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Watch out MLB.....the Yanks have El Doodoo back


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Its not about good years. I believe until his last year of the playoffs (and maybe still does) he has the best post season ERA of any starter ever with a certain amount of starts.

I dont know what kind of difference he will make to the team, but what he should at least bring in consistency.

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What problems? They have the best record in baseball and have done it without Brown and Mussina for a good bit of it. Plus Giambi has missed half of the first half and ARod and Jeter struggled for a lot of the beginning of the season.

When the team gets it together nobody is going to beat them.

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Pitching matters in the playoffs.

"When the team gets it together nobody is going to beat them."

That's probably what most thought when the Marlins took

them out a year ago. I realize you got Sheff, but he

hasn't tore it up in the playoffs lately. Obviousally

the Yankees are the favorites to get back to the WS. But

pitching is one that come back to bite them. To believe

that isn't possible is foolish.

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Everybody loves an underdog, man. I sure hope the Yankees can prove all those people wrong who said they didn't have a chance as a small market club.

No, seriously. GAWD, I hope they get everybody healthy, so they can start whoopin' up on the rest of the league. Competitive balance is for the birds.

OK, no more sarcasm. I really want to see Alex Rodriguez with a ring. He's one of the most underrated and underpaid players in the league. Texas and Seattle were keeping him down. That's all.

Dude, I just can't help it. Your team is bad for baseball. You're really in a no win situation as a fan. You can't brag about how good your team is, b/c no one cares. They went out and bought the players that other teams couldn't afford.

Seriously, what do you expect people to say when you come with, 'Man, nobody's gonna beat the Yankees!' Well, you're gonna get some variation on, 'Whoop-tee-freakin-doo' That's not just sour grapes. No one begrudged the Marlins their well-managed WS victory spear-headed by youthful exuberance and careful personnel decisions (nor Anaheim's). The Yankees, though? Who cares about that ridiculous team that has suffocated any hope out of their small-market division "rivals", Baltimore, Tampa Bay, and Toronto? If the Yankees win the World Series, it's 'so what'. If they lose, it's 'BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! BWAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!'

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or what anyone else thinks. This is an OTHER SPORTS league........doesnt say Atlanta Braves on it does it? You can take your sarcasm someplace else because I certainly dont have the time for it.

Cry all you want about how bad the Yankees are for baseball, but the FACT is that they are good for it. The Yankees routinely sell out or come close to selling out on the road which generates revenue for competing teams and the Yankees also give away prospects to teams looking to unload players that they CHOOSE not to pay, not because they cant AFFORD to pay them. Steinbrenner isnt even close to the richest owner in baseball, yet he knows how to run a team and he doesnt mind spending his own money to field a winner. EVERY team in baseball has that opportunity. EVERY owner has more than enough of their own money that they could put into the team like Steinbrenner has done if they wanted to.

It actually makes me laugh to hear people whine and cry about how the Yankees are bad for the game and yet the Yankees are the only team using the system to their advantage.

Ahh, perhaps you arent actually crying about this, maybe you are just still wiping away the tears from 96 when Leyritz hit that bomb to basically kill the Braves. Or are you a sad little Red Sox fan who just cant seem to field a winner no matter how much money they put into their team.

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I agree with CBA, the Yanks are bad for baseball. No chance in hell a small market team can come even close to acquiring via free agency the talent the Yanks have. Steinbrenner may pay more than other owners because he HAS more money than other owners, and STILL can make a profit, because of the size of the New York market, the media in New York for that large market and the clothing sales which snowball from the years of success the Yanks have had mostly due to the fact they have more money than everybody else. Well said, CBAreject.

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You all can argue without facts all you want, but I happen to know that Steinbrenner isnt even in the top half when it comes to owner's wealth in baseball. The other owners have just as much opportunity to get FAs as the Yankees do, they just choose to not spend out of pocket. Steinbrenner spends quite a bit of money out of pocket every year. He knows that winning will make him more money, just as the YES network brought him more money. You have to spend money to make money and most owners refuse to do that.

What you all also fail to realize is that if the Yankees really were that bad for baseball the rules would have been changed and a salary cap would have been put in. As it stands now teams are able to take risks by overpaying players because they know that they can trade them to the Yankees or the other high dollar teams if it doesnt work out. The Yankees also give them a convenient excuse as to why their team hasnt won the WS. The other owners are also very content to sit back and collect their luxury tax money that Steinbrenner pays them each year, which instead of putting it back into their teams, they conveniently pocket it.

Like I said though, complain all you want about it. Things arent going to change because the Yankees are good for MLB and the commissioner and all the other owners know its true.

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If you don't give a damn what I think, then why did you reply?

My disdain for the Yankees has nothing to do with Leyritz, though. I like Leyritz, and he is a heck of a clutch hitter. That was back when I didn't mind watching them play. Besides, no one broke my heart more than the Twins, and I have no hatred for them. I think the Red Sox buy a lot of players, too, BTW, and don't mind that they lost one bit.

"but the FACT is that they are good for it. The Yankees routinely sell out or come close to selling out on the road which generates revenue for competing teams "

I actually agree with you here. Well, the Yankees do generate some revenue for other teams. That is true, but I still believe they are bad for baseball.

"EVERY team in baseball has that opportunity. EVERY owner has more than enough of their own money that they could put into the team like Steinbrenner has done if they wanted to."

That is a fallacy through and through. SOME owners have enough money to spend $183 million on their roster per year (at least for a few years). They could do that if they were philanthropists who wanted to please their fans. See, they'd lose money hand over fist that way. Every owner is a businessman first and foremost. If he could make more money by spending more on his roster, you better believe he'd do it. Fact is, many owners are operating at a deficit, even with $70 million payrolls. Losing $100 million per year will make a billinoaire broke.

"Steinbrenner isnt even close to the richest owner in baseball, yet he knows how to run a team and he doesnt mind spending his own money to field a winner."

AW, well isn't Steinbrenner a noble soul? Please, buddy. You expect me to believe that Steinbrenner is losing money on this team? Fat chance. Show me a budget that has the Yanks $20 million in the red every year. Knows how to run a team? I suspect it takes a real shrewd GM to pay Alex Rodriguez $25 million per year.

"the Yankees also give away prospects to teams looking to unload players"

Oh, well God Bless the Yankees. You make it seem as if they do this without getting all-stars in return. Every player that is traded because his team can't afford to keep him (I explained why before) has many teams that will try to trade for him (see Beltran). The Yankees just have more prospects to trade who are generally overrated. Name 5 minor-league prospects the Yankees have traded in the last 5 years who have traded who have actually been productive players at the MLB level.

"the Yankees are the only team using the system to their advantage."

What? Explain this statement. The shrewdest team in baseball is the Athletics. They are using everything they can to their advantage. The only thing the Yankees are using is the largest market in America. That's not 'the system', that's 'their location'.

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