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Interesting article in AJC today.....Read


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Based on this article it seems as if Walker is gone and Harrington is here to stay.....Like I have been telling you all for months!!!


More pressing needs

The Hawks' most glaring needs are in the paint and at point guard. Teams with solid big men have given them trouble all season. Curry scored 19 points in 24 minutes in Chicago's blowout win over the Hawks on Monday night.

With Smith and Harrington filling out the forward spots — though Smith can be used at guard if necessary — there's a need for complementary players, not guys who'll disrupt whatever chemistry is being developed this season.

Serviceable big men are just as hard to find as quality point guards.

The difference between a so-so post player and difference maker is greater than you might expect. There's only one Shaquille O'Neal. There's only one Jermaine O'Neal, for that matter.

"We need a big man that wants to come in here and go crazy in the paint," said Harrington , who Hawks coach Mike Woodson prefers to play at small forward, his natural position, rather than power forward, where he ends up often during games simply because of the matchups. "I've played with those kind of guys before and played against them on a nightly basis.

"Those [types] always make a difference when you have them, mostly because the most dominant players in the league are playing that position right now. In Tim Duncan, KG [Kevin Garnett], Jermaine and even Amare Stoudemire, you have guys that can change the way their teams play because they're going to get their 20 [points] and 10 [rebounds] working primarily inside. And that frees up the rest of the floor for other guys to do work."

Change is inevitable

Whatever the case, change is once again coming for the Hawks. The expiring contracts of veterans like Antoine Walker, who said he wants to stay with the team, Kevin Willis and Kenny Anderson make that inevitable.

The Hawks' on-court struggles only make the need for change more obvious.

"When you're in the single digits this late in the season, you've got to make some changes," Woodson said. "You can't just sit and say, 'This is how it's going to be.' We're trying to get better, as an organization and for the years to come.

"That's the whole reason for coming here. Because this is about not only the 12 to 15 guys on the roster, it's also about the fans here in Atlanta. The fans here need something to cheer about. They have to know we're doing things to make this team better. And I know Billy and our management and our ownership is committed to doing that the right way."

Still, there's the question of how long it will take. Even with the significant changes this summer, a nucleus of Harrington, Smith and fellow rookies Josh Childress, Royal Ivey and Donta Smith isn't exactly an imposing sight for most opponents.

"I hope we're only two free agents away," Harrington said. "That said, I think what our rookies are doing is way beyond what the normal rookie would be doing. These guys are playing minutes and going through things a lot of rookies don't see until later in their careers.

"But hopefully we can compete [for a playoff spot] next year, provided we get the right guys in here. Because every year in the East is a chance for some team to rise up and be that 'surprise' team. We have to be realistic this season and understand that we've dug a hole so deep that it'll be hard to climb all the way out. But everything we do on the floor from now until the last game has to be about building for the future."

Again Harrington ain't going nowhere. He is here for the long haul of the rebuilding process. Walker will be traded very soon....you watch.

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Sekou is saying it without saying it and you can definitely read it between the lines. You can read it in Billy Knight's comments.

He also says something about how the Pistons got Rip and Chauncy and they were players that teams had given up on. Then he goes on to say:


"We're in the microwave age right now, where everybody wants everything right now.
And sometimes a player needs some seasoning, a chance to come into his own.
That's something we all have to be conscious of now to make sure we're not making as few mistakes as possible during the
evaluation process

That's all about Harrington and Chill. What he's saying is that the team needs to be adjusted to allow these kinds of guys the opportunity (and that means more than just PT) to prove their worth - before we pass judgement on them.

The article was also talking about how we'll likely be going after these castoffs from other teams. I know BK is going to chase Swift hard. I think he also might be taking a look at Jason Williams.

Good article though and honestly, I think the tone is spelling out a Walker trade at the deadline or the offseason.

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Exactly.....He did an excellent job of saying Walker is gone without actually saying it and also saying Harrington is hear to stay without actually saying it.

The future is Harrington and Smooth at the Forward positions even though they want Harrington at Small forward which is his natural postion. They are going to play together and/or spell each other depending on the Big Man we get.

