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Perish the thought Diesel!!!!!!


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I had a thought....

What about this trade...

Antoine Walker for

Kenny Thomas, Sam Dalembert, and Aaron Mckie.

Here's why...

Obrien Loves Walker.

Philly has a lot of unusable pieces.

We are missing a C.

So what the trade boils down to is us getting Dalembert and some role players for Walker....

Philly get out of some bad contracts while at the same time getting a highly skilled player.

Our lineup would be:



Mckie/Josh Smith/Diaw



Our team is all the sudden... More defensive. We have some vet leadership. We have rebounding. We have shooting.

What do you think?

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While having Dalembert would be nice.......he still isnt the prototype center that we need. We are better off waiting until next year to draft one or get one in FA. Kenny Thomas is signed through 2010 and McKie through 2008, combining for roughly 10 million a year between them. Talk about a FAR worse off Hendu/CC situation for a lot more years.

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I believe Dalembert is exactly what we are looking for.

Rebounding C who can play good defense.

Have you guys forgotten that the original plan was to be a strong defensive team. Well in all three guys that we get that's what we get. Strong defensive guys. With the latest acquisitions we have gotten away from that.

When you add in the fact that with McKie, it means more development time for J-Smooth and J-Chill.. It also says that you have a vet that doesn't mind going to the bench.

Thomas will give us defense, rebounding, and instance offence.

Don't get me wrong...

I like what Walker brings to the table...

I would even consider Walker for more years..

But I also realize that if we can get some guys who can fill out our roles, we should do that.

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How do you plan on improving....

I have been looking at it realistically. The only way we really will improve is by draft and trade. I'm beginning to be of the belief that Free agency will not be great... Not that there won't be great players... but that teams will sign their stars early regaurdless of price.

Then you have to consider our own guys...

J-Smooth and J-Chills...

Do we watch them go off to Tau Ceramic too? No... We will develop them into players.

K. Thomas is a guy who can be traded but if not, he's still a guy who is cheap and brings a lot to the floor.

Dalembert is truly a prize in my eyes...

But to satisfy your cap concern I have an alternate trade...

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Walker for Dalembert/Big Dog!!!

Big Dog returns.....

Think about it for a moment.



Big Dog/j-smooth/D-Smith



Say you love it.

Big Dog is that 12 million dollar kickback at the end of the season.

We're still competitive but now we have a C.

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i would love to see this deal go down. Dalembert is quick and athletic and improving upon his potential. Mckie is a nice role player. Great trade for Atlnata. kenny thomas is definetly a capable player and is a good pf but his contract is a bit expensive. Still i support this deal. Billy Knight listen to diesel.

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ur looking for a quick fix!

no, we need to rebuild the right way. no more quick fixes! we help PHILLY more than we help ourselves. the look at the best players and wat they're capable of doing.

IVERSON + CAP ROOM (next year FREE AGENT) looks good. they are 1 other superstar player away from doing some damage in the east.

HARRINGTON + NO CAPROOM gives us the title as the worst franchise ever! bobcats are better off than us at that point.

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Please move this fantasy stuff to the other forum!! Why are we wasting our time talking about this thought up out of a dream stuff.

Please move this non-sense stuff to another forum.

No disrespect but lets keep talking about real stuff people!!


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Dalembert is young and he's the next Magloire. He rebounds, plays defense, and his offense is coming around. Thomas is a cheap role player. Neither of those players will ever be more than 7 million. I figure McKie can play a BU role and help usher in the era of J-Chill and J-Smith.

In my mind, the future is this:


There's nothing quickfix about that. That's a team that will be competitive in 2 yrs and championship quality in 3. Right in time to watch McKie go his way.

I just see McKie as one of those vets who do all that can put in good minutes but at the same time allow J-Chill to come along at SG.

I see Thomas as a strong BU with an offensive game at PF.

But Dalembert is the guy who will be a part of the team that is longterm and neccessary. Like I have said before, we will not just up and find a talented C. Most team that have them are locking them up at ridiculous prices... Look at Foyle... and he's not top notch. At 6'11 250 (Muscle), Dalembert is a guy who could rival Maglorie in terms of development, he's definitely a young force and as you look at the draft, until Ogden shows up (if Stern doesn't put the KOBASH on that) there aren't a lot of good Cs coming out. Maybe the guy from Texas. But with where we will be drafting, none of those guys will be available.

So this is truly looking into the future.

If McKie/Thomas/Dalembert is a scary proposition, I'm sure... Big Dog/Dalembert is a deal that Philly would do for Walker.

Again... A longterm fix, not a quick one.

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Dude, before this topic came up, there was nothing being talked about... At least applaud the attempt to talk about something of interest other than DRob's shooting percentage and Loren Wood's contract? Sheez, if you want to be technical, shouldn't that have gone in the Around the league forum... I mean Loren Woods never played as a Hawk.... AND... How many posts can we get about Chad Ford and his hate for the Hawks? I mean who cares?

Why don't you police everything...

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And that would be perfectly fine. Big Dog to me represents 12 million dollars at the end of the season. In fact, if it be neccessary, we can use that 12 million to try to get Walker back if he wants to play here... But the point is that we need a C.

They don't grow on trees and it's certainly going to be hard enough getting one.

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I am not trying to police anything, you can post anything anywhere you want...that is not my call. Two things....there is a forum for trade proposals....why not put these "made up" trade proposals in that forum?

Secondly, there is a hell of a lot of REAL things to talk about other than fantasy trades with this team.

We have 1 player left from last years team.

We have 4 new draft picks.

We open on the road for 3 tough games...AGAIN.

We have a new coach and a smart GM.

Hell talk about why these trade proposals that are made up are bogus because Billy doesn't show his cards.

Talk about ex-Hawk players and history.




There is a lot to talk about other than fantasy trade proposals. I mean if we talk so much about fantasy trades, why not start a fantasy league on this website??

This is not meant in any disrespect. You are a very knowledgeable basketball fan..no doubt about it. I just like you to use that knowledge talking about real issues with the Hawks.

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Emeans, I'm with you 100%.

I'd rather have infrequent, but high quality posts, rather than "I traded Chris Crawford for a roast beef sub with pepperjack cheese today.. I hear the sub has a lot of upside!"

The fantasy trades should be in the fantasy trade forum.

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Being that there are all these things to talk about... Tell me Emeans... Why is there no interest in that? I'm just in Russia doing as the Russians. I see the Hawks board talking about the fact that Loren Woods has signed with Toronto. Has he even been to Atlanta? or the fact that the other big topic was... JT happy to be a Mav? Shouldn't both of those topics be around the league? It kills me how you wait until I post something worth talking about before you start your rants about how we should be doing this and that... but when others do it, you say NOTHING.....


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Sure you would...

But look at the forum again.

I mention our new C and we'd rather talk about how McGrady Sux Yao's D*#&?

I think I can close this case right here.

However, let me also say, fantasy trades.. There is no such board. The trade I proposed was very possible.... If you suggest that possibilities be placed somewhere else, then you might as well take 80% of the post out of here and make this the news room. Then you will have your Eutopia. The truth is that everybody here has an opinion.... And 80% is opinion, 10% news, and 10% crap.

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