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teams w/ 2nd unit more talented than our 1st unit?


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I would say Dallas...

That's about the only team that comes to mind.. They can put:

JT/Stack/Bradley/Howard/and Hendu on the floor at the same time. They would probably beat us.

Depth is not that important in the league any longer.

Phoenix can field a strong Second team but I have no doubts that we would beat them. The same is said of NY.

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I agree Dallas is very deep and their 2nd team would probably handle our 1st team. You saw that last night the Miami game. Jason Terry and Jerry Stackhouse are coming off the bench, plus they have a ton of BIG bodies.

Devin Harris impressed me a lot last night. I think this is who BK really wanted with his 1st pick. This kid is good. Very quick and makes smart decisions with the basketball. I guess that is why he is starting over Jason Terry. Dallas, Utah, Pheonix and Minnesota maybe the teams to beat in the West

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yeah, bk wanted devin harris or shaun livingston

that way he could have had

harris or livingston/ivey





then traded walker for dalembert and signed redd to a big contract this summer...


woulda been nice...

and in 3 years, we'd have signed dhoward and had harris/redd/smooth/howard/dalembert to go into the playoffs w/harrington either 6th man getting 25mpg or traded for more depth if he didn't like that role

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yea, i was thinking DALLAS too.

remember, they also have M DANIELS (who played one heck of a game last nite vs Miami) coming off the bench cuz of FINLEY.

and a healthy last years KINGS would have done some damage w/ Bobby Jackson and Divac (or MILLER) off the bench.

i think UTAH would give us some problems as well, since they have great chemistry. some of the guys coming off the bench are just as talented as the starters on that team.

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