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Where are the hustle Hawks?


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I thought it was pretty lame, on that technical foul on Jackson. He was barking at the refs instead of gettign on DEFENSE. He missed an easy layup, and no detriot defender had a hand near him, yet he was crying for a call. He was pissed at himself and it cost us a fast break.

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Nobody had a hand near him ...but Ben did bump him in the back....detroit announcers were saying that Ben is defensive player of the year so Jax is not going to get that call....that has to be frustrating...but Jax should have said nothing and continue to play....bad teams almost never get calls to go there way even when they are obvious.

We were not ready for that type on intensity and offensive precision tonight...to be honest we shouldn't be able to compete with that team...if we were able to compete I would question Detroit.....but they look good...if they can get out in transition like they did against the bulls and us ...against NJ or Indiana...they will be tough to beat...they are good defensively...so they will get plenty chances to run.

CC Jax and Pryz couldn't get any calls to go their way tonight...I'm afraid it is going to be like that for the rest of the year aginst the better teams....we should still be able to see some exciting ball when we play against the lesser teams...maybe we can get out and run a little.

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Yeah but KB we still got our butt whipped so those 18rebounds and six blocks goes for nothing. Heck, Ben Wallace could have gotten 18 and 6 by himself on any given night so Przy and N'daiye aren't that impressive.

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Game was SO exciting, I went to sleep early in the third

quarter. When I awoke, it was over!

What ever we were trying to do on defense, it didn't work.

They could do no wrong. We could do no right.

Our shots? Many misses. Their shots? Mostly hits.

We were shooting around 30 % & the Pistons around 60 %.

Sure didn't look like the last two games. Better luck


Go Hawks ~~~~~~~~~~~

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I mean c'mon people. We can talk about hustle and all that all we want. But we're still going to suck. We might out-hustle some teams that come in expecting us to roll over. BUt a team that comes to play and comes to play hard is going to beat us 99% of the time.

We are not a good team. We are not a team of good players.

Just because we patted ourselves on the back becuase, for TWO GAMES THIS ENTIRE SEASON we witnessed a team hustling and working hard, doesn't mean we're going to get wins from it. Becuause lets face it, WE LACK TALENT. And it takes talent to win consistantly in this league.

Also, to all you people who are crowing because we lost. GET A LIFE.

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AMEN chillz...

we did HUSTLE... but after all is said and done, they were simply too talented.

in the beginning, up to halftime... DETROIT had a layup drill against us. It was sooo bad that even Ben Wallace hit a shot in the perimeter, near the 3 point line.

At halftime, i think detroit had like 20 POINTS IN THE PAINT... while we had 0!

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