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Watch out MLB.....the Yanks have El Doodoo back


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Arguably the best starting pitcher in post season history is back with the Yankees and had a very strong outing today against a hot hitting D-Rays team. I know he isnt the dominating pitcher that he once was.......but he can pitch under pressure and has always been difficult to hit so he should make the fragile Yankees staff much much better.

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They are a very solid team and a lot of fun to watch. It will all come down to pitching in the postseason for them though and I dont know if they have strong enough pitching to win it all.

My favorites for the WS right now are (not in any order):

Yankees (dangerous offense, great closer, good bullpen, decent pitching)

White Sox (excellent starters, good offense)

Angels (solid in every area, very good offense)

Red Sox (dangerous top to bottom, pitching is the key)

Rangers (lots of firepower on offense, good pitching)

Phillies (good all around team, pitching needs to improve)

Cardinals (great offense, good pitching and defense)

Cubs (dangerous pitching staff)

Mets (vet pitchers and greatly improved offense, horrible defense)

Dodgers (great bullpen, good offense, horrible defense)

I have seen a good bit of each of these teams (I watch almost every Yankee game of course) and I have to say that each of them definitely has a chance if things fall their way.

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I think the Braves will get out of the first round if

they make it to the playoffs. They aren't the most

talented team but I think Drew/Thomas/Giles/Estrada

and the Braves younger players are really hungry. The

Braves have also been on a hot streak.

But I didn't feel JD Drew would stay halthy because he

usally doesnt... But to his credit he has stayed healthy

this year.

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Yeah, the Braves could do something if they make the post season but they would have to win the division and I honestly feel that with Kaz Matsui and Richard Hidalgo playing like they have been lately for the Mets that the Mets will end up winning the division and either the Cubs or Cards will get the wildcard.

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Look, a guy with a .700 OPS isn't going to win any divisions for you. Furcal is a better offensive player (as much as I don't really like Furcal).

The Mets hit a hot streak sparked by 2 good weeks by Kaz and Hidalgo. Chances are, Hidalgo will not hit .500 for the rest of the year.

Mets will finish 3rd.

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I like Furcal a lot..........all I am saying is that if the Mets can continue to play like they have been, they will walk away with the division. They are loaded top to bottom, Piazza, Cameron, Matsui, Hidalgo, Wigginton.......I know its unrealistic to think they can continue to hit like this forever, but until they show signs of slowing down I have to think that this is how they are going to play.

Make no mistakes about it though, I hate the Mets more than I hate the Braves......so really I dont want either of them winning the division LOL.

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The Mets aren't hotter than the Braves are at this point. If the Braves keep playing the way they have played over the past month or so (10-3 in their last 13 games), they will win this division.

One thing to remember about the Braves. This is a team that knows how to front run. They know how to take the lead in the division and keep it. I'll say it right now. They are a game back going into the All-Star break. When they take first place over shortly after the break, they won't lose it.

I do not feel the Mets have the pitching to stay with the Braves in this division. Larry Bowa will prevent the Phillies from advancing. That guy is a loose cannon, and Philly better wise up and dump his ass. IMO, the two teams this division will come down to is Atlanta and Florida. Atlanta is about to get Marcus Giles and Horacio Ramirez back. You know Chipper is going to start hitting like Chipper Jones before long as well. Rafael Furcal has hit his stride, and as streaky of a hitter as Andruw Jones is, you know he's going to get on one of his streaks where he hits around .400 while crushing the ball. The Braves will get out in front and stay there, and their biggest challenge will come from the Marlins. The Mets and Phils will fall back into the pack.

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Well I would say that as far as who is the hotter club right now, they are about equal. The Braves would only get the nod because the Mets lost their final 2 before the break. Keep in mind that the Mets and their old pitching staff have given up fewer runs than the Braves have and now after acquiring Hidalgo they are scoring a lot of runs. Plus Matsui is finally showing (offensive) signs of becoming the player that he was touted to be. IMO the ONLY way that the Mets lose the division is if their defense doesnt improve.

I wouldnt count on Chipper or Andruw to get their act together. Half a season of being bad is not a slump, its a trend. Andruw may come around because at least his power numbers are still there, but his BA is really poor and Chipper has just been flat out BAD all year. I believe that the Braves really miss Sheff's bat. I know what he has meant to the Yankees and how he sets up the entire lineup, so I can only imagine that his loss was greater than most Braves fans expected.

Florida is an interesting team though. They definitely have the picthing to cause a lot of damage in the post season and they have the experience, but they just dont seem to score enough runs to be a top contender and I believe that a HUGE part of it is because they miss Pudge and were fools to let him go. Look at the season he is having in Detroit right now. With his defensive ability and now his hitting improving so much he is cemeting himself as one of the greatest catchers to ever play the game......just imagine the difference he would make to the Marlins right now.

Clearly as of right now though the Yankees and Cards are by far the 2 best clubs in baseball......but anything could change, still a long way to go.

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J.D. Drew has been the 2nd best hitter in the league OPS-wise (save Helton and his Coors inflated stats) to Barry Bonds. He's every bit as good as Sheff was.

The bats we miss are Chipper's, Javy's, and Giles'. As good as Estrada is, he can't approach the MONSTER season that Lopez had last year. I expect Chipper to have a better 2nd half (though not hit .400 as others are predicting) and Giles to come back in good shape, though.

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Leiter and Glavine have been terrific this year. Mets ERA is the best in the NL.

Mets lack hitting. Don't be fooled by a temporary hot streak. That lineup is full of holes. I'm sick of hearing about how their .700 OPS shortstop is a 'run scoring machine', too. Don't give that crap to me and expect me to swallow it, NY media.

Wiggington is decent at best. Floyd is overpaid. Hidalgo has been good for only 2 weeks. Piazza is the only reliable hitter in that order.

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If the Braves make the postseason I look forward to Sheffield NOT being in the lineup and Drew in his place. Sheff was what, 2-31 last season? he KILLED this team. He FAILED IN NUMEROUS clutch situations for us. Sheff hasn't had a solid postseason since '97 for the Marlins. Think JD Drew would do that bad?

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Sheffield's ABYSMAL performance in the NLDS was THE primary reason we were put out of the playoffs the last 2 years. I can't believe that chode sack wanted more money after that.

Also, Robert Fick's complete lack of savvy at 1B (and Cox's choice to play him over Julio) and Glavine's two generous performances against the Giants really hurt.

I'm glad that Sheff is gone. I didn't like the Drew trade at the time b/c he is so injury prone. However, Drew is just clutch for us. I can't imagine him popping up twice in a game with the bases juiced like Sheff did against the Giants.

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Orlando had like one good year or so.

But his era in 99 was 4.12(Not all that great) 4.51 in

2000(Pretty bad) and 4.85 in 2001. He did bounce back

to a respectable season in 2002. But I doubt he will

totally fix the Yanks problems. Kevin Brown was a mistake.

He gets hurt too much. I do like Vazquez though. Seems like

he's had the potential to be one the better pitchers in the


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