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I hope you naysayers are watching the growth of


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Is it just as easy to dismiss this one game too? No one is drooling over the kid, but with so many on this board crying about not taking Deng, it was good to see that the kid does have skills. I don't care if it was the 27th game of the season, he at least showed that BK saw something in him as did most of the scouts.

One game? Yeah, it's a flash, but don't dismiss it either.

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I like what I see. When I watch young players, I don't look at how much they succeed at what they do. I look at what they try to do and how they look doing it. The only real concerns that I have with Chill are his weight and his awkward looking shot. Everything else looks SOLID.

It's his game going to the hoop that has me really excited though. He's trying to take guys off the dribble and he's getting into the paint and to the rim. The rest is just getting the ball to go down. And last night, he put it down over Yao Ming...suffice to say with strength, conditioning, and experience he'll be able to get it off over guys his size and smaller.

He's got all the potential of a lottery pick and he's showing it. That's all I really care about at this point.

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Exactly....I must admit I was very impressed with Chillz (FOR THE 1ST TIME) last night as an Atlanta Hawk.

I think people are getting the wrong impression of Chillz criticisms. Everyone wants this pick to be a good pick. Atlanta has a long storied history of making bad picks and most fans are apprehensive about any pick Atlanta makes based on history and Dengs success brings back bad memories....the "Here we go again" syndrome. Hopefully that jinx is broken.

I saw some serious potential last night and I can only hope this is a prelude to something even better.

How about Ivey....Wow this kid may also be a diamond in the rough.

The Jury is still out!!

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Reggie was a true 2 guard not a swingman. One of my all time favorite players, I LOVE the way Reggie went to work. About the weight though, he didn't have to worry about banging with anyone or pushing anyone around. He didn't operate in the paint or above the rim. He was a perimeter threat.

While Chill may develop a good outside game, his strength, at least offensively, is in his game going TO the basket. He's a guy that can penetrate, break down defense, score, pass, rebound...that's his game. Much like Pippen. Even though he's a 2, he'll need to get stronger if he's going to be effective going inside.

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The only real arguement here is who can help the team out faster...who's more ready to help out. There is no way to judge the careers of these two guys based upon a few games into the season. It takes guys time to adjust to the NBA. ANYONE who has watched the game, or pro sports for that matter, for any amount of time knows that.

And there have been all kinds of strange developments with draft picks throughout the history of the draft. You can't go by one or sometimes even two or three seasons of play and get down on a player. Look at JO, Kobe, TMac, Billups... You can't get all hyped up either...look at Jim Jackson and Laettner.

Guys are drafted all over the place like Pierce, Finley, Stockton and Malone...

It's just premature and ill informed to go out and proclaim a bust or a savior ESPECIALLY 3 or 4 games into the season. It's ridiculous.

Lamenting slow development or lack of instant production out of a lottery pick because the Hawks need a star player is understandable. But the kind of Chill bashing that's going on is warranted IMO after a good season of play at the absolute earliest.

Furthermore, Chill is playing in the shadow of 2 other DOMINANT players. It's hard to prove yourself in that kind of environment - especially considering the kind of all around team player he is.

Deng looks VERY good out there. He was the guy that I was looking at (Besides Howard, Livingston, and Okafor) and I liked him. After reading up on Chill, watching his highlights, and seeing him thus far...I like him too and I am satisified with the pick.

Regardless, I like both guys and I hope they both pan out. There's just no reason at this point to truly say that we should have picked one guy or the other. I've seen BK's work and I'm trusting him on this too.

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Chil I dont know if you watch all the games, but his growth and confidence didnt just start last night.....but last night the stats started to show it so I felt a need to point it out to everyone. I have seen him get better in some area almost every game out and he is doing it again tonight. Sure last night was only one game, but the things he did are things that he should easily be able to do every night for us this year.

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Sure, I was the most vocal in wanting Deng over Childress. But that doesn't mean I don't want childress to succeed. Hell, I want him to be a star! I don't expect him to come out and match stats with Deng. THey are different players in different situations. But I expect him to show me something. Last night, he showed me something. Am I going to blow it out of proportion? no. But i'm not going to write it off either. But I still have to see SOMETHING from him, every night. He doesn't have to score 20, or get 10 boards. BUt give me something positive to talk about!

On a side note, so far tonight, he IS showing me something. Back to back good games for CHildress. That will go a long way towards earning him some free points in my book.

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