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With a 52.7 FT % , what team would want Antione?


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The Hawks are 7-30 and the trade deadline is coming up shortly, but if the Hawks are going to truly improve as a team the organization needs to trade or "give" Antione Walker away...

Antione Walker has been in the league NINE SEASONS and I don't know of a perimeter player who is a veteran who shoots such a low percentage at the FT line.. IT IS A DETREMENT TO THE TEAM... I know the Hawks are desperate on finding talent, but a "standard" needs to be set.. HIT YOUR FREE THROWS, PLAY DEFENSE... and Antione can't fo either consistently...

To me, letting him go, would be "addition by subtraction"...

Someone had suggested trading Antione for Desmond Mason.. Mason may be another guard, but Mason plays with heart, and great finisher in the open court and can hit FT's (80%+ this season) and plays defense...

I had wondered why Antione had bounced around so much, but how can you be a "star" player, if you can't consistently hit free throws down the stretch of a ball game...

Coach Woodson needs to set some "standards", and Antione Walker needs to be first example... trade him now...

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The same old stuff and after a good night for him at the line you show your colors.

Sign up today and 2 posts, please Hello the truth.


The Hawks are 7-30 and the trade deadline is coming up shortly, but if the Hawks are going to truly improve as a team the organization needs to trade or "give" Antione Walker away...

Antione Walker has been in the league NINE SEASONS and I don't know of a perimeter player who is a veteran who shoots such a low percentage at the FT line.. IT IS A DETREMENT TO THE TEAM... I know the Hawks are desperate on finding talent, but a "standard" needs to be set.. HIT YOUR FREE THROWS, PLAY DEFENSE... and Antione can't fo either consistently...

To me, letting him go, would be "addition by subtraction"...

Someone had suggested trading Antione for Desmond Mason.. Mason may be another guard, but Mason plays with heart, and great finisher in the open court and can hit FT's (80%+ this season) and plays defense...

I had wondered why Antione had bounced around so much, but how can you be a "star" player, if you can't consistently hit free throws down the stretch of a ball game...

Coach Woodson needs to set some "standards", and Antione Walker needs to be first example... trade him now...

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Antione's 10-14 FT night is a one night anomoly....

Even after that 10-14 "explosion", he is STILL hitting only 52.7% of his free throws.. This is truly pathetic, especially for a nine-year NBA veteran...

I heard you the first time.

Does it matter to you AT ALL

That he works on it daily? first at practice and last to leave, probably not huh?

If he didn't work on it THEN I could see the hate fest but for someone who continually works on the kinks of his game to get no credit for that? ah days of reading Celtics message boards.

FYI, I guess we pick on the 3's and FG% next but after that, no discussion.


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With Antione and FT shooting, if he hasn't mastered it to a large degree (80%) by now (after 9 NBA seasons), he never will...



If you can't do these three basic things, then you shouldn't be an Atlanta Hawk...

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With Antione and FT shooting, if he hasn't mastered it to a large degree (80%) by now (after 9 NBA seasons), he never will...



If you can't do these three basic things, then you shouldn't be an Atlanta Hawk...

Who the fuk are you? How long have you been a Hawks fan? A YEAR?

HEY GRAYMULE...Care to enlighten me as to who this jones person is?

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Employee 8,

How can any "consistent" winning team want someone like Antione Walker at crunch time on their team...

Playoff and championship teams don't have many 52 percent FT shooters on the floor in the 4th quarter, unless they are Shaquille O'Neal, Dennis Rodman or Ben Wallace...

For someone who's game is based on the perimeter, and shoot that poorly (and he has been in the league NINE SEASONS) is very disappointing...

... And I have been an Atlanta Hawk fan since 1985, and for a guy like Antione to be in the league as long he has with his FT problem is something that shouldn't be tolearated and the ATL need to unload him as soon as possible--- Addition by subtraction!!!!!

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Hey Employee8...just cause someone is not on here doesn't mean that they aren't a hawks fan, and also why question someone on how long they have been a Hawks fan when you yourself have only been a Hawks fan for this season and only because we got your favorite player, AW? If you were joking then that's different I just couldn't tell.

But about Walker. He's played better all around as of late. He's been rebounding very well and if can get his average up to 20 and 10 then I think his value should be good enough to where we can get something good for him. I'd rather get a decent pick (10-15 range) than a player like Chandler or Dalembart or anyone else we could just sign in the offseason. This is a deep draft, just not one full of stars. (For the most part)

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Antoine Walker's shooting 52.7% is very unacceptable. While he has talent, this talent is useless when he makes bone headed turnovers during crucial times of the game.

Also, AW has straight up tunnel vision. While he makes the tough shots, he also misses a boat load of easy shots and he turns the ball over too much because he is playing selfish ball (Not looking to pass out of double and triple teams at the right times). Like I said earlier he is a turnover waiting to happen.

I really don't know what his trade value is right now, but(52.7% FT) hurts his value, but they need to trade him while we have some interest.

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If you are a star player, one expects for you to play in the fourth quarter where games are usually decided... and if you are shooting 52.7 percent from the FT line... YOU ARE LIABILITY... it's almost a like a "turnover" of sorts..

like i said before in regards to antione: "addition by subtraction"...

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If you are a star player, one expects for you to play in the fourth quarter where games are usually decided... and if you are shooting 52.7 percent from the FT line... YOU ARE LIABILITY... it's almost a like a "turnover" of sorts..

like i said before in regards to antione: "addition by subtraction"...

My guess is you don't watch Walker much. Tonight was a great reason why he can be on a good team and needed. He hits big shots when you need them.

Obviously free throw % is the only thing you can complain about.

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