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Woody Has GOT To Find More Time For J Smoove


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I don't care if he has to play him at SG like he did last night, the kid is simply too athletic with too much potential not to get more minutes. I actually liked the Delk(or Diaw)/Smoove/Harrington/Walker/Drobnjak lineup a lot. Put that group in a zone on D and you will minimize smaller/quicker guard's abilities to beat them with penetration off the dribble. On offense, teams will pay for leaving Smoove to double Walker or Harrington because if you don't put a body on Smoove, he is going to collect a lot of thunderous dunks on offensive rebounds and both Delk and P Diddy can knock down open J's. The lineup is certailny unorthodox because P Diddy at Center would become one of your primary perimeter scoring threats but I think it would work in many situations. Ballhandling/distributing is not really a huge issue with that group either because Walker, Harrington and even Smoove handle and pass the ball well for their size. Heck, I've seen Smoove throw better entry passes into the post already than JT ever did.

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Okay - but how about take your line-up and switch out AW for Chill.

Diaw and Chill in the backcourt with AL, Smoove and Drobby.

They'd kill on D. Wingspan city.

And I think that if Chill got minutes without AW on the floor, we'd learn he could score. .... a lot.

No offense but you are having delusions. That line up would get killed.

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and our best scorer BY FAR. He simply knows how to put the ball in the hole. Sub Chill for Toine and I don't think we'll see any teams trying to double Chill. If teams don't double, that will limit Smoove's offensive rebounding as well as Delk's and P Diddy's spot up shooting.

On the defensive end, I like your proposed lineup a lot. I just think that lineup would struggle in the half court, particularly with Boris' reluctance to aggressively attack the basket.

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Smmove is looking pretty darn good and if he has a good game tonight, he has an EXCELLENT chance of being rookie of the week. He had an undeniably HUGE impact on the Hawks' 2 wins this week and considering we only had 2 wins coming into the week, that should get him the honor. Biggest bust potential my a$$! Josh was clearly a no brainer for this team at #17 and BK did an EXCELLENT job of getting this guy on board.

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From Slamonline.com during the draft :

Josh Childress to the Hawks at No. 6. I'm guessing Lang is uninspired by this pick, and JC is admittedly not a marquee guy just yet, but I'm thinking he's going to be really, really good. The real shock is that he's able to get his hat down over his fro. grin.gif

Ugh! I know Childress was a good player on a good team, but he wasn't a great player. "Sideshow Josh" may be more polished than Deng, but come on, Billy Knight!! You don't have to draft players with the same hairstyle as you. Also, I think it's bad to draft any player where you have to hear d*ck Vitale talk after the guy is drafted.


At 17, Josh Smith goes to the ATL. Actually, I guess he just stays there. That's now 5/6ths of our current cover in the top 17. (Marvin Williams is already working out down at UNC, but if he'd entered the Draft, there's a pretty good chance he'd be in the first round, too.) Not braggin' or nothing, just saying...

I like this pick. Some people had Josh going to the Hawks in the top ten, so I love that they were able to get him in the mid-first round. Also, he's the first guy Atlanta's had that will attack the basket since...Nique!

And Jay Bilas is at it again, with his "most likely to be a bust" line. The look Josh's dad sends Jay's way could melt glaciers faster than Bush environmental policy (sorry, guess I'm caught up in the Farenheit 9/11 hype). In a way, it's refreshing to see ESPN guys not just blow smoke up guys, but at the same time...that's kinda harsh, isn't it?

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