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What... Why... I don't understand...


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How is it that we are SO horrible? What is it that we are or are not doing? I mean, this is just silly, getting blown out SO freakin' badly.

We have players putting up decent numbers but do not click to that extent. Why?

Is it our offense (FG% does suck recently), our defense (doesn't seem like it should be), someone please tell me.

This freaking sux. Don't get me wrong, I think there can be good here but it is REALLY hard to see past loses like these (except for Smoove doin' his thang).

I hear much talk about needing a C but I think our glaring issue at the moment and what seems to be since forever is that we have a BIG hole at Point. I hope for the best with Ivey and all but we need a playmaker that can set us up NOW. Okay, maybe not NOW but soon.

Tell me what I have to give up for J.Williams and Swift. Tione, Diaw and Delk? Come on, let's make a deal here.

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The Hawks are not going to get better until they become a better defensive team.

The teams best defenders are Boris Diaw and Josh Smith..

With the lack of athletic ability the Hawks have playing

defense is tough. It's one reason the Jazz struggle with

out Kirlenko right now. One thing that makes Detroit a

good defensive team is Rasheed/Ben/Prince/Billups are

good athletes. But of course the biggest reason is the

slow the game down so much and limit shot attempts.

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Have they shown ANY improvement in this area? I know Woodson wanted us to be a defensive minded time, but is it going to be possible to instill this mentality this season with our current roster? Where are our week spots? Sorry to ask so many questions but I can only "watch" the games through either NBA.com or ESPN.com. I know it's wrong of me, but I'm trying to find a scapegoat.

On a side note...

Anyone know if and when Crawford's coming back?

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Our blueprint is not complete. Our best offensive players are weak defensively. That's part of why I advocate trading them both. I would do a Toine/Diaw/1st for J-Will/Swift/Battier because it's a step in the right direction... Unfortunately, Swift cannot be traded. Still I'd do a Harrington for Brown in the meantime because Brown will be a good defensive player/rebounder at the C position. I think Smoove has proven to be what we want.. He's very defensive, I mean 10 blocks.... He's also still learning. I haven't wrote off J-Chill. I say we play them both. What that leaves is spots at PG/C.

I think we will get Swift for PF in Facy.

The question is who will be our PG? The answer comes back... Well, we might have to wait on Paul. If you saw the Texas/Wake game yesterday, you had to be impressed by his overall game.

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The biggest weakness is the interior defense, and we still aren't rotating well on help defense.

The guys we have on the perimeter are good defenders. Royal Ivey will get after it, but he gets picked on by the refs because he is a no name rookie. Josh Childress, Boris Diaw, and Josh Smith can really defend. Al Harrington is a lock down defender as well, but at times, he lets his offensive struggles affect his defense.

Walker anticipates passes well, but as a defender on the low block, he is overmatched. Jason Collier is simply overmatched.

This team needs to really get after some guys that can defend in the up coming free agency period and the draft. Guys like Samuel Dalembert and Stromile Swift. I believe Kwame Brown still has potential as a defender once he gets a change of scenery. It would be good to have him in that center spot, as long as Atlanta gets him at a safe value at this point. Then, they could add a guy like Johan Petro in the draft. Petro is a 7 footer who has the reputation as a good defender.

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I understand we had to rebuild this team. I'm just not sure that BK was the man to do it. I agree the defense has to be the key. I remember when we had Hubie and Mike Fratello as coaches defense was the staple. Tree Rollins, Dan Roundfield were very good defenders, there was not a shot that went unchallenged in the lane.

Basketball has changed in the last 15 or so years. Todays players are much younger and much more immature. The league is more worried about trash talking than anything else it seems. Heck I remember when I played ball in Hight school that when someone talked a little smack it brought the level of play up another notch or too. I saw a play the other day a player dunked on somebody and just looked at the opposing player and got a T. Come on this is getting just a little ridiculous.

Of course being a longtime fan amd business owner I don't care for the "politically correct" crowd. I guess being in my mid-40s and a long time Hawk fan I'm just out of touch.

Sure do miss the days of Nique, Rounds, Tree, and ol Tommy McMillen.....................

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I agree this team is light in the britches. Collier is a joke at center and Walker doesn't play any defense. The only legitimate defensive threat is a rookie that was picked 17th in the draft. It took the coach an eternity to figure that he was their best defensive player and start playing him....go figure.

We only have defense in four positions at limited times and that is with three rookies (Smith, Chillz, Harrington and Ivey). That is a problem. We have no interior defensive unless Smith comes over and helps out. Everytime I see Collier playing I scratch my head in disgust trying to figure out "Why in the H#ll is he even out on the court"?

We are truly a rebuilding team. We may be very close to the record in total wins this year.

Defense wins games and championships!!

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