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Smoove responds to minutes


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as a raw rookie, smoove just needs time to get his groove on the floor...here are his numbers when he gets 19+ minutes in a game...these are mostly in the low 20s for minutes per game...he did get 35 minutes last night, and got a double double to show for it...

19 minutes or more:

(in order of games, from first to most recent)









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I agree that Smoove is putting up some impressive numbers, but he is doing some things on the floor that are driving his coach crazy. Mainly, if he's playing defense out on someone on the perimeter, he needs to recognize who he's guarding. Last night, Jim Jackson got several open looks from the 3-point line because Smoove left him and couldn't get back. This has been happening all year. He's done it with Kyle Korver and Reggie Miller too. These guys have proven they can knock down an open shot, all they need is a look. If he's going to be starting at the 2, he will need to learn to cover the shooters. I understand he is pinching the lane to help,(mainly because our centers can't block anything) but you can't leave these kind of shooters that open.

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I agree that he can learn that. The thing is, even if he's playing the 3 spot, he'll still need to stay at home on the shooters if we're in a zone. It's something that the coach should only half to tell him once. I'm not sure what's so hard about staying with your man. I could understand him losing Reggie Miler because he tries to run you off 3 picks before he ever gets the ball, but the others are head scatchers.

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Chillz reminds me more of Marion than Smooth. I compare Smooth to a taller Vince Carter because of his leaping ability and athletic ability.

Vince Carters doesn't block shots or rebound aswell as

Josh Smith does NOW even. Childress isn't as athletic

or as fast as Shawn Marion. I would compare the jump

shots of the two though.

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He's a PF. That's why he rebounds so strong. That's why he blocks shots so tenaciously. That's why he leaves men open on the perimeter. He's accustomed to protected the goal. In HS, he could have been C on his team. The point is that I think the SF position is something that takes a lot of teaching. Playing on the Wing isn't natural for a lot of guys, especially big guys. Smith is a Big guy... Now, he's in the league with grown men and he's no longer one of the biggest guys on the court. He might develop a jumpshot and maybe some dribbling, but I think he's more suited to be A PF right now.

Just think...

How many HSers come out and are built to play Sf?

KG had to move to PF.

I don't know what Bron James is yet?

Kobe, Tmac, and Billups all choose Gaurds when they could have easily been Sfs.

I just think that the Sf position is too technical and requires training.

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