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Walker's gonna go talk sense into Dampier


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Why don't you prove me wrong? How can you? You are almost

never correct. Walker is a throw away player to Dallas and

Harrington was a bench player for another team. Why is

Harrington/Walker/Dampier better than any of those? Unless

you can prove otherwise shut the H5ll up. Simply, you are

a biased dyck.

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stronger 3/4, but not as balanced...kg best player in game, so better from having him alone




also stronger 3/4, but not as balanced having a weak center


if webber isn't injured, then yes


better defensively, worse offensively

notice that most of those are in the west

u only named 2, indy/detroit, in the east...so if our frontline is 3rd best in the east, behind the leaders of the east, then that's not bad, considering where we are coming from (jax/cc/pryz)

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stronger 3/4, but not as balanced...kg best player in game, so better from having him alone"

I wouldn;t trade KG to get both Walker and Harrington.



also stronger 3/4, but not as balanced having a weak center"

Welol, Dampier has been a weak center over the course of

his career. About 8PPG 7RPG career averages.

"better defensively, worse offensively"

Really? Walker shoots about 39% and about 58% from the

free throw line... Doesn't get worse than that. Harrington

atleast knows his limits and so he will average about 16PPG

shooting about 45%.

"u only named 2, indy/detroit, in the east...so if our frontline is 3rd best in the east, behind the leaders of the east, then that's not bad, considering where we are coming from (jax/cc/pryz)"

That's true. But with the horrible backcourt and lack

of depth on the bench the best you are going to get is

7th or 8th seed winning about 40 games. The hawks are

better off than they were last offseason without a

doubt. But need to be realistic.

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C'mon let's be serious. How can you be so critical of a frontline with three potential all stars? We would have one of the best frontlines with Dampier. That is safe to say. Certainly not the best, but any coach/gm would be happy to play that frontline. It's certainly better than the Ratliff, SAR, Big Dog trio. All three can rebound, period. All three can score.

Do we need outside shooters and a PG? Definitely. It's easier to pick up shooters than solid frontline players. Seeing what Detroit has done with Billups, gives you confidence that we can find a PG that fits our team. I'd much rather be searching for a PG than a center. Do you think the Wolves are happy with Olowakandi, the Spurs with Nesterovic, or the Pacers with Foster? It is hard to find a true center. Even Detroit gets by without really having a center at all. It's the difference between Ben Wallace trying to block out Jason Collier or Dampier. That is a stark contrast.

The frontlines you posted are either arguably better or marginally better than the Hawks with Dampier. I for one would love for teams to come to Atlanta and be thinking how are we gonna out rebound these guys.

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How can you be so critical of a frontline with three potential all stars?"

In the east? Perhaps? In the west? None of them are allstars

And as I said, possibly is good enough to get 40 wins. Walker

really shouldn't be an allstar...

Almost everything he does positive has a negitive right be

hind it

Good scorer

Poor shooter

Can play up to three spots in the east on offense

Can't defend any 3 of them

Can pass alittle bit and get 4.5APG

Turns the ball over 3.3 times a game

I think Harrington will stick with Hawks and has a decent

future as a 17/8 player. But, most here probably are going

to want Walker traded by mid season.

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See, to you, because Walker was traded, that means he's a throw away player.

Because AH came off the bench in Indiana, that means he's obviously a scrub.

You lack the foresight or vision to see anything beyond those two small details. Those are the negatives associated with those two players and because you are a sad tomato, you focus on them with little thought to any other possibilities.

I mean Dallas didn't need a PG more than they needed a SF, right?

AH wasn't getting 30 mpg off the bench in Indiana was he? He didn't have an all-star starting in front of him either, right?

To you, there is no truth beyond what is clearly in front of you. And even then, it's usually only the negative aspects that you are capable of seeing. To you, all players are scrubs until they prove otherwise and anyone who is traded, must have been traded because they weren't good anymore.

I can't imagine going through life wearing those misery blinders that you have on.

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See, to you, because Walker was traded, that means he's a throw away player."

No, but when you have Finley/Dirk/Howard/Daniels/Harris

why do you need a ball and shot hogging Walker? What I

mean is that them losing him is no big deal.

"Because AH came off the bench in Indiana, that means he's obviously a scrub."

Well, he still played 30MPG but 13/6 isn't so great. You

can say Harrington was just on a deep team.... But Tinsley

Foster aren't scorers and Miller does little of that any

more. Like I said, I feel Harrington will post solid 17/8 numbers but is he good enough to win as your 1st or 2nd option? ESP with little supporting cast?

Pardon me for not writing down Boris as the next Scottie

Pippen or say something stupid like Nique said that Harrington is one of the best post players in the league.

Yeah right.

"I can't imagine going through life wearing those misery blinders that you have on."

Funny, people say a guy that averaged a whole 4.5PPG 4RPG

and had mediocre overseas numbers is a young Scottie Pippen

but I somehow have "blinders" on. Pretty d@mn funny isn't


I do believe the team has a brighter future than it had

a year ago. It's just that things need to be kept realistic.

Billy has to find that number one guy for the future. Harrington will make a good 3rd player when Billy gets

this thing together. But Harrington cant be expected to

carry or half carry a team and win. He just isn't good

enough for that.

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Okay, Hotlanta.

You say that Walker will most likely be dealt at the Trading Deadline? Let's just see what transpires...

The thing that matters most at this point is to get to the Playoffs.

Billy is going to give Walker every opportunity to prove to him that he has a future as a Hawk.

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