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Pull the offer now


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Will Dampier truly come in and play hard even though he obviously doesn't want to be here? History with the Hawks say "NO". Or will he be a cancer and just come pout and make a huge check ala Alan Henderson? History with the Hawks say "YES".

Will Hawks History change under Billy Knights regime? Maybe...the jury is still out.

This is a huge risk that we are taking by keeping this offer on the table. At some point you have to make a deadline if only on principle.

We are desperate but not that desperate!!

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I STILL don't believe the reports that we have offered Damp 6 yrs/$50M. The offer is probably more like the 3 yrs/$27M that was reported by some and no more than 4 yrs/$38M. Why would we offer Damp 6 yrs/$50M when no other team can come CLOSE to that? I think Damp is looking for the security of a 6 yr deal in the vicinity of $50M but he and his agent SEVERELY over-estimated his market value and now he's stuck. He and his agent don't want to look stupid for giving up the guaranteed $17M he had coming over the next 2 years and they don't want him to take a pay cut next year. Right now, it looks like he will either take our 3 (or 4) year offer or see his salary for next year cut in half. I think BK needs to hold firm and let Damp realize that the market for him is not likely to change. I think when its all said and done, he will be here.

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I'm feeling that way too. It's just hard to pass up a guy with true Center size. I don't think we should necessarily throw a bunch at Swift either, though. Unless....we really are just renting Walker and Knight sees a lot in him.

We are NOT "just renting" Walker. I think Knight wants to give Walker every chance to convince him that he is part of the Hawks Future....I sincerely DOUBT that he will lose much sleep over Dampier. It's Walker who is the potential *cornerstone* (along with Al) of this franchise now....


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true enough...but we still need a center in the WORST way...esp. this season. If we could get Damp for a 3yr deal...I'd be quite happy. It's one less thing to "potentially" worry about.

The question is...and I shudder at this...what are Damp's priorities...does he truly a) want to win (aka Pacers, then Knicks (who do have more potential than we do, esp. this coming season), b) want to play hard and PLAY (Pacers over Knicks then...us over all three), c) just want money?

the latter is what will concern me if he signs here, regardless. I won't "believe" his intentions if he signs here until I see some production.

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The question of Damp's motivation is a big concern for me.

He will either become a beast, playing with a chip on his shoulders or wimp, disgruntled over the riches just beyond his reach. Honestly, I do not think since we have a offer on the table that BK will yank it. In this game of poker, BK is holding the best hand. I think he is determined to play it. I suggest in the future our offer sheets include some type of expiration date on them. It is simply a prudent way to play free agency. To leave the team in limbo for extended periods of time is risky and possibly detrimental in the long run. This is especially true when you have resources tied up that are needed to address other real needs. The hole in the middle yet remains, and we have lost some of the best options to complete our backcourt "dancing with dampier." At some point we will be forced to move on some of these other needs, I just hope we have good options to chose from when we do.

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Almost word for word. I don't care how big he is, or what he did in his option year. If we were seriously contending for something, then yeah, splurge to get over the hump. We are still rebuilding and even though he would fills a need, I don't see any need to bend over backwards to get him.

Let him walk.

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