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C all me Crazy......


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  • Premium Member

I was just thinking about this trade....

Boris Diaw/CC/1st(2006) to Washington.

Kwame Brown to Atlanta.

I think Kwame will emerge as a beast one day...

It would be interesting to go into next season:



Harrington/D. Smith



I think that this would be a team worth watching. I think that every player there is versatile. Many atheletes... But with Swift/Kwame, we get some size.... With Chillz/Walker, we have shooting. With time we develop Chemistry.

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But I wouldn't take that kind of risk on Kwame. I don't care if he becomes the next KG or Malone, we could just at soon draft the next big thing in the lottery. An unprotected 1st is surely out of the question. I'd start with a top 10 protected pick and work from there. Kwame's worth a LATE lottery to mid 1st rounder. Not an unprotected 1st.

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Geez, these guys dont like that one do they..lol.

I'd do it, of course the 2006 1st would have to be protected for me to be happy. I'd probably do it even if the pick was unrestricted, I'm pretty sure we'll at least be decent by 2006. I also assume we'll get another 1st rounder for Walker. Even unrestricted I'm not sure if Washington would do it. They be admitting they blew it with the #1 pick and taking what may be nothing for him.

If we could pick up Brown and Swift to go along with Harrington, that would be the kinda frontline I'd want. Add a maturing Josh and we'd be very deep and very athletic. Drob and a 2005 drafted PF would add further to the depth.

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Geez, these guys dont like that one do they..lol.

I'd do it
, of course the 2006 1st would have to be protected for me to be happy. I'd probably do it even if the pick was unrestricted, I'm pretty sure we'll at least be decent by 2006.
I also assume we'll get another 1st rounder for Walker.
Even unrestricted I'm not sure if Washington would do it. They be admitting they blew it with the #1 pick and taking what may be nothing for him.

If we could pick up Brown and Swift to go along with Harrington, that would be the kinda frontline I'd want. Add a maturing Josh and we'd be very deep and very athletic. Drob and a 2005 drafted PF would add further to the depth.

Of course YOU WOULD do it.

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I would do such a deal but I'm not as against your proposal as many are.

First of all, you didn't specify whether or not the pick would have any protections. Assuming it would, I'd ask for top 5 protection in '06, top 3 in '07 and unprotected thereafter.

Second, I'm not so sure that Swift would start over Kwame next year but I'm not really sure that matters. What matters is that we would have two athletic, versatile big men who would both play a lot and who seeming fit in with Woodson's and Knight's styles.

Third, I agree that PG would be the way to go in the draft if we were to be able to acquire Brown and Swift (and resign Walker). I'd prefer Chris Paul over Jack RIGHT NOW but that could certainly change as the year goes along.

I think many are scared to trade #1's but I would be VERY surprised if we were able to land a better player than Kwame for a #1 pick in '06. HUGE difference between trading TWO #1's for a backup PF/C as Babs did for Lo Wright versus trading one future #1 for a former #1 overall pick who I think is ready to start to live up to his potential. Word on the street is that Kwame is up to almost 270 lbs of muscle due to the fact that he lived in the weightroom after he broke his foot.

I guess the bottom line is that I like Kwame's chances of becoming a good player better than I like the chance of us drafting a good player in '06.

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So in other words, you're saying... Let's tank it for two more years... To get Oden and have him here in the PIT where NO FREE AGENT WiLL Want to play...

You can't have it all DA... If you keep talents like Harrington, Childress, and Walker, then you can't expect to be bad enough to get ODEN... And if you tank, You can't expect FAs like Harrington and Walker to stay...

So what will it be... GIve up and wait on Oden or do something now?

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A valuable first round pick?

More likely than not, the first rounder/protected we pick up in 2006 won't be ready to play in 2006 anyway...

All we are trading is Potential for somebody who is closer to play.

Moreover, I fully expect us to get Swift. To have a 5 man rotation of Swift/Brown/Peja/Walker/and J-Smooth at the 4 & 5 spot is a good rotation where you never loose anything when one player goes to the bench.

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Nah Diesel...we can't do that one...no first rounders not matter how they're protected at this point. we're still in the rebuilding mode and as well all know you have to draft well in order to speed up the process...and BK has shown the he can draft talent..unitl we get to the top(only a matter of time)...then and only then can we afford to trade a # one!

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You mean that you don't consider getting a 7'0 270 lb rock hard C as rebuilding?

I consider Kwame to be better than anything that we would possibly be able to get in 2006 save the top 3 picks.

Moreover, I think that getting this guy and a good PG in 2005's draft meaning that we are bringing an end to rebuild.. especially if we sign Walker/Swift...






With one other player. I think that we have a very strong team as is right there... What more is there to rebuild?

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