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Billy Knight


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is doing a very good job of rebuilding guys. This is what I said should have been done a long time ago. Blow the team up at the seams and start all over. Przybilla's contract is expiring at the end of the year, so he is making a pit stop also. Doleac only has a 2 year deal.

And the biggest advantage of these moves are we aren't going to win another game this season putting us in the running for the 1st pick in the NBA draft and clearing loads of salary at the same time.

These are genius moves and I like it!!

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I give him an "A" in his approach to rebuilding our team...

if he got a future first out of some deals, i would give him an A+...

but his 2 latest trades put us in a great position to win in the future...

if he didnt complete the last 2 trades, next year would be no different than this year.

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I understand BK. He doesn't want any future first because that's not how you build a real champion... BK is saying:

1. We don't want first because they take time to develop.

2. We don't want future first because they have guaranteed contracts.

3. We'd rather have that money to spend on FAs who are already polished.

Think about after, this year, we lose the contracts of Hendu/CC just in time to be major players in another strong FA class.

Aside from guys like Tmac, Allen, Reef, Camby, and so on...

There's also guys from DJ's class who will be free agents. Crawford, Fizer, etc. We will have a little more than 10 Million to go after FAs. A future first could suck that money up and make us waste time developing.

I see a theme in drafting from BK too. He will only draft upperclassmen or Europlayers. He wants players that can come in ready to play big minutes... With one exception: Howard. I think Knight also realizes that this team needs a face and Howard could be our Lebron James.

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We would have the exact same team next year without these moves. What they are doing should have been done after these guys played 25 games. We all knew this was going nowhere.

I would rather start with young potential and lose than continue doing the same thing with these huge veteran contract players. Lets lose with potential of good things in the future.

I personally think Shareef and Theo are past their prime. They are still good but they are on the downward slope of their career and that is not good for a rebuilding team.

These are good moves anyway you look at it!!!

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I think knight has done a great job as well. I wonder if he plans on using our cash this yr or waiting a couple of yrs to make the splash after stockpiling some talent? Say we don't sign any big names this yr and we draft howard, we give him a yr to get aclimated to the league then next seaosn we still have a top pick maybe we draft a guy like sebastion telfair to run the pt. Then maybe we start the spending spree to bring in veteran stars, which will be easier to do if we already have a talented bunch of young players.

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just out of curiosity... everyone keeps saying we can just draft howard this year. He'll go #1 or 2 in all likelihood. As of right now I believe there are 4 teams with worse records in the league than us. So either everyone is counting on us losing out every game or getting very lucky, or both. Not to mention the 4 spot is guaranteed to the bobcats. I mean the magic had to grind out the 15 wins they got, and I woldn't count on them getting that many wins in the 2nd half

All I'm saying is don't yet count on us getting first choice. Our choice might be between Pavel Podkolzine and Luol Deng

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None at all.

However, if you think about it... What if Howard were as marketable as Lebron. If we go after Kobe, he won't be as Marketable. Kobe is not overwhelmingly popular and this latest thing has made his popularity worse.

But Howard could be for us as Nique was for us. A hometown guy who can be the man for this team now and in the future.

All that is to say is that I believe Atlanta needs a NEW face.

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I agree about Howard. I think we have to shoot for him because right now he is the most hyped young star the NBA is talking about and he is a local product similar to Lebron and Cleveland.

We have to lose the rest of our games to get the 1st pick. Can you believe 4 other teams have worse records than the Hawks??

If we don't get Howard, who do you draft?

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