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Could someone explain to me why Dampier is such a HOT commodity right now. The Knicks are willing to give up Nazr and Othello. The Indiana Pacers wanted him badly. We are willing to dish a lot of money out for him.

Is it me or am I missing something here? Why has Golden State annually been a diappointing team with a Center that is so coveted by many teams?

I saw him a few times and I wasn't in awe of his play. He was decent but nothing spectacular. How is he defensively? Does he have a dominant post game?

I just need some information on this guy before I can say whether this would be a good move or not. Plus he is 30 years of age. I don't want another Allan Henderson type contract for an aging often hurt player. If so I say wait until next year.

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He's a decent center, worth starting in the nba. There are really not that many players you can say that about. In NY's case they are giving up two subs for a starter. I understand that. In our case we still need a number of things and getting the first FA will be the hardest. Also we have nobody at all to play center. Dampier would give us a center for years to come, even though he would be an overpaid aging one.

When asking yourself why Dampier is such a hot commodity, realize there are no other big men available and look at the contracts already dished out this offseason. Relatively speaking, he is a hot commodity

The only thing is we are not looking for that one missing piece, we are rebuilding. So we should not be overpaying too much.

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