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HoopsHype Says Ainge wants Walker


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Here is a possible trade

Atlanta recieves: Tom Gugliotta, Kendrick Perkins, Marcus Banks, Jiri Welsh, and Tony Allen. Their point totals combine almost perfectly with Walker's. The only problem is that there is a cap difference of about 7,925,000 dollars. We can give them 10 million if they throw in Mark Blount.

This would improve the Hawks greatly, along with Ainge being able to erase the worst move of his pointless career. We recieve a could be superstar in Marcus Banks, another highflyer in tony allen, a good ball handler and shooter in Jiri Welsh, and another could be superstar in 6-10 280 pound Kendrick Perkins. TG is hurt, but when he gets back could be a consistent mid-range shooter. Mark Blount will fill in the Center spot while Perkins comes along.


This would do wonders for Boston because not only do they get Walker, but there isn't anymore competition for Ricky's starting job.

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Walker/2nd for Yogi Stewart/Tom Guggs/Al Jefferson/Ricky Davis...

I have proposed this one before. The only problem is does Ainge really want Walker? He traded Walker for Nothing. I mean Mihm.

I say if we get that deal, Googs, Yogi are cut immediately.

Jefferson/Davis become starters.

Ivey, Davis, Harrington, Jefferson, and Drobs.

Next we move Harrington for Brown.

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I would not give Harrington for Brown. Brown so far is a big bust and Harrington is a very talented player. I have not seen anything from Brown to get me excited about him coming here. I am sure we could get Brown for a lot less or even get this off season for a smaller contract.

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I'm sorry, but there is no way that Boston is going to give up Jefferson, and what good is Stewart going to do us, if we need a bad center, we'll just keep Collier. And if you think that no handles Ivey who can shoot about as good as Collier will be our starting point you are crazy. And why is Smoove not in the starting lineup, he has only been our best player for the past two weeks, and obviously the people running the Weekly Rewind seem to agree with me.

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Unfortunately, you don't realize that we traded to get Al Harrington in order to get SOMETHING instead of watching Jax walk..


Do you think we would have drafted J-Chill/J-Smooth/D-Smith had we knew that we were getting Harrington?

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Unfortunately, you don't realize that we traded to get Al Harrington in order to get SOMETHING instead of watching Jax walk..


Do you think we would have drafted J-Chill/J-Smooth/D-Smith had we knew that we were getting Harrington?

because BK has said he drafts for best player, not position.

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because BK has said he drafts for best player, not position.

That's Good spin but mostly BS....

For instance... BK drafted Diaw with Josh Howard still on the board. Why did he draft Diaw? Maybe it was because we had a PG who couldn't run the offense?? That my friend is what we call drafting for NEED not taking the best player available.

I think BK used that statement to defend this past draft... He had to have a reason for not taking Jameer Nelson and instead taking another swingman.

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Danny Ainge wanting Walker back just isn't true. I heard about this deal too and Ricky Davis was the player mentioned in the trade.

Danny isn't trading Tony Allen.

This is NOT happening.

You know what would eb cool though is if we made this trade and brought Walker back here next season.lol It would kill Ainge.

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