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I still would pick Josh Smith at #6.....


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I know I will hear the critics saying he has dropped too much to pick at 6. I can't get over the fact that this is the most athletic kid in the draft and we may pass him over. I think his upside is too HUGE to pass on. He can work on his all around skills. Kobe Bryant couldn't shoot a lick when he first entered the NBA, but he was very athletic like Josh, except Josh can shoot better at this stage than Kobe plus he is just as athletic.

Secondly, we need an freak of nature air flying dunker on this team to put enthusiasm back in the fan base like we had with Dominique. Hell Dominique got better with his outside shot year to year.

I hope we draft Josh at #6 because he will not be there at #17. No way will he be there.

Draft Telfair at #17

Package JT at your 2nd rounders to move into the late 1st round and pick up one of those big Europeans and call it a day.

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I don't think the kobe analogy holds. He is a high flying dunker though.

I see him as gerald wallace part II. maybe a little better. And I would love to have gerald wallace. He won't ever be a franchise player, but maybe livingston will

The question is do we go with the longer term potential star, or the dunker who can put some people in seats now?

I would take livingston no questions asked. If he's gone and it's gordon or nelson, I would take smith

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I disagree.

Kobe had much, much better ball handling ability than Josh Smith at the same stage.

IMO, Josh Smith is a lot closer to Gerald Wallace at this point. He's all athlete, and athleticism doesn't equal superstardom in the NBA.

He can improve his shot consistency. He can improve his ball handling to the point that it is no longer a liability, but he will never be a wizard with the ball. The biggest thing he has to improve is his mindset on the court. If he isn't involved in the action, he becomes aloof on the court and plays lazy.

He is going to struggle to create his own shot in the NBA due to his below average ball handling ability. Because of this, I don't think he will ever be a legitimate superstar caliber player. Josh Smith is going to need a lot of coaching when he gets into the league.

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I am not comparing him to Kobe. I am just saying that Kobe had to work on his shot also. Charlotte even traded Kobe to LA for probably the same reasons we are criticizing Josh Smith.

I just hope we want be sitting here in a few years saying WOW we just missed out on the next Superstar of the NBA.

You can coach fundamentals and techniques of the game.....You can't coach athleticism.

Also, the kid led his team to the No. 1 ranking in High School and they went undefeated if I am correct and he is considered the best talent to come out of his High School. We just can't overlook that!!!

I just have a gut feeling we are about to make the biggest mistake of the 2004 draft by not selecting him.

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There are a lot of great athletes that are playing on the And1 tour that will never make it to the NBA because they lack the fundamental qualities to play in the NBA.

Ball handling is not something that can be greatly improved. It is a natural skill, and you won't see a below average ball handler become a great ball handler just because he works on that aspect of his game.

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well i would use jefferson in new jersey as a comparison..he was touted as this big athlete(although he did go to college) and has brought his jump shot together last couple years and is breaking out..

i would also use jason richardson as an example of someone who has NOT gotten their jumpshot up to par.

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KB21...don't get me wrong I respect and understand what you are saying and they are very valid points. However, I read through all of the weaknesses of the first 20 players projected to be picked and just about 3/4 of them either have problems creating their own shot, shooting and ball handing. So you are going to get a weakness regardless of who you pick. It is a matter of what weakness are you going to live with. There is no perfect player they will be have deficiencies in something. So pick your poison.

Josh Smith is not a point guard. I am not looking for him to be able to have point guard handles. He excels in transition probably similar to Kenyan Martin. The main thing for him is to get into position to score and leave it up to the point guard to get him the ball in these positions.

We haven't had an electrifying scorer on the break since the Dominique days and we are about to pass up on the next one. Did Dominique have handles??? I don't think so.

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Well said emeans. The same things can be said about all the players ball handling other than the PG's. However the other players are not near the ahtlete that Josh Smith is. I don't think he will be Demarr Johnson like because he attacks the basket unlike demarr. And he is a much better athelete than demarr also not to mention stronger with a better NBA body.

This guy will be good and people that passed over him will be sorry. Gerald Wallace can still be good as can Darius Miles. You guys give up on these players to soon. Kobe Tmac, Bender....... all took 5 or 6 years to develop and your writing these guys off after 2 years.

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You are being extra dramatic KB. Josh Smith can dribble, Josh Smith can shoot and Josh Smith is motivated to win ball games (His team went Undefeated and ranked #1).

If he couldn't do those things why in the world would he even be considered a 1st round draft pick and signed a 15 million dollar deal with Adidas and make the McDonald All-American game.

Come on you make it seem as if he just picked up a basketball. Remember this guy was projected before workouts and interviews to be in the Top 5 picks. Several people had him as the number 2 pick in the draft. So don't say those things as if he never played ball on a very high level because he has and he has produced to the point that his coach says he is the BEST that has ever come through Oak Hill. You statement is totally misrepresenting this kid.

If he can't do all those things why is he even playing basketball. Get real KB.

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Why even take him at #17 if he can't shoot, dribble and is not motivated?? That doesn't make sense. Why waste a 1st round pick on a player who can't play basketball!!!

That is a very inaccurate, untrue assertion by KB. Don't believe everything you read. KB is very wrong on this!!

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I'd rather not use the 6th pick in the draft on a player who can't dribble, can't shoot, and obviously has a motivational issue that effects his play.

KB21 I respect the information you give on this forum, but I have to call you out on this statement. I think you are going to be eating a lot of "crow" for this statement. You almost sound like Jay Bilas in this statement. I laugh when I read statements like this about Josh Smith.

You were one of the biggest detractors against drafting Josh Smith and I am going to remind you of it when he becomes the next all-star in a Hawks uniform.

The only knock that you could possibly lay on this kid is his attitude and that is probably a product of being young and can be worked on through age and coaching. All this other negative criticism is wrong and totally inaccurate. Can't dribble and can't shoot??? Where did you get that from.

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Every scouting report that was on the kid said he could dribble with his left hand only, and his shooting was very, very streaky.

I maintain that 6 was too high to take him, even if he comes out and becomes the best player in this draft.

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I maintain that 6 was too high to take him, even if he comes out and becomes the best player in this draft.

This statement in itself makes absolutely no sense. How would No. 6 be too high if he becomes the BEST player in the draft. That would mean he should have been picked higher than 6....wouldn't it?? If he turns out to be the best player in the he should have been picked No. 1.

A lot of you guys are forgetting before all of the workouts, interviews, etc. Josh Smith was the preliminary No. 2 ranked NBA Prospect in the World right behind Dwight Howard.

This reminds me of Randy Moss, Warren Sapp in the NFL draft. They were ranked very high and dropped because of a bad rap but actually they were better players than anyone in their respective drafts. Based on their playing careers in college they were the best.

Same here...based on Josh Smith's amateur basketball resume he was ranked the No. 2 best player in world and his attitude was his worst knock after the interviews, etc.

No. 6 was not too high to draft Josh Smith and time will show you this. Please remember all that you are saying....I will!!!

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