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I love this team!


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And ANYONE who has been watching the Hawks over the past 13 years knows exactly why. I don't care how many games we lose or how many we get blown out by; this is the most entertaining and most promising Hawks team that I have ever seen since the glory days of Nique.

Forget that we are weak in the middle or that *gasp* Jon Barry shocked.gif is sitting on the bench. And forget that we've only won 5 games. None of that matters. We've got a STRONG foundation for a serious ballclub here. That's all that matters at this point. A few years from now, maybe some of the people who are continually complaining will see that.

Although I was STRONGLY for it at the beginning of the season, I wouldn't trade Walker unless we got a MINDBLOWING deal; and I wouldn't even think about dealing Harrington. These guys are legitimate options at #2 and #3. Our situation may look bad, but in all actuality, this team is only missing one really strong piece.

And it's just a matter of time before we get it. Personally, I hope we stink it up this year all the way to the lottery. With the way Smith is playing, It'll be like we've picked up 3 lottery picks over the span of 2 years.

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We are not that far away from being a pretty decent squad. I agree that one dominant player (preferably at PG or C but not necessarily so) would take this team to another level.

I also agree about Toine and Harrington. I like what both guys bring to the table a lot and if BK can resign Toine to a reasonable deal, I think he should do it.

I thought both Joshes were simply fantastic tonight. I LOVED how aggressive they both were on both ends of the floor. They both need to continue to work on their perimeter shooting but you have to love the defense, rebounding and court sense they both have at such an early stage of their careers. Smoove isn't supposed to know what he's doing yet but his instincts are simply phenomenal! Staying aggressive is the key for those two. If they keep their aggressiveness, we could be looking at a dynamic duo for quite some time.

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I have reservations about getting rid of Walker as well but I think, in the long run, the Hawks have to dump either Walker or Harrington so Smoove can play forward. Just based on contract situations, my guess is Walker is the one to go. Again, not saying he is not a good player, because he is, but just being realistic.

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I agree with your assessment and post. I think eventually that walker will have to go in order for Smooth to play his natural position. I also agree that we need one dominate player to take us to the next level. I believe however it will take solving the hole in the middle and at point to get us to championship level. I do like this team and I am willing to wait for us to contend in the playoffs.

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Love your post, I could not agree more about the two Joshes.

I do think that walker will have to leave eventually to make room for Smooth. I've been pulling for Smooth all the way and have been very impressed with his development so far. He could be a phenom if he continues to stay hungry and develop his entire game.

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I love this team too. I see the makings of a hell of team. We have some of the best young talent in the league right now. I just hope we can hold on to them.

Josh Smith has become and is becoming what I thought he was before the draft.

No one on this board is now debating me on whether he should have been the Hawks 1st pick. I am not going to mention names but people on this forum blasted me when I suggested that and now they are silently and secretly eating a lot of crow. Some people didn't want Smith at 17???? Go figure.

Josh Childress is going to be special too. To get both of these talents in one draft is amazing and I have to give BK credit for pulling this off. I am still amazed 16 teams passed on Josh Smith. What were they thinking???

I am now one that thinks we should bring Antoine and Harrington back next year and build around them.

The offseason should be solely concentrating on getting a physical inside shot blocking presence and a star point guard.

If we can shore those two weaknesses we are playoff bound and only going to get better because we are so young.

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And people kept saying that the rookies shouldn't be playing so much...that they should be riding the pine watching the vets play the game. I didn't agree with this, and most people can see why now.


Walker led the Hawks with 25 points, but he recognized the significance of the increasing rise to prominence of the team's rookies.

"I think it's great," Walker said. "They are the future of this team and we need them. They catch a lot of teams by surprise, because some teams don't know what they're good at."

-From ESPN's game recap

Even Walker understands how important the young guys are; and when you draft guys to be the future of your team, it doesn't make sense to leave them on the bench to rot...no matter how many mistakes they make. They have to get on the court to learn the game and 10mpg isn't going to do it. Contending teams are different, but lottery teams PLAY THEIR ROOKIES BECAUSE IT'S ALL THEY'VE GOT.

The problem, as many are seeing now, is that we have a GLUT at the 2/3 and Walker commands the 4. I thought his talents were wasted on our lottery squad, that he was taking valuable PT away from the rookies, and that his presence (along with AH) changed the way everyone else got involved in the game.

While most of that may still be true, I think at the same time, this team is the perfect situation for one impact player to step up or come in take this team to another level. For those who disagree, all I can say is yes, things change just like that; take a look at Phoenix and Seattle.

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The PT vs. the Position vs. the contracts vs. the games. Like I have said before and I will restate, BK needs to have a heart to heart with Walker. I don't want to get caught in a Boozer kind of situation but BK needs to know if Walker wants to be a part of this team longterm and how much it will take to make that happen. I don't think that there's much risk if we keep Walker because even if he walks, there's still Swift.

However, this is the thing that I look at...

1. We traded for Walker. We didn't have to. Walker fits that whole versatility aspect that BK loves. I don't think anybody can be upset with Walker's play, I mean he leads us in just about every statistical category.

2. We traded for Al. We had to. The thing about it is that BK was the one who convinced Indy to take Al in the first place. Does Al fit BK's mold? Maybe. The problem is that Al plays the exact same game as J-Smooth and J-Smoove is better defensively. The question... Do we keep Al or do we make him a BU at the 3/4. For those of you who think Al is our Next Pf, I suggest that you look at his rebounding history.

3. Once again, Boris Diaw is showing absolutely no reason to be kept. I say we package him with Barry and see what Denver will give. If they will give us Nene'... Good....

4. In the near future, we will have to address the question at C. In Free agent world we have 2 restricted FAs in Curry/Dalembert. I keep hearing the praise of Dalembert and honestly, Philly might let him go if we put a good contract out there, but the question is, would we be overpaying? Curry will be a Bull for life. I think Chicago is just waiting for somebody to offer him a contract so that they can match. But there's one name that nobody's mentioning and he will be unrestricted...

Jerome James.

Yes, he's a heavy weight.

Yes, he's had problems...

But he's putting up good numbers and helping Seattle be winners.

I know it's contract year stuff. But it's a thought...

Swift is a guy we definitely like, but aren't we stocked?

Let's say we get Swift, Walker, and Dalembert as FAs... We trade Diaw/Barry for Denver's 1st.

This is the squad:


Childress/L. Head (2nd Round)


Walker/Swift/Taft (First round)


I would go in with this team. I understand that Harrington may be better than a parttimer but this is who we have.

I think Taft, Jack, and Head are some excellent picks....

The only thing that is in question is the acquisition of both Swift/Dalmbert.

I think you keep Walker for what he adds.

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