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Hawks Roundup: Why Isn’t Jon Barry Playing?


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The Roundup looks at the puzzling situation of Jon Barry, who despite numerous backcourt combinations is recent games hasn’t gotten any burn, leading to the question of what’s wrong with this picture? Is there another destination soon in Barry’s horizon?

The HFO talks to the coach, Mike Woodson, and Barry himself about the situation, and try to shed some light on what might be a developing situation.


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Thanks for bringing this one up. On a team with no good shooters (except Delk) you have to wonder why Barry can't at least get 15 minutes. He certainly hasn't looked as bad as Kenny has at times and could fit in a back court with Ivey, Delk, or Diaw.

To me this is another big ? on Woody's sketchy coaching so far. If you are searching for the right combinations on a 4-20 team why would you not try using your most consistent, best shooting, veteran guard? Worse is the idea that solid veteran FA's may avoid the Hawks (even more) because of the fear of lack of PT. Who wants to watch a 4-20 team from the bench.

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I think any free agent with half a brain would rather come to a team with several young players who show promise rather then a team that won a few games because of a veteran journeyman who won't be around next season anyway.

Only way to show the rest of the league the Hawks make sense as a free agent destination is to develop Al, Smoove, Chill, Ivey, Diaw, etc. Then the free agent can come in an know he has a proper supporting cast.

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I agree somewhat with that, but I'm not talking just about attracting top tier FAs. We still have to attract veteran role players like Barry. No matter how promising our young guys look if we continue to get blown out every game no mid level players will want to come here. So will be stuck with a bunch of young guys and maybe a big ego who thinks he can carry the team.

I'm not saying Barry should start. I wasn't even wild about signing him. But, not playing at all may be costing us.

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Of course, if Woodson was playing Barry instead of Childress, he would be criticized for not developing Childress. Basically, the guy can't win, and some of you have already made your decision on his coaching ability based on less than 20 games.

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I still think Woody is a good hire. I only said that his coaching has been suspect so far. But, that's what you get with rookie coaches. I'm still optimistic that it will be good in the long run.

Barry doesn't have to take minutes from Chill. What about Delk? Why isn't anyone screaming about Delk taking so many minutes from Chill and Ivey? The point is that we need to be a competitive team this year to show that we have some promise. Delk and Barry are our only outside shooters so it makes no sense to have Barry not getting minutes. How hard is it to defend the Hawks when you know that 4 or 5 of the guys on the floor are going to take it inside everytime. No one has to worry about perimeter jump shooters with this team.

Again today Woody is quoted as saying 'i'm searching for a good lineup' He says that about everyday, but then everynight its the same guys and the same minutes. It took highlight reel dunks and single-handedly winning a game for Smoove to get some minutes. If he's really searching he may want to try the whole bench and not just 8 guys. Could they lose much worse than we have been?

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