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The National Basketball Association today disallowed a missed field goal attempt and ensuing rebound which gave

Atlanta Hawk guard Bob Sura a statistical "triple-double" in the Hawks'129-107 victory over the New Jersey Nets on April 12.

In the closing seconds of that game, Sura intentionally missed a layup and grabbed the rebound.

The NBA rule book states that "A field goal attempt is a player's attempt to shoot the ball into the basket for a field goal."

The league ruled that Sura did not attempt a field goal, and therefore there was no rebound.

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Of course they will disallowed that triple-double. But I bet if it would of been KG, J. Kidd, Kobe and anyone else in that statue it would of been allowed and all over sportcenter, Why? because those are future hall of famers and players that are celebrated in the basketball world, unlike Bobby Sura.

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I kinda knew there would be a reaction like that. But the reaction is WRONG. First of all, there is no rule that says you have to dribble out the clock at the end of regulation if you have a comfortable lead. Secondly, it was a shot attempt - the key word being ATTEMPT. If Atlanta were not ahead at that point, and had Sura caught the ball and thrown it up at the rim, would it not have counted as a shot attempt? And did the NBA also not give him credit for a shot attempt?

If I were Sura, I'd probably just laugh it off...and I'm sure he doesn't give a sh#t one way or the other; I don't expect an apology from him either. Also, I don't think it's the same situation as Ricky Davis - being that it was THREE CONSECUTIVE triple-doubles on the line, it WAS a shot attempt, and that it was an attempt at HIS OWN basket.

Even still, I don't see the problem. So a guy wants a triple double, big deal. In the end, it's just goofing off near the end of a game. It's no more disrespectful than mild trash talking, taking a gorilla dunk and hanging on the rim (when the score doesn't matter), or throwing the ball in the air at the end of a game.

If anything, I think Greg Anthony should be fined for hatin' last night. Did anyone see that? He said you don't see winners doing things like that, and that it just goes to show what losers are all about - that they are just concerned about stats. Get a job Greg and a personality and stop hatin'!


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Personally, I like this ruling from the NBA. If a guy is not making a good faith effort to shoot I don't like rewarding that for the sake of a triple-double. IMO, this ruling will stop people like Sura and (even worse) Ricky Davis from pulling stat-induced stunts. Sura admitted he wasn't trying to put the ball in the goal on that "shot" so I don't have a problem with this.

I applaud Sura's recent play regardless of whether he had 9 or 10 rebounds in last night's game. It hurts to see our draft position drop but Sura's excellence is appreciated by the fans in Atlanta.

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I mean, Ricky D shooting at the opponents basket is one thing - which is IMO inconsequential in the meaningless moments in a meaningless game; Sura throwing up a shot and catching the rebound in a similar situation is another.

*LOL* From the looks of the play, it would seem to me that he should be given credit based on the degree of difficulty. Stotts should be slapped too, because there was a rebound that bounced off a few guys that rolled to him (#8 I think), and he looked right at the scorers and said count it; he also left Sura in for the sake of getting the board.

What about Jordan going for whatever that rediculous amount of points it was that he needed in ONE GAME to surpass Shaq for the scoring title?

What about stopping the game on a foul to hand Nique the ball for *can't right of the top of my head remember the statistical feat*

Do I think what Sura did was right? I honestly don't think it matters, that it's petty, and the man should be given credit for his shot attempt and the rebound. It's not a shot at the integrity of the game, hell, the man is playing his heart out in meaningless games when he has already earned some attention and losing is in the team's better interest.

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I want to know where the precedent or the rule is regarding all this. On what grounds does the NBA have to stand on saying you can't make a shot attempt? Sh#t if they say that Sura shouldn't be given credit for his rebound, then they shouldn't be giving people free throws for hoisting the ball up during a foul just so they could be "in the act of shooting. *LOL* I've seen some CRAZY shot attempts in CRITICAL game situations...

There's no rule that says you can't intetionally miss a free throw for any reason. If that were the case, then they should call a tech on guys trying to make and miss to send a game into overtime.

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i too disagree with the reaction... simply b/c

1)it did not offend anyone- esp the NETS. they could have easily messed it up, but knew whats was happenin and allowed it to happen. i mean, this isint like the RICKY DAVIS episode

2)what defines a SHOT ATTEMPT? like sura said "the ball slipped..." haha...

3)u guys watch Sportscenter or ESPN news? they are hatin like crazy on SURA rite now... sayin it was CHEAP.

anyhow, greg anthony is jealous... cuz he cant even get close to a triple double in a SINGLE GAME... hahaa

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Well, dog my cats! If that don't beat all.

If he had been 2 points short and made the shot, would they

have ruled "No basket" because the defense didn't try to stop him?? Probably.

Did he attempt a shot? Yes, he did. Will players now be

punished each time they attempt a shot and miss? Sure

they will. I can see it all now, can't you!

Whatever they say, Bob Sura had a heck of a game. Two

triple doubles and one very questionable, dissallowed

rebound short of three.

Conspiricy against atlanta continues. How long did it

take to satisfy everyoue that the Atlanta Spirit was

capable and entitled to purchase the Thrashers and

the Hawks? And now, this. Icing on the cake of the

N.B.A. as they atempt to discredit anything they can

here. If it had been in New York or California, you

can bet it would have counted!

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Had this happened to a player that played for a New York team or an LA team, the league would have said nothing about it.

Had this been Garnett or McGrady, nothing would have been said about it.

It is all about the 'star' power in the NBA.

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the dude was having fun..what's the harm in it..ricky davis had a history of problems with coaches and management so it was just another event added to the list..but sura has never gotten in trouble and was enjoying himself at the encouraging of his teammates.

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the dude was having fun..what's the harm in it..ricky davis had a history of problems with coaches and management so it was just another event added to the list..but sura has never gotten in trouble and was enjoying himself at the encouraging of his teammates.

I don't blame Sura at all. I just don't think that cheap stat stunts like this or Allen Iverson's 40 point game streak as a rookie (other team played no D to allow him to set the record) should be part of the game.

That is a good point about the free throws, though. I'll have to think about why that is different, if it is.

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had he needed two more points in that game for the triple double and just laid it in....the league would have counted it. Simply put, I don't see how they can overturn this stat....it was technically a triple double...period. whether you want to argue the spiriti of the matter or not, that's one thing.. But it was legit ~

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had he needed two more points in that game for the triple double and just laid it in....the league would have counted it. Simply put, I don't see how they can overturn this stat....it was technically a triple double...period. whether you want to argue the spiriti of the matter or not, that's one thing.. But it was legit ~

Their argument is more technical than that. You can only get a rebound off a shot attempt. They are saying that someone intending to miss is not attempting to make a shot and therefore there can be no rebound. The logic is all solid until it breaks down with intentionally missed FTs. If someone intentionally misses a FT, whoever grabs the ball is not grabbing a rebound according to that logic because there was never a shot attempt and you can't have a rebound except off a shot attempt.

I can't think of any way to get around the FT problem in this rule interpretation by the NBA.

I also agree that they did this because Atlanta is not a big name team and Sura is not a big name player but also because they just had a fiasco with this last year with Ricky Davis and they are trying to avoid adverse publicity.

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