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For as good as Walker is, I would be cautious because his contract won't bring us back all good... I think BK is hearing a lot of deals involving Bad CONTRACTS so before I would take A. McKie/Thomas/Dalembert, I would think long and hard about it...

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NO WAY ON EARTH would Billy Knight take back those monster contracts and kill our cap flexibility.

The ONLY WAY that we would deal straight up with Philly would be Big Dog/Dalembert for Walker. Other pieces or picks might get thrown in, but those are the guys who would make the salaries and ending contracts work.

For what its worth to everyone........Dalembert has been blowing up big time lately, showing that when he gets time he can be exactly what we are looking for. Scoring, rebounding, shot blocking, and toughness in the paint.

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Yup that would be an excellent trade for us. It opens up the forward spots and we still get 12 million off the books at the end fo the season when Dog goes away. The question is would Philly bite? If they did then we resign Dalembert, resign Lue, sign Swift or Brown and draft Paul and our roster is set.

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But Philly would not do that trade with us. It makes no sense for them to take on an ending contract and give up a player with as much potential as Dalembert.

What exactly do Philly get out of this deal?

They Lose Dalembert??

Come on, they are not that stupid.

They would trade for Walker with no real chance to resign him.

If they were to do the deal, they would not give up Big Dog and they would get rid of some of their bad contracts so that they could resign Walker.

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quit trying to make trades fit your arguments. Why would Philly do it? Because they get a 20/10 player that would probably play very well with AI and someone who would get them respect in the post, which would free Korver up more. They would have as good of a shot at signing Toine in the offseason as anyone, probably the best chance if they win with him. Worst case, they SnT him in the offseason. They also do it because Iverson isnt getting any younger, they dont have caproom, and they desperately need an additional scorer (which is why the took on the Big Dog).

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I agree. It's not like AW and Dog are equivalent--just two bloated, ending contracts.

If that were the case, Philly would be stupid to trade SammyD. Philly needs Walker. They can win the Division with Walker. They can make a run in the playoffs in a WEAK east with Walker. He is an asset that they can either resign with Bird rights or use in a SNT.

There are rumors SammyD would leave Philly anyway, especially for the ridiculous offer he's going to get from some other teams, which is why I'm slightly apprehensive on acquiring him. I think he's at least looking at 5 years 45 million with what Okur and Foyle and Dampier got.

If he comes in here and starts he will average 14 and 11 for the rest of the year and get a near max deal. Talk about eating up cap room. Maybe he's worth it, though. Yikes.

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If that's the case, I'd rather throw less money at Stromile or Kwame (actually, I'd really like BOTH). BK was wise enough not to give Damp the ludicrous deal that Cuban gave him.

The key in any deal with AW is that we maintain our cap flexibilty. Again, Diesel - NO BAD CONTRACTS!

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and plays tough defense and good transition offense, he would very well be worth 8-10 million a year, which is what he is likely to get since he is just coming onto the scene. If he was to put up those numbers, he would basically be a less scoring Alonzo Mourning in his prime (although Dalembert has shown he can score if he gets the touches) so I would certainly do what it took to get him. The difference between Dalembert and say Stromile/Kwame is that Dalembert is big, very active, and is a terrific shotblocker. He is also young and has many really good years ahead of him. Stromile is too small to hold up at C and while I like Kwame, I would much rather use the same money for him on Dalembert.

Being able to add Dalembert and one of the premiere college PGs to this existing team while only losing Walker will make next years team much better than what we have now. Also this years Rooks will have time to grow and we can sign some more budget veterans and have a squad that plays defense and shares the ball on offense with the ability to score inside and out.

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Sit in Philly's shoes for a moment.

You're saying that they should trade a piece for their future to go maybe Maybe 1 round further in the playoffs this year???

What sense does that make.

IF they trade Grob away, they will not be able to resign Walker unless they give him an extension. NO TEAM will do that. He's not worth Shaq Money.

So you're saying that they should trade away Dalembert who could possibly be a Magloire type C soon for a guy who is just as much a Ball hog as Iverson?????

BTW, haven't you noticed that other guys who played good offense couldn't get along with IVerson..... Thomas, Jackson, GRob Healthy...

