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Harrington In, Jackson Out


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When has Chris Crawford ever been considered for 6th man

of the year? Chris Crawford probably wouldn't be in the

NBA if it was for the Hawks. Al Harrington has NBA talent

and Chris Crawford has CBA talent. Al is young and improving

and Chris Crawford has done what in his career? Only a idiot

would compare the two.

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Ok, so you're saying thatif CC played on a really good team he couldn't put up decent numbers? He averaged 19 ppg as a starter and that was against some of the better teams."

Any dummy can score when your team doesn't have many

scorers and your team sucks as Atlanta did last year.

And no Chris Crawford couldn't putup good numbers on

a good team because nobody else would let him play

more than 15MPG. He's a poor rebounder, he has no

passing or shot blocking abilities.

" Harrignton hasn't shown anything that CC can't do. "

AL averaged 13/6 in only 30MPG on a team that was trying

to win a championship. When has CC done this? Don't hand

me the injury crap. CC was playing on a team with no

pressure to win and the Hawks often were not even took

seriousally. Post this crap on any other board and you

get your @ss laughed at.

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I think what I have a hard time about with this deal is AH's salary hit. I was surprised to see him earning 13M a year. Is AH truly worth this type of money? This deal would cause us to eat up alot of cap space for a player that plays the 3 spot where we are deep with cheaper similar players already. I agree with you that AH has a very low basketball IQ. Maybe I should just trust BK's scouting abilities since he was part of the braintrust responsible for drafting AH.

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  • Premium Member

This is an excellent trade. I've been stuck in neutral on Billy Knight for a while now, but I'm letting go of some of my reservations now. I didn't think we'd be resigning Jax and it didn't really bother me considering where we're going (with the players we drafted) and how much money we'll have.

But the biggest reason that I wasn't too concerned, and why I'm stoked about this deal, is because we basically signed Jax for peanuts. So we pick up a guy for nothing and now we've dealt him for a player that could break out for us and fills a need. We come out WAY ahead on this.

Great move Billy Knight!

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Like I've been saying... I like Kenyon, but that's A LOT of money to throw at a guy who hasn't proven that he is indeed a max player. For a team like us, who is rebuilding, it just doesn't make sense right now to lock up POTENTIAL max talent to a long term deal. Especially when you have NO idea who we'll be drafting, and who could be busting out...

Which could be either or BOTH of those guys if we sign them.

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I don't know where this idea that Al can only play the three comes from. Most of his minutes last season came as a four. The set that Indiana played the most last year was Tinsley/Anderson at the point, Miller at shooting guard, Artest at small forward, Harrington at power forward, and O'Neal at center. They didn't start with that line up, but that's the line up that got the most time on the floor.

Artest played 38 minutes per game on the season, and all but around 8 of those minutes came as a small forward. Al Harrington played 30 minutes per game. The times that Artest played at the two, Harrington played the three. Most of the time, he was playing on the block with O'Neal.

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