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Hawks to throw all their $ at Dalembert & Watson??


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How many games has he got over 20 minutes (I really don't know, if it's only handful that doesn't prove much)? Did you ever think there is a reason he isn't playing 20 minutes. If Woodson knew he was going to produce the stats you are projecting, why wouldn't he play him 20 minutes or more? I think the proof is in the pudding if you watch him play he doesn't show much on the court.

Listen I'm not a stat head. I go by what I see on the court. Yes, this guy busts his rump when he is out there. That doesn't mean he is good. I look at Childress and I see Diaw. The only difference we didn't get Diaw with the 6th pick.

For you to project those numbers is crazy. I'm sure I could find a guy on every team that averages 1pt, 1 asst and 1 rebound a game over 2 minutes of play. Guess what if he were to play 40 minutes a game he would 20 pts, 20 asst, and 20 rebounds a game. Stats are very misleading.

Look at the way Childress shoots the ball, it is god awful. He may have been a stud in college, however that doesn't mean you are great in the pros.

I wish the guy the best, because I want the Hawks to succeed. Let's not compare him to Garnett. He can't even hold Garnett's jock. You can make stats look anyway you want and to compare his production to Garnett is ridiculous.

Just look at his game. The only thing I see night in and night out from Chill is great hustle and decent defense. Is that worthy of the 6th pick? If it is I guess I'm dumb.

Also, how come Billy Knight jumped the gun on this guy. It was never mentioned that the Hawks had an interest in this guy. Maybe because most projected him higher (man I wish someone would have taken him before us)and I don't think we ever had him in for a workout. So why are we drafting him in the first place?

Overall, I want the kid to succeed. That would mean in the long run the Hawks succeed. However, for anybody watching he just doesn't look good out there. Ivey and Smith look a lot better. One went in the second round and the other never played in college.

Let's watch his play and not project stats. That will tell us the true story. Like I mentioned, I'm sure if he was a stud like you project Woodson would play him more.


Just my opinion.

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a) i meant 25, not 20 minutes

b) i believe it's about 5-8 games...don't know exactly off top of my head

c) he's not getting 25+ minutes because of smoove...smoove has to play cause of his blocks etc and with walker/al in the lineup, that means chill can't play 25+...

d) i watch all the games as well, and go by that...i just use the stats for projection

e) this projection is off of 25+ mpg, not off of 1mpg...those are two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT projections, and you know that...u can't say that it's the same to predict off 2 minutes as off of 25 minutes...

f) marion and reggie miller shoot the ball as ugly...and they are both great players...

g) not comparing him to garnett...just saying that he has the potential to be a complete player...i mean 16/8/5/4/2... he fills up the stats...AND provides defense

h) great hustle + defense + 16/8/5/4/2 is worthy of #6...

i) chill was in bk's top 3, as stated by jaywalker...and reports say that the wiz woulda taken chill with theirs if they didn't trade...also, the bobcats woulda taken chill if they didn't trade up for okafor...

j) again, his play shows defense and hustle and production when he gets minutes...once we trade walker, u'll see more 25+ minute games from him and see...sorry he has to try to get minutes behind a future star who can get up to 10blocks in a game, a 3-time allstar and a future allstar...

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While they are both tall, long armed, tough nosed defenders, they are polar opposites of each other with their style of play. I dont know how many games you watch, or if you are just judging them by their stats or the way they look, but they play the game in VERY different styles.

Childress loves to attack the basket and is a terrific rebounder for a guard. Diaw is an excellent ball handler who prefers to get his teammates involved rather than shoot the ball himself, although he does possess a nice stroke. Childress is a notoriously slow starter, taking time to get used to the speed of the game and his teammates at whatever level he has played at, but he has always been a good scorer. Diaw on the other hand has always been and quite possibly always will be a distributor who prefers not to score.

I mean realistically, the ONLY thing they are similar at is their body style and defensive ability. Other than that, they play the game and think the game exactly opposite of each other. Trading away Childress right now would be nothing short of foolish UNLESS we got back another solid young player (like a Ben Gordon or Kirk Hinrich or somebody like that).

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When I compare the two it is off their production. They give us the same amount of production. That is something you are missing in their similarities. I know if we project their stats out then he would give us more.

Look I want him to succeed and I have seen every Hawks game this year thanks to the NBA package (plug). What I see from the guy doesn't impress me. If he was this stud that everyone thinks, I would think that Woodson would have a place for him on the floor.


Once again my opinion.

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The problem with your comparison is that Miller and Marion have proven themselves in this league. Childress hasn't. I don't like comparing rookies with proven veterans. That is silly. Until they do something in this league, lets hold the comparisons. Right now Childress is reminding me more of Dermarr Johnson than Miller or Marion.

You can project out stats and that is fine, however that doesn't mean what you project is what is actually going to happen. That's the problem with projections. They are stats that show what could happen, it doesn't mean it will.

If Woodson and Knight loved this guy so much, especially Knight he would have already traded Harrington and Walker to get him more playing time.

Let me ask you this, what if we don't trade Walker, Harrington, or Smith? So Childress still isn't getting playing time. What would that say about what Knight and Woodson think of Childress?

If a guy can help your team, you play him. Walker is going to be a free agent after this year anyways. What does it matter if you cut his minutes to play Childress. Heck you can cut Harrington's as well to get Childress into the game.

When a team is 4 and 20. Why would you keep the same pattern of minutes for the guys on the team? Don't you think you would change guys minutes if it could help you win more or help you in the future. So why would Woodson and Knight not want to play this guy more?

I don't think you are going to hurt Walker or Harrington's trade value by playing them 5 minutes less a game. It could accomplish Chill getting the 25 minutes a game you are looking for. However, Woodson doesn't necessarily agree with that for one reason or another. Maybe his thought process will change or maybe he knows more since he sees Childress's game everyday and we don't.


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I agree with your post. I think a frontcourt of SD, JSmooth, and AH makes for a very exciting athletic bunch. Give Chill a chance to prove he can shoot consistantly from the 2 spot or draft the best shooting 2 available. Watson and Ivey make for a solid, not flashy, pg rotation that will D up. The draft is very important in our rebuilding right now and I am not dissatisfied with BK's drafting skills so far.

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I see no reason why the Hawks wouldn't want to go ahead and acquire Dalembert at the trade deadline... They would get a chance to evaluate his worth before dropping a big contract in the summer.

Here's why the Sixers would do it...Take a look at the teams who would have significant cap space this summer:

Charlotte, Denver, L.A. Clippers, Cleveland, Chicago, Seattle, and Atlanta. Charlotte, Denver, and L.A. already have better options at center...

Plus, Cleveland will be spending its $ on resigning Ilgauskas, Seattle will be resigning Allen, and Chicago will spend most of its space on Eddy Curry and/or Tyson Chandler (esp. if Curry continues to play like he has recently).

That means that the only team with both a desire and the $$$ to pry Dalembert away from the Sixers is Atlanta. (The same could be said for Kwame Brown, but I think he's more of a PF...).

So, Philly either has to overpay for Daly by matching Atlanta's offer or try and swing a S&T if Daly refuses to sign with Atlanta...

But if they do manage to put together a S&T, would the players being offered in return be better than Antoine? Not likely...and also not likely to have an expiring contract either.

The Hawks look to be in good shape if they want Dalembert...

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