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Its time to pull Damps offer


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I agree, pull the offer. But I dont necessarily think it's because he doesnt want to play here. I think it's just money for him. He figures it's an option to take less money for a year, then try the market again. He figures he can play hard one more year, that last one wasnt that bad..lol.

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no reason to pull the offer yet

i think we're close to getting him for that bargain price

after all, LAC didn't match Q, so Phoenix is out of it...

LAC is out of it

UTAH is out of it

Denver is out of it

it's up to us or the MLE

not only that, but even if we don't want him, having the offer on the table gives teams reason to give us a good young potential player to clear cap space to go over the MLE to get Damp (ie Suns?)

if we pull our offer, then teams are all on even playing ground with the MLE and will just try to Woo him instead of working with us to give us great talent so they can get Damp...

not to mention, it's not hurting us, cause we can't really get Swift anyway, not without overpaying him, which isn't smart for our rebuilding franchise

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nicholas is exactly right. This is what BK hoped for I'm sure. We're going to get him at a good price and its not holding us up from signing anyone else. Plus, he'll have to work hard to get the contract he wants or a trade to a contender.

I think the wait makes us look a lot less desperate than if we 'd just offered too much to get him. Other players realize that we know what we're doing at least when it comes to personnel (so far).

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I ask this because, lets say we are going after swift and this pending offer is holding us back from signing swift. Could we then knowing that swift will entertain an offer from us and that it is very feasible for us to get him. Could we then say you know what Damp we have a better deal and we no longer desire your services for the offered price however if you would not mind playing here for say 2-3 Mil we would be happy to have you.

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If Pryz, Mihm, Swift, etc., sign contracts elsewhere before Damp makes a decision then I will be very unhappy with BK for holding out soo long for Damp. We cannot go into this season with Collier and Hendu as our only 5s. I really don't want holding out hope for Damp to cost us Pryz (who I would rather have over Damp anyway).

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2-3 mil?

why even offer that to Damp when he can sign for the MLE with dozens of teams?

we either stick to our 3-4 year offer (no more, please!) or we pull the offer

the other thing that may work best is to just give Damp a deadline

tell him that the offer for our contract is good until 8/10. After that, we will pull the offer to pursue other free agents. So he has to decide if he wants the MLE or our bigger offer.

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Let's say there are two possible outcomes.

Outcome 1 is Damp does a S&T with Memphis with Swift going to GS.

Outcome 2 is Swift signs cheap with Memphis because he gets no other offers and Damp signs cheap with Atl because he gets no other offers, then in Dec, the Swift for Damp trade goes down.

Outcome #1, Memphis gets Damp loses Swift and pays a lot.

Outcome #2 Memphis gets Damp loses Swift and pays cheap.

Why should we offer Swift a rich contract now if we might get him cheap later?

The 'come quick' teams have already overpaid for the FAs they wanted. It's now time for the savvy playahs, BK and West, to run the show. What's the rush? Training camp isn't opening anytime soon. Let these boys play poker.

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If I'm right, then everybody's waiting to see if Damp goes for an MLE offer or if GS gets a S&T offer from someone other than Memphis. If that happens, then the Hawks and Griz may go to a bidding war for Swift.

But if Damp caves and signs with the Hawks, I bet Memphis signs Swift within days.

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altho, we can't have a bidding war with memphis

we'd basically just offer a contract, he'd sign the sheet, and memphis would match or not

bk will have to figure out that magic dollar amount that will be JUST over West's limit, so he doesn't overpay to get Swift

i'd hope he goes for the side of caution tho, as even if West does match cause BK is a tad too low, if high enough, it could hurt Memphis' cap situation, thus allowing us to get GASOL next summer cause Memphis had already paid for Battier/Swift this summer...

the goal with Swift is to either get him for cheap or make West overpay for him...what we don't want is to overpay ourselves, so if we offer him too big a contract, BK better be sure West will match it

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It may still cost us Pryz. BK is not going to overpay for Pryz either but especially not if he is holding out for Damp. We don't know what offers Pryz is recieving (hopefully not many) but BK is walking a tightrope between giving the system enough time to force Damp's hand here or being left holding an empty bag with no noworthy big men signees. I understand BK's logic and agree with it to some extent but it is more risky than what many posters realize.

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the reason we need to give Damp a deadline...

right now he has 2 options:


Hawks >MLE offer

but he wants more than our offer

so, he's gonna wait as long as he can, hoping that GS can find a SNT that they like that pays more than the Hawks offer...

so he's not signing with us until GS gives up on SNT...

but if we give him a deadline, then he'll have to choose between MLE and 1% chance that GS does SNT...so the smart option for him at that point would be to sign with us for our offer, so he prolly would

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BK is using his rooks to bait the queen right now. He knows he is in a good position by keeping the offer on the table. Even if he makes a deal with another team to trade Dampier after 60 days...that would be smart. He would be upgrading the team somehow.

Keep it on the table and make Dampier sweat a little. It is hard for people to turn down millions of possible dollars. It is just not natural to turn down money like that. He will not sleep good at night knowing his check could have been doubled.

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if we end up with no noteworthy big men signings then so be it


we do not need to OVERPAY or take on OVERLY LONG contracts just to get a "noteworthy" signing

if we have to run with collier/ezekie this year, then so be it...BK will find us a good big man at some point without overpaying

or he'll wait until chill/smooth/al are a potent lineup and then overpay for the big man and pg to get us over the hump and deep into the playoffs

but u don't overpay or overextend when u aren't even aiming for the playoffs this year, much less the finals

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