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Best player argument??


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I was watching the preshow to the ESPN game/Sportscenter... Greg Anthony and Stephen Smith were argueing about who is the better player between KG and Bron James. They had picked these two as their own best player.....

I won't recap the argument, instead, I want to hear Hawksquawk...

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Duncan is the best player in the league right now. Switch Duncan and Garnett to each other's teams and is there any doubt the Wolves would become favourites over the Spurs?

Garnett is the more visible presence but Duncan does all the little things that make Parker and Ginobli more effective than Cassell and Spreewell. The rest of the Wolves' cast is better than SAs too but SA is still the better TEAM.

Lebron is getting there but is still a rung below, on par with McGrady and Bryant. Shaq is the hardest guy to rate 'cos he doesn't bring it every night. And that's reason enough for him not to be ranked No 1. He also has the most weakness to go with the most dominant offensive skills -- he can be beaten down the floor, his free throw shooting, his inability to defend the pick and roll etc.

So Duncan over Garnett by a hair though Garnett is still improving while Duncan seems to have peaked.

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If I had to pick one player to build a franchise around with the idea that I wanted to win a championship it would be Duncan, the big fundamental. KG is a close second.

LeBron, in a year or two, has shown every indication that he may be the best player. I would take him easily over Kobe because Kobe is such a prima donna. McGrady has similar skills as LeBron and Kobe but I am not sure he has the mental fortitude to drive a playoff run like MJ.

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Kevin Garnett

Tim Duncan


LaBron James

Kobe Bryant

Why I put Labron James over Kobe and Tmac

1)Despite being 6 years younger he is WAY more level

headed than both Tmac and Kobe.

2)His team is winning while Tmac and Kobe's team are


3)He is the best passer of the three

4)He seems to be a better leader than both.

5)He has them matched in stats... He offers more in

other areas that Kobe and Tmac don't seem to have.

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"You would have to stupid to not vote for Duncan."

- well, i guess im stupid then. as well as the everyone that voted KEVIN GARNETT as the MVP of the league- wat where they thinking?

PPG- 23.3 vs 23.8 (even)

RPG- 15.3 vs 12.7 (edge GARNETT)

APG- 6.2 vs 2.3 (edge GARNETT)

SPG- 1.68 vs .65 (edge GARNETT)

BPG- 1.73 vs 3.30 (edge DUNCAN)

u cant go wrong with either one- but i personally would take GARNETT.

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its cool man...

- as far as AGE, they are 1 month apart- so i think age isint an issue here.

- Garnett has been voted MVP once. Duncan twice. Is there much difference bein voted just once instead of twice? wat if Jason Kidd (who many believed was more of a MVP candidate cuz of his influence in NJ- but didnt have the numbers of Tim Duncan) won it that one year instead of Duncan? wat if GARNETT wins it again THIS YEAR (quite possible)- should we bring this up again at the end of the year?

what if Garnett had DAVID ROBINSON on his team? dont u think he'd have a ring by now?

- as far as less talent, does DUNCAN really have less talent?

1st Duncan-Garnett = EVEN

2nd Ginobili-Cassell = ? (ill say EVEN)

3rd Parker-Sprewell (whoever u think is better?) = ? (ill say EVEN for now)


Bowen (NBA’s All-Defensive Team each of the last four seasons- including 1st team alldefensive team last year) vs Szczerbiak (offensive version of Bowen- a starting player in this league)- so EVEN?

Brown, Rose, Brent Barry, Nesterovic, Horry


Griffin, Hudson, Hoiberg, Hassell, Olowakandi?


correct me if im wrong- but i think TALENT WISE- they are EVEN. Minnesota is NOT more talented than the SPURS. and viceversa?

- as for better record

Last year, MINNESOTA was the #1 seed team in the WEST. this year, Minn/Sa are both at the top of the west but SA has the better record.

- i dont know- its hard to say... whos better.

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Duncan may be more fundamentally sound but garnett is by far the better player. Duncan's championship rings were won as a team. It wasn't like he was scoring 50 or something. Duncan had David Robinson and a veteran team. I may think garnett is better player but i know im not stupid.

Robinson was done when Duncan came along and Tony helped some the second title because he out played Kidd in a game or 2 but Duncan took over and did the defense when he needed too.

KG has never lead his team anywhere. The best he could do is conference finals when he had Cassell and Latrell.

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Robinson is head and shoulders above NESTEROVIC. Even during the last season, Robinson was a good starting center. not the dominating, MVP center- but still a good starting center

Stephen A Smith is KNOWN for saying

"The SPURS will never win a championship with NESTEROVIC as their starting center"

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Hey Cyman,

You make some good points but I'll tell you why Duncan is (or was) better than Garnett. I said 'was' because comparing them you have to look at what they've done the past few years. And even last year, Garnett may not have beaten out Duncan for MVP if Duncan had not missed some games to injury. Anyway, here goes:

1. Duncan is the better post player with more reliable moves. Garnett is improving in that area but up to two years ago, he did not have reliable offensive moves and actually deferred to other players at crunch time. At the rate he is improving and with his range and versatility, he could be even better than Duncan soon but not yet, and definitely not in the past.

2. Duncan is the better post defender and shot blocker. Garnett again is more versatile and can defend more positions but Duncan gets the edge down low.

3. Duncan is the smarter player, more mature. Just look at what he's done since he's been in the league. Its hard to believe that Garnett is actually the more experienced player with more years in the league than Duncan.

4. Duncan makes his teammates better. This is largely because his better post moves create more need for a double team than Garnett.

This year's MVP race is going to be really tight and I hope the two of the them square off in the West Conf. Finals to settle the issue once and for all. I'll take that series winner over the voted MVP any day, barring injuries to them or their teammates.



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KG has never lead his team anywhere. The best he could do is conference finals when he had Cassell and Latrell.

He didn't have a healthy Cassell in the conference finals. Had he had the same Cassell he had all season, I think they would have beaten the Lakers and the Pistons.

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danny- u mention DUNCANS strengths and use it to support ur answer, but the same could be done w/ GARNETT

1)Garnett is the better PERIMETER PLAYER

2)Garnett is a better PERIMETER DEFENDER and STEALER

3)"Duncan is the smarter player, more mature." - well, i guess going to COLLEGE makes DUNCAN the smarter player- huh?

4)"Duncan makes his teammates better." - and GARNETT doesnt make his team better? Cassell + Sprewell would be the worst 1/2 punch in the league. WORSE THAN WALKER/HARRINGTON!

seems to me like ur ising the fact that DUNCAN is a bigger-body player to justify that he's better than GARNETT. in that case, ELTON BRAND is better than LEBRON JAMES.

now that the LAKERS dynasty is out... its only a matter of time before we see GARNETT with a ring.

dont get me wrong here guys, i dont think GARNETT is head and shoulders above DUNCAN (i picked DUNCAN 2nd). but i do want to back up last years MVP.

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KG has never lead his team anywhere. The best he could do is conference finals when he had Cassell and Latrell.

He didn't have a healthy Cassell in the conference finals. Had he had the same Cassell he had all season, I think they would have beaten the Lakers and the Pistons.

My point was it took a Cassell and Latrell to even get them that far. KG never did it alone like Duncan did.

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