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The State Of The Hawks


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KA- He is done as an NBA player and I think he is acting more like a coach to the younger players now and will likely not be around at the end of the year.

Lou- Great pickup. I would like to see him brought back next year to mentor our rookie PG and he is an effective floor leader.

Ivey- A second round pick all the way. He shows flashes but doesnt seem able to put it all together. I wouldnt mind bringing him back next year as a third PG.


Chill- Looks like he was a reach at 6 but not a bust. He seems to have an all around game where he will have good stats but not anything great. A keeper and a valuable peice to a team but more of a semi-star player.

Diaw- In the dog house until he can learn to pull the trigger. He was a decent pickup for a late first and is a serviceable player who can be a BU for 3 positions. I dont know what his future hold but its very possible he could be trade bait.

Delk- He si a good scorer and I would really like to see him moved for a young guy or draft picks. I heard Denver was looking for a SG who could score...


J-Smoove- I looks like he and Chill were drafted in reverse order. If he continues to work on his game and stays healthy he will be a super star in the NBA.

AH- He is playing out of position and it shows. I think given a chance at PF his game would really take off. As for this year he is playing better as he relaxes and most importantly he is taking the rookies under his wings and showing them how to be men. I think he is a keeper.


Walker- He is a nice one year rental. I hope that we can trade him for some young talent and or draft picks. I dont see him being back next year unless its for a huge discount like in the 7 mil range.


Collier- He is not a starting center, PERIOD! Last year looks like it was flash in the pan.

Drob- He is a quality BU C and I hope that he will be back next year unless we can get a first for him.

Willis- He is just what we thought an effective BU C in small doses. He is doing exactly what we signed him to do.


I think that overall they have done a good job. People shouldn't have expected too much from this team considering all the new players and young talent. The team is slowly getting better so they are doing their jobs.

Overall we are not winning but I see a lot of progress. Our young players are getting better and we are becoming competive on a much more consistant basis, we just need to lean how to close out games and hold onto leads. We still need more talent esp at the C and PG spots but that can be helped next year via FA and the Draft. Post your remarks on what you think about the Hawks so far.

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That Al and Smoove are both 4's. To me it is obvious that Al is out of position at the 3, and I see very little shooting or ballhandling skills from Smoove. I know he is just a baby, but his shot is poor and he has absolutely no handles..I keep reading here how Smoove will develope a good shooting touch and ballhandling skills, but I don't ever see NBA wing type potential there for him. I see many college freshman with much better shots and ballhandling. I think he will get bigger, develope a more short range game and become a dominant 4. Everyone here wants so bad for him to become the next Nique, they ignor the fact he is actually much closer to being the next Shawn Kemp type player.I hope people don't take this as a negative post, but Smoove just looks much more like a 4 to me..

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I think Smoove can be a SF and that would allow him to use his athletic ability to his advantage. If we sign Redd, get a PG who can run the offense and shoot, finally sign a young C even if they are undersized and this team looks good. So the plan should be sign Redd, Lue, and someone like Swift and draft a PG

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That Al and Smoove are both 4's. To me it is obvious that Al is out of position at the 3, and I see very little shooting or ballhandling skills from Smoove. I know he is just a baby, but his shot is poor and he has absolutely no handles..I keep reading here how Smoove will develope a good shooting touch and ballhandling skills, but I don't ever see NBA wing type potential there for him. I see many college freshman with much better shots and ballhandling. I think he will get bigger, develope a more short range game and become a dominant 4. Everyone here wants so bad for him to become the next Nique, they ignor the fact he is actually much closer to being the next Shawn Kemp type player.I hope people don't take this as a negative post, but Smoove just looks much more like a 4 to me..

I think it will be easier for him to develop a jumper then to "grow." There is no guarantee he grows another inch and if he doesn't, he simply is not big enough to play power forward. If he does grow fine, but I know I have not grown since I was 18, maybe even 16. Smith was measured under 6'8" at the combine w/o shoes. He needs 2 inches and 20+ pounds before he reaches true power forward size.

Again, I think he will be a small forward in the Shawn Marion mold if he can develop a jump shot.

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If Smoove is only 6'8", then Walker and Harrington are only 6'7" or 6'6", because he is clearly taller than both of them.Anyway, outside of that its not about height, its about wingspan and leaping ability. People are just hung up on Smoove being the replacement for Nique that they are not seeing his true game, he is and will be a 4, I'll bet ya.

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for anyone who thinks that Smoove won't be a small forward should go back and remeber how good of a shooter Nique was when he entered the league. Nique couldn't hit the side of the rim half of the time. Smith not only will be just of a good shooter as Nique, but at the same time could be the best Defensive player in the year after he is in the league for at least three years. By then Kobe will be washed up in LA, and Ron Artest will be kicked out of the league for stabbing a fan or something else stupid. All I know is that Smith is the brightest light in the very dim Phillips Arena, and come his sophmore season, he will be in the top five to come out of the 2004 draft

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