those numbers again this year.

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Jeter actually had a bit of a comeback year, dude. His stats had been on the decline for a couple of years. Check 'em out. I wouldn't ever expect an aging, injured player's stats to improve, either. Bernie is a fantastic player, but I don't expect him to be the .330 hitter he once was. He's getting a little older.

Maybe I'm picking nits. Yep. I just want the Yanks to lose so badly. Of course, they'll make the playoffs, but I wouldn't be surprised to see this team self destruct in a short series.

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anonymous....or do you have something to hide?

Dont even go telling me about Jeter and what he has done or did last year......I watch almost every single Yankees game on TV and follow them just as closely as I do the Hawks. Jeter did have a down year last year, because of his big time shoulder injury......however he was really starting to come on at the end of the year and at least OBP and BA wise he ended up having a fine year. However, his errors were up from previous years when you consider how many games he played, plus his HRs and RBIs were well down even considering how many games he lost.

Bernie is dropping off at an alarming rate and while he can still do some magical things with the bat in October, he isnt even half the player that he once was and thats why he wont even be a position player this year....he will be relegated to DH. I love Bernie as a player, but his best days are LONG GONE.

Good luck with hoping that the Yankees self destruct in a short series.....its only happened three times in the last what 8-9 years? They lost to the Mariners in 5 in 1995 (essentially against Randy Johnson), lost to Cleveland in 5 in 1997 on a 8th or 9th inning series winning HR, and lost to Anaheim 2 years ago when they definitely showed their age. Other than that they have proven that they can win a short series against anyone and have done so in every imaginable way. Perhaps this team of stars they have put together will fail, perhaps not having a lefty in the starting rotation will kill them.......but I have faith in my team that when its on the line they will pull through.

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Is it really going to be a big accomplishment if the Yankees win the World Series?

They should, right? So what if they win the World Series, they are suppose to win?

They have a bigger advantage than anyone. I'm not saying it is wrong. But, really what since of accomplishment is there?

If the Yankees don't win they are a bunch of overpriced chokers. If the Yankees do win, well they are suppose to they have the best roster in baseball.


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Well you are entitled to your opinion........however the last 3 years should have proven to you that payroll doesnt win the world series. It doesnt win in basketball either. What wins is a team with heart and intelligence that plays as a team. It doesnt hurt if they are talented.....but just because they are the highest paid doesnt mean they will automatically win. I can think of 5-6 teams right now that have just as good of a chance to win the world series as the Yankees do.

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hold up guys... let me settle this for u guys

now, its this simple

- its true, Yankees DO have an advantage over others... simply b/c they have more talent on the team

- its also true, that TALENT itself cant win the world series... it takes HEART + DESIRE + some luck to win. The MARLINS are a living proof of this theory.

- While Yankees are favorites to win, it wont be handed to them. The ASTROS pitching squad improved, the CUBS are contenders again, the MARLINS wants to prove everyone wrong once again, the RED SOX are still talented, and any team with BARRY BONDS will win some games.

i like to compare this debate using BASKETBALL/NBA.

The YANKEES are the LOS ANGELES LAKERS. While they have many great players, the KINGS/WOLVES/SPURS WILL MAKE THEM earn a championship. ITS NOT GOING TO BE HANDED TO THEM ON A SILVER PLATE! If the MAVs are shooting lights out, u can add them to the list as well... they will outscore u! ALSO- If one of the big 4 is injured, i dont see the LAKERS winning it at all.

And a CINDERELLA story could happen with an EASTERN TEAM beating the powerhouse WEST team... but its unlikely... BUT THEN AGAIN, its not as if its IMPOSSIBLE!

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I'm not saying that someone else can't win the World Series. Re-read my statement. I'm saying they are suppose to win because they have the most talent.

When you have the most talent that's what usually happens. You win. There are times when it doesn't happen. But you give yourself the best chance possible. Other teams may have a shot like you mention 5 to 6 teams. (Geez, that is great for the game knowing that there are only 5 to 6 teams that can win it.) But, your team still has the best shot of any. Due to the talent you bought.

So where is the since of accomplishment is what I ask you. It is one thing if it was home grown talent. But you only have 4 players on your roster from your minor leagues (Jeter, Posada, Rivera and Williams). Home grown talent there is a since of accomplishment. But, the Yankees will buy the title and they will win. The Yankees did nothing wrong. They just didn't really accomplish much to me.

Also, its not like the Yankees are in some sort of drought. They haven't been champs in 3 years big deal. It could be worse if you were a Red Sox or Cubs fan.

