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Best move for the Hawks?


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What do you think the best move for the Hawks would be?

Trade the 6th and 17th picks to move up for Dwight Howard?


Keep the picks and take, let's say, Josh Smith and Al Jefferson with those picks?

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Hawks, I believe, really want Dwight Howard and he has

indicated that he wants to be an Atlanta Hawk.

Apparently, the kid is something special. Atlanta

needs something special. Look what trading up for Mike

Vick did for the Falcons! Can D.H. do the same for the

Hawks? I don't know but I would hope that is the case

if they do get him.

He could do much as L.J. did for the Cavs. He didn't take

them to the playoffs, not yet, any way. But, he sure

gave new life to the team and a lot of hope for the future,

just as M.V. did for the Falcons.

Can the Hawks build a new team around D.H.? Can they

build a new image team around Josh Smith and Al Jefferson?

What if we sent the Clippers our first, first round pick,

a second round pick and something or someone else? How

badly do the Clippers want draft picks? We may end up

with a three way deal or two when this all plays out.

I expect to see D.H. in a Hawks uniform come pre-season.

This will be the cornerstone that they build their new

Hawks team upon. I could be wrong, but that's my best

guess right now.

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I think the best move for this team is to package JT and the 6th in return for the #1 or #2 pick and the best player we can get. If we could get Drew Gooden or Juwan Howard from the Magic with the #1 pick or Wilcox or Ely from the Clippers in addition to the #2 I would certainly do it. I know that nobody would hesitate to take Garnett or Duncan with the #6 and #17, but there is still that doubt about Howard since he is really unproven I think that both of those picks in exchange for only the #2 is too much IMO.

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Yeah given up 2 1st round picks for a 18yearold kid who doesn't carry the hype of Lebron James is too much. I wouldn't have hesitated if it were Lebron we were given those picks up to get. I think though if the clippers gave up Wilcox or Ely with Howard we would have a good young Forward rotation at the 4spot. Isn't Ely a little heavier than Wilcox? Whom ever can play the center positon is who I would want to get out of the deal.

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I would offer JT and no 6 but not no17 and maybe throw a second rounder if that made a difference.If Clips were insistant on the philly future 1st rounder I would give it to him. My first option is JT and no 6 and I would take on salary with a player clips trying to get rid of.

Either way you look at it the hawks will come out well.Guess it is a matter of who has more potential Josh Smoth or howard if both are equal you take the bigger player.

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The best move for the Hawks is to get multiple 1st round picks. This is the perfect draft to have multiple 1st rounders. Guys with all kinds of potential (not neccessarily NBA ready game) will be falling left and right - thanks to the huge number of preps and Euros in this draft. So, whether that be the #6 and #17 or some miraculous way to end up with two lottery picks (specifically the two local boys), I think coming away with 2 1st rounders is the best option. Since we didn't get the #1 or #2, that may be out of the question.

JT/#6 for Howard? I do this only if Howard shows the potential in the workouts. A dominant big man is the easiest to build around in the NBA. You get a big guy on the block that commands attention and makes high percentage shots and you'll open up the game for everyone else. If the Clippers send us a player back, like Kaman or Ely, then I do it without hesitation.

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Giving up JT and your 2 1st round picks for Howard is way too much, especially when there is no Lebron James in this draft. This is a deep draft so I would keep my picks and maybe package my 2nd round picks and JT for another 1st round pick.

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