Geez... You must have been in Babcock's office when somebody said.. Trade Dominique for Danny Manning??

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Diesel, Big Sammy is a free agent to at the end of this year. So who is to say he is in Philly's future. On top of that apprently he is in the dog house up there and that is why he wasnt getting the playing time. One fantasy site actually said they were shopping him and his minutes would soar elsewhere. So now they are trading someone that doesnt see eye to eye with the coach, and could be gone at the end of the year. For Tione which would provide a great complement for Thomas, AI, and Korver and be a fresh face to the team. So Diesel now that you final have some input other then your tunnel vision world of trades you think will happen just because the trade checker at RealGM says so (which is strictly salary based) and not on any reality, what is wrong with this trade from both sides of the fence.

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even like him? When he is probably going to leave the team once he becomes a FA anyway. Sure Diesel, if I was them I would let him walk for nothing because I (as Philly) cannot afford to pay him as much as a team like the Hawks would be willing to pay him. No sense trying to get Walker and making a run at it this year and if it doesnt work out trading him for a 1st rounder and expiring contracts.

The really funny thing about this is that you desperately want to screw the Hawks time and again with 3-5 year monster contracts for average players. Really, sometimes I do wonder if you really are Babcock, hoping to poison this team.

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I actually agree with Diesel on this one. If I am the Philly GM I would not trade Dalembert for a Walker rental - because even if it means a potential improvement in the standings and a possible run in the playoffs it does not realisticly position me for a championship.

Philly and O'Brien seem to be warming up to Dalembert as his minutes have increased in the last several weeks.

If the Hawks could get Dalembert for Walker I would do it in a heartbeat even if it meant taking on one moderately bad contract.

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My point is the only one that makes sense.

Philly's only motivation to trade for Walker would be to get rid of Bad Contracts... PERIOD.

Walker is a rental.

Maybe you have forgotten the Danny Manning years, but it proved to be stupid for any GM to trade talent for a rental that is NOT going to be able to get you into the finals AND will not resign.

Where Philly sits right now is that they have a bunch of bad contracts... Contracts for players signed TOO Long.

King has not traded Big Dog and will not trade Big Dog because BD represents cap relief.

You're making the claim that he will trade away BD/Dalembert to take on 2 Million in Cap Relief...

Come on, that's worst that giving Dalembert away...

BTW, Dalembert is a RFA...

That means that Philly has the option to Match any team's offer... Even so much as that they can go over the cap to match. So Dalembert will not just Waltz out of Philly.. In fact, I can see them pulling a SNT with Dalembert if things are as bad as you say....

However, in his last 3 games he's averaging 15/10 in 28.2 min/g.... That's not as bad as you say...

Do you have any more ridiculous dreams that I have to kill?

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I have basically decided that Philly won't trade Daly for Walker.

But, if they do, it's because of:

1. Their gaping hole at PF. Kenny Thomas is undersized and undertalented.

2. They need a second scorer, preferably one with low post skills.

3. They have depth at center, and obviously Jackson fits better with their coaching scheme.

4. They're capped out & heading toward luxury tax land very shortly.

5. Dalembert will want to start & that may have to be done elsewhere.

6. Walker would resign with them, and probably for a decent discount.

7. Walker isn't a championship piece, but he's probably enough to get them into the playoffs.

But if, and it's a BIG if, Philly decides that Delembert is in their future plans - all bets are off.

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You have to give them some benefit...

A benefit is not trading an ending contract for an ending contract. There's absolutely no benefit in that.

Philly has a young team. They will make the playoffs by default. But they know that if we were just to hand them Walker and they kept Daly that they still couldn't make it pass the 2nd round.

The Benefit that they would like is cap space. We have cap space to offer...

I think they'd give us Daly but we'd have to take a bad contract or 2. Because in the end, Philly just wants to resign some of their free agents (Walker included).

This Walker for Big Dog/Daly looks great for the Hawks. Oh, we give up an ending contract. We get 12 million in capspace PLUS a Young C prospect who is a good shot blocker/rebounder... Yes, that looks great for us... BUT there is no way in HEL that Philly does that to themselves... It makes no sense. It's like us giving up Josh Childress/CC for Big Dog...

Not logical...

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