I just think it would be a big choke job if the Yankees don't win it. By all means they have the best roster. If injuries hit them, I can except that. But, if they just lose then they are overpriced chokers.


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Perhaps in your eyes the team with the biggest payroll is supposed to win the World Series, but thats not reality. It very rarely happens, irregardless of what sport or team it is. You can also talk all day long about the talent that the Yankees bought, but the FACT is that they have one of the best scouting departments in baseball and routinely draft the best players, which they in turn use as trade bait when they go after the overpriced veterans that other teams are too cheap to retain. Drafting great, developing prospects, and then trading them for high priced veterans is not buying a title by any means.

So, where is the SENSE of accomplishment? Unless every other team out there just lays down and gives you the championship you still have to play 180 games or so to win the world series and you still have to beat some VERY good teams to do it. Just having the highest payroll doesnt even take away 1% of the satisfaction, or SENSE of accomplishment from winning the championship. I have played on some stacked teams before in various sports at many different levels compared to opponents and have always felt a SENSE of accomplishment when we beat them. Thats why they play the game!!

I also never said that the Yankees were in some sort of drought either. They havent won the world series in 3 years and thats not a huge gap for many teams, however my point was that it just proves that other teams are still completely capable of winning the championship even with a lineup that doesnt have huge money players on it. Just look at the Marlins.

Anyways, you will never understand where I am coming from and this is becoming a very tired subject. You have my POV and thats where I will let this rest.

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Fair Enough. But, one think I will state don't blame other teams for giving away their players. Some teams have to do it so they don't lose money.

For example, the Devil Rays have a payroll around 38 million, lets say they increase their pay roll to 70 million. That is almost double what it is now. They would lose a lot of money. One being that they can not recoup a pay roll that size from attendance and the market they are in.

The other being what is the purpose to have a pay roll that size. Lou Pinella is going to have a heart attack. He is so pissed about what the Yankees and Red Sox are doing. What's the sense of increasing pay roll when there is not a chance at winning the division or being a wild card. What's the point? No one is going to come out for an entire season to watch a team that is 15 to 20 games out of first. Tampa Bay could have their best year and win 85 games and in all likelihood not make the playoffs. So not only do they not make the playoffs they lose big in what they will have to pay. They will be losing money big time. It's just the economics of baseball.

I just wouldn't say that teams deliberately give players away or don't want to win. Maybe one or two teams fall into that. Not all teams. Pittsburgh is the same as Tampa Bay and they even have a new stadium.

I may see your point that teams have more of a chance to win a World Series before they win their own division. Because even you have to see that over a 162 game schedule the teams with the most talent will win. In a short series that isn't necessarily the case.


But you are right you will never see my POV and I will never see yours. I just thought I could bring a different perspective, because I'm not a Yankee fan. I just like baseball. I would prefer parity like the NFL. Some do not. I like the feeling of having every team being able to possiblly win the World Series.

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Can you stop defending your ridiculous team with its propensity for conspicuous consumption???

Scouting department? Oh, boy, I bet those guys really had to work hard to figure out that ARod had some hidden talent, but you meant the draft...

Jeter only fell to the Yankees in the first round b/c no other team could afford to sign him, ala Rick Ankiel and J.D. Drew.

So, the Yanks trade those hot prospects for 'overpriced veterans that other teams are too cheap to retain'? Where do I begin????? First, name a couple of those players who've amounted to anything. Actually teams overvalue Yankee prospects. Second, TOO CHEAP? WHAT THE (*!^* are you talking about? Teams can't afford to resign those players because the don't have the freakin' money. They're not just pinch-pennies, moron. THIRD, if the Yanks do have a good scouting department (and I actually think it is solid, but not great), then they very well should because they spend more on that sector than any other team. Many teams have had to downsize scouting.

You will have a very hard time convincing anyone of the Yankees' great accomplishments if they win. BASEBALL is the only sport in which one team can have three times the average payroll and get away with it. The Yankees lost last year, so they went out and spent more and more and more. They went and traded for the most ridiculous contract in baseball. Why? Because they could...they are, after all, the Yankees.

What I wonder is WHY anyone actually is a fan (outside of New York). What is the point? So, you root for the best team so that you have the highest chance of being a winner? That's the best I can come up with.

Am I bitter? Of course! Every fan in baseball is bitter about the absurd imbalance in baseball right now. I hope the Yankees lose and look stupid doing it, but then again, they'll probably just buy more players if they do.

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