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Our identity according to Knight will be uptempo. That's why he wanted to keep JT. I differ with him on that opinion... However, if that's the case,

Sura and Jax will be resigned at reasonable prices. Where does Diaw fit? Right now, when he comes off the bench, he doesn't really fit in. We don't have a strong defensive scheme.

In the draft, we will draft a guy who our team can be built around.

IF that's Howard, we get a PF who runs as fast as many guards... A young Karl Malone with More polish around the basket.

If that's Smith, we get a guy who is Tmac like.

Either way, we get a guy who can score and run...

Diaw does neither well. His game is pass and defend. That left out with Theo.

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JT needs Sura. Sura is a perfect match for JT in the backcourt. They both get up and down the floor and on top of that, Sura is a darn good rebounder. Remember, I'm not saying trade Diaw for the sake of trading him. I'm saying trade him if we can get something good for him.... Something that fits!

For instance, if we got Smith out of our early pick... I would not be against trading Diaw for Swift, Kwame, or Gooden.

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Every team that plays that style has a player like that.

Let's look at the guys you mentioned.....

Artest. He plays in Indy's halfcourt offense. In Chicago, he proved that he would be no good in a uptempo offense.

Bowen. He plays in the halfcourt offense developed in San Antonio....Whereelse has he shined??

Pippen... Classic example. In the slow down game of the Bulls, Pippen was allowed to flourish. What happened when he went to Houston? Houston played a transition game with Hakeem as the focus in the halfcourt set. Pipp disappeared. In PTL when Smitty was there, PTL ran a lot of halfcourt motion offense, Pipp found a home again.

Christie... Sac-Town plays uptempo. A very good uptempo game... BUT... Everybody on Sac-Town can pass and is expected to pass. From Vlade to Bibby to Jackson to Peja to Webber to Miller all are very good passers.

Diaw is on a team that:

1. Will run.

2. Will not be strong defensively.

3. Will look to outscore...

He doesn't fit as well as he used to. Remember, he was brought here to be a compliment to JT in the Motion offense. Now what?

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