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A trade is on the way....


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I don't know to who... Might be us, might be PTL... BUt J-Will is about to be traded.

I just read an article in TSN stating that Fratello is not found of J-Will and wants him gone. It is said that they are showcasing J-Will now to see what type of interest they can get for him.

I think it has to be us. I mean, BK traded for him.... We need a PG? J-Will would fit.

What works is Walker for J-Will/Lo Wright...

The question is does that work for us....

Wright can play C.

What we would have effectively done is given Memphis the cap room to resign Swift.


J-Will/J-Chill/Harrington/J-Smoove/Lo Wright...

I would see if Diaw/Barry could get us Denver's 1st.

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i wouldn't mind this too much, but how does it affect our future?

lo isn't our future center...

how do we get one if we do this?

how much cap would lo/will take up next year...in other words, how much would we now have to spend this summer? if we still had 10+ million and we knew we could get one of dalembert/swift/kwame/chandler/curry/z, then ok...but we have no guarantees of that and now we give up our best chance in swift, as they can now outbid us for him...

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I don't like it. We just need to stay patient with this team and let it grow, add some pieces via FA and the draft. Trade Walker for some picks or pieces or resign him (I'd rather trade him)

J-Will and Wright would allow us to be an average team that once again can't win in the playoffs. Let's just be patient and keep our high draft pick we'll have and draft a difference maker at PG or C, like Chris Paul or Taft ect. This is how we need to build our team, and add pieces like Watson, Sammy, and Swift in the offseason.

If we did make this trade then say goodbye to both Swift and Watson. Watson will stay with the grizzlies since they would have money and be giving him the starting role guarenteed.

PS: I've seen some early mocks saying that the Hawks will draft either Chris Paul or Martynas Andriuskevicius. Andriuskevicius WILL BE A BUST. we want to STAY AWAY from this guy i think. Read up on his weaknesses and maybe you'll agree, some say he won't be ready for another 4-6 years, well...Darko really is up there with Lebron, Wade, and Melo right now...

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I think one of Chandler or Curry could be had since the Bulls don't want both back. But I don't know if the Hawks should take them. Chandler is injury prone and is really just a 7 foot SF who rebounds well. He gets blocks and rebounds but isnt a great defender. Curry could be MVP some day if he ever put his skills together and focused for a full year. But he doesn't seem like he ever will. One night he could score 20, and the next he could score 5. I'm not high on either one of these players.

I doubt we'll be able to get nene.

So the 3 I would focus on are dalembert/swift/kwame.

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That is true... Some is his lack of defense, but the article mentioned his flash. I thought he was a lot less flashy than his "Good Ole Boys" days.

But the guy is a huge playmaker. I think it's possible to do what these other guys have done. Play him three quarters and let Ivey play the important minutes of the 4th. It works for a lot of teams. The point is that J-Will is a guy who can be the PG we need.

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I think in the future, we'd still be able to put up some money for Dalembert and maybe Taft and Jack but that's it.

But look at the team we'd have:






The only thing we would have done is decided not to persue swift which is something we might decide to do anyway.

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i think i've decided that i'd go for Curry. He could come cheaper than would be others and I think with the right coaching from Woodson could be solid. I would not expect him to be a superstar for us but would expect him to be solid, maybe a good 12pts 10 rebounds a night. That along with solid defense, that would be all we need.

This is of course if Kwame was too much.

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The problem is that Dalembert/Kwame are both Restricted free agents. This scares me because I know that a team would rather sign their own free agent and trade him later than let him walk for nothing. Best believe that Philly and Washington will Pony up the money to resign those guys. I mean the only player in recent memory that I remember ever escaping was Odom! He had to be signed with a crazy contract and then had to tell Sterling that he wanted to be set free before he was acquired by Miami.

So realistically, we have Swift.

No disrespect to Swift, I believe he is a strong possibility, but Swift is no C. I think we could probably groom Taft to be a C before Swift... Although Swift has the experience.

Also, no disrespect, if we got Swift, I wouldn't be mad... i think he'd fit in as our PF. I just don't think that Harrington has a starting spot anymore. Lastly...

With J-Smoove, Swift on the court at the same time, we'd need a PG who can knock down the outside shot. I don't know which of the three that is... Maybe it is Paul....

But your scenerio takes us to:



J-Smoove/Al Harrington.



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Trade of Williams

There have been about 10 or so articles like this stating that Williams is on the chopping block. I know that West is Old School and what that means is that he likes to showcase a player before trading them. Williams have played the last three games and put up good numbers... He's being showcased now. The question is to Who for What...

Most teams in the league have PGs and no PG problems. I can only think of a handful in need of a PG.

Us, Houston, Toronto, and LAL...

Being that West wouldn't give LAL the Sweat from his balls, I think that it narrows the trading partners to three.

Toronto just gave its biggest piece away for scraps. I think if it were possible, they'd trade Rose for J-Will in some combo, but I don't think Memphis needs another Sg.

Houston has Mo Taylor or Juwaun Howard to give and may well be the team that is in the first position.

I just believe that with our need and with BK's history in Vancouver that his phone was one of the first called when J-Will went on the blocks. I put Walker for Lo/J-Will but it could just as easily be:

CC/Delk/Diaw for J-Will


Harrington for J-Will/1st.

I just think (speculation) that in the next few days, J-Will will be traded to a team in need of a PG.

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He said I'm going to get a flashy PG today!

I'm his official unofficial internet leak...

I got Vescey on Speed dial...

When Vescey writes and says " A source close to the team.." He's either talking about me or Jaywalker.

Whatever happened to my good friend David Aldridge?

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