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Damp/Woodson to talk...


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I have really wanted damp to sign here until now. I hear we have proposed a 6 yr deal worth around 50 million. Screw that and screw him. He has waited around and waited around toying w/ us so let him go to the knicks. We don't need a gy that doesn't really want to be here. I would rather have 12 guys that WANT to play for the hawks and turnt his thing around. Good luck in New york damp. You will be rebuilding there in a yr too.

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According to sources that are close to the team we only offered 3 years 24 mil and are standing firm on that. From Dampiers perspective, how can you blame him though? He just opted out of 8 mil per year and wants some long term security for his family, I cant blame him at all. He also doesnt want to play on a team not dedicated to winning which we have to prove that we are. When all is said and done I believe that Damp will end up as a Hawk for 4 years 32-35 million with the 4th year being a team or player option.

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I also agree, and I would add that if the chemistry is good, BK would consider keeping Damp past the mid-season. With our trades, the nature of our rebuild has changed. We should no longer look for a 3-4 year rebuild but I'd be expecting a 1-2 year rebuild depending on the backcourt.

Three strong vets definitely shortens the rebuild.

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First off, I have to say that you are absolutely right Dolfan. Any of us in the same situation would probably be thinking the same thing. I think many of us though would have to imagine that it was the Clippers offering that much money instead of Atlanta. Me pesonally...I would take a cool NBA bare minimum some odd 500K or so to sit on the front row and watch this sh#t! But I can understand what Damp's doing...


I get SOOO tired of hearing these guys talking about what's best for their family. They mean, their ENTIRE family tree and friend's family too. *lol* Opting out of 8 million per and wanting long term security! Hah! GIVE any of us 8 million right now and we, to include most of our immediate family (and I have A LOT), would be straight. He's coming off 4 years at around 7/7.5 million. Damp's gotta be lookin' at 20 or so million in the bank right now straight up (not including investments and endorsements). I have to think that his family (and all of their BeBe kids) would be just fine with another 25 million from us and 10 to 15 more before it's all over with.

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i honestly dont understand why FREE AGENTS think NY has a bright future.

they are in SALARY CAP mess!

Houston is untradable, they have bunch of overpaid ALANHENDERSON type backup players, and isint in a position to offer lotta money to free agents straight up (only via sign and trade).

it must be the night life.

cuz it sure as hell cant be the organization...

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I agree to forget Damp we shouldve put a deadline on the deal or something... If he doesnt want to be here fine but to keep pursuing him when he doesnt want to be here??? I allready had questions about his desire....

I've also seen reports of a deal for upto 6 yrs /50mil???

Is this acurate?

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what you don't take into account, and this isn't making it right...is that most of these guys (not necessarily Damp) will never make another time the rest of their lives. However, during the tenure in the NBA - they've bought things, cars etc...the lifestyle...that they feel the need to maintain. These things...cost a lot. the clothes they were...cost a lot. They family they support, the ones who have many of those same luxuries...also expect to continue this lifestyle.

that's what they're looking out for, to maintain their lifestyle, what they've grown accostomed to...

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Like a child who has been caught stealing cookies out of the cookie jar, Damp comes back to Atlanta to face BK. The money pool has all but dried up for the center. Granted our offer is still on the table; nevertheless, I would think that BK is ready to rid himself of this waltz with Damp. He is either going to sign our offer sheet or not. One last conversation, one last appeal to convince him that we are constucting a winner in Atlanta. One last chance-if he is not signed by the end of these talks, yank the offer and wait it out. Let Damp pimp some other team to pad his retirement package.

BK handle our business and contiue to do the "best" thing for the team and its future.

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I understand how income affects lifestyle and buying habits. Relatively speaking though... It just sounds so cheesy *lol* Like during baseball's strike when, was it Glavine, and the players were offering monetary relief to get guys through this time of hardship.

Anyway, Damp is a multi-millionaire who really doesn't have to work for the rest of his life - especially if you don't consider playing a game work. *lol* I don't feel sorry for him or the "needs" of his family and I just think it's funny the way players use economic welfare as justification in thier contract negotiations.

"Honey, we've got an emergency! A bug smashed against the window of my 3rd spare Ferrari!"

"Damn, insurance won't pay for this! *sigh* We'll just have to go get you a new one and a new spare one."

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What if we had told Damp...

We have some free agents to sign but as soon as we can, we will get back to you.. (Virtually the same thing that he is doing to us)... Shopping for the best deal for him...

Would you be mad at Hawks management if the shoe was on the other foot??

If so, be mad with them about their treatment of Barry or Sura. Supposedly we told Barry we will make him an offer after we finish shopping...

Let's just be patient and not be hypocritical.

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Gee wiz man, you are full of yourself aren't you!!! I expressed an opinion on Damp's indecisiveness, not an evaluation of the process.

Business is business - I recognize that and don't need you lecturing me on that. You can handle business softly and get screwed, or you can set some boundaries. I prefer setting boundaries and there is not "hypocritical" about that. BK is operating by this principle already in that he said he will not overpay for a player (that is a boundary). All I am suggesting is that he places some "sunset" clauses on our offer sheets so that our hands are free to pursue other talent if the intended target gets cold feet before the wedding. That is not being "hypocritical" that is called prudent business. Explain to me, O wise one, why we should wait to sign a player that has already said that he prefers to be a knick. In my opinion if we should talk to him today, and if he does not sign-we should forget about him and move on. Let us not lose other opportunities "waiting" on this guy. Your response reminds me of high school kids with a crush on a popular cheerleader who doesn't even know you exist. Infatuation is blinding, wake up Diesel and smell reality. Waiting will only land us a guy who will come to camp with possibly a bad attitude and no fire to play his best. Why, because at the end of the day Damp does not really want to be here. Spend that money on a player who is motivated to prove something- Damp scares me.

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Explain to me, O wise one, why we should wait to sign a player that has already said that he prefers to be a knick.

The short answer is because Damp is the best C prospect that will be in FAcy in the next 3 yrs.

The Long answer is as follows....

Last year when Jax said he preferred to play for Indy and then Indy took Kenny Anderson which left them with no money for Jax... so he had to come here... Everybody in Atlanta celebrated...

Or when JT couldn't buy a deal and finally Utah made him a deal and he talked trash about our fine city and team... but we matched anyway, everybody (but me) celebrated....

The point.

If we get a good player... Forget where he wanted to be... Celebrate that he's with us. That is what has been the rule.

Had Jax had his choice last yr, he would have played for San Antonio making more than 10 million over 3 yrs. But their financial situation was not to his liking.

Right now, Damp is finding no love in the market. We have an offer that is a bargain for us. IF he accepts it, it helps us both now and in the future. The deal is that the deal we have out is not the deal he was looking for. But all that is moot now.

Bottom line, we have him over a barrell. Our hands are not so tied because who else is left that we can't persue? If anybody should be pissed is Jon Barry who would play for us and is waiting for us to do something. Again, we can't be hypocritical by demanding that Damp take our deal right now and then telling Barry to wait for us...

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