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Is Al Harrington in the Hawks future plans??


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Just wondering do we plan on keeping Harrington after next season or is he here just so Childress and Josh Smith can learn at their own pace? Al doesn't have enough range on his jumper to be a legitmate Small Forward and even if he did Josh Smith and Donta Smith need their playing time. Some think that Al is too small and doesn't crash the boards enough to play Powerforward so what is he exactly? I would love to see a lineup featuring Childress as the 2guard J.Smith as the Small forward and Harrington at Powerforward. What are your thoughts on Harrington's future with the team? Maybe Knight will keep Harrington and trade Josh Smith instead? Most of us would hate that trade but if the coach thinks we can be more competitive with Harrington then J-Smoove might be the odd man out. I know it is still early to try and predict the future but some of the pieces need to start coming together after this season is over. We need to know whom will be the face of this team? Is Harrington it or is he just a short term fix?

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That is a bridge that will be crossed when the time comes. Billy Knight saw enough in Al Harrington to strongly recommend drafting him back when he was Donnie Walsh's top scout in Indiana, and when the opportunity presented itself, Billy Knight made the deal to get Harrington. I don't think Billy would have done that if he didn't have Harrington in his future plans. Plus, Harrington has a semi-long term deal that is very manageable at this point.

Josh Smith is a guy who is a complete unknown. The Hawks don't know what position he will eventually settle into. He may grow into the power forward spot, because he certainly has the body type to be a power forward. He's a really big kid. He could be a small forward. He could be a power forward. He might even have enough perimeter ability to play shooting guard. They will take their time with him, watch him develop, and see what happens.

Two things the Hawks are trying to get from Harrington at this point is a more consistent effort defensively and less pressing when it comes to his offensive game. They want to get him into the mindset he had against Indiana, which was the best game of this season for him. What you saw in that game was the type of player Billy Knight believes Al can become on a consistent basis. Many need to realize that while he has been in the league for 6 years, he's still only 25 years old right now. He hasn't quite hit his peak.

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I dont know is Al is that streaky or just doesnt have his game together yet. I've seen a few complete games where he looked to be practically the best player in the NBA. Otherwise he's just average. When you see a player get hot it's usually not for an entire game and at such a dominant level. I think Al will eventually get much closer to that level in his day to day play.

I do agree, Josh and Al pretty much play the same game now. Until one develops an outside shot or gets bigger we have two sf/pf combo players. I still like it. Just get a big center and hope that our guards continue to improve their outside shooting (Paul would help) and we are set. Al and Josh on the floor together would freak some oponents out trying to counter our athleticism. It would even be fun just to hear all the moans on away courts as our combo forwards stunned them with freaky putbacks and blocks.

Either way I think Josh is two full seasons from being a 40 mpg starter and in the meantime we need to pick up Swift or someone like that to play PF when we lose Walker. Then as Josh comes on we'll be deep!

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Al Harrington is a definate keeper on this team. He will be the cornerstone of this franchise. I like his game a lot.

Walker will be traded and we will hopefully draft Chris Paul and either sign a big man in the offseason or draft one.

I know Walker will be traded and all but tell me something :

Just what the hell do you see with AL's game that is so "likeable"? He hardly shares the basketball and he forces shots up with 2-3 players on him....

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the only knock i have for AL is wat u just mentioned...

how he forces shots w/ 2-3 defenders on him. which lowers his shooting %. i think a lot has to do with that PRESSURE to be that 2ND PLAYER on the team. i think everyone expected him to come out and be the 2nd leader, just like that. but the truth is, he's still maturing and his game hasnt reached its highest potential.

before i call him a "ball hog" - im willing to give him some time to work on everything. who knows? maybe, Woodson wants him to take THAT MANY SHOTS and AL feels like he has to take every opportunity in order to get that many shots in?

but other than his shooting, i think everything else about ALs game. hes a good rebounder and has a good all around game.

just work on that shooting % AL!

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Harrington's decision making is sometimes not the best in terms of forcing shots, but I think a lot of that comes with him being one of the two 1st options on this team in terms of scoring.

He will get better with his decision making with maturity, he is still very young and this is his first fulltime starting role with any team.

Harrington flatout has skillz. He can be unstoppable at times and he is very crafty and explosive with the ball close to the basket.

Again he is a definate keeper and someone we need to have in the fold during these rebuilding years!!!

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