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Interesting article in AJC today.....Read


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First off, this deal DOES NOT get us any cap space. Big Dog for Walker is almost a wash and whatever extra Walker made, Dalembert will more than make up for after re-signing.

You also seem to forget that Walker is a near 20/10 career player with several good years ahead of him and that Philly's coach LOVES Walker. Dalembert is a guy with a lot of talent who has yet to do anything in this league and somehow you cant see how much they gain with Walker on their team. Jackson is more than adequate at C for them.

Anyways, this is getting old......fit this trade into your argument however you desire.

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Lets see Dalembert averaging 6.5 pts a game 6.7 boards and 1.5 blk shots average 22 minutes a game.Why? Dalembert has to be in the doghouse in Philly I looked at there roster only Iverson averaging more than 13 pts a game and they don't have anyone averaging 10 rebounds a game.Maybe Philly takes a gamble and lets Dalembert play out his contract but matches the contract keeping him then they go out and sign walker.That would piss me off but I don't think that will happen.As valuable as centers on they probably will sign and trade him holding the team who wants him for alot.I don't know if I would be willing to give up anything for dalembert knowing walker was gone.The Hawks are already rebuilding and philly probably will want some good players for dalembert.

Are there any half way decent centers in the second round the hawk's could get as projects? Wasn't Dalembert a second round pick?

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A benefit is not trading an ending contract for an ending contract. There's absolutely no benefit in that.

Philly has a young team. They will make the playoffs by default. But they know that if we were just to hand them Walker and they kept Daly that they still couldn't make it pass the 2nd round.

Philly doesn't make this trade if they don't intend to resign Walker. That's the benefit - a borderline All-Star at their weakest position.

As far as the playoffs, they have to make it first. B/C the Atlantic is SO screwed up, they are simultaneously .5 games out of first AND ONLY 4 games out of last place. By contrast, Atlanta is 21 games out of first.

In other words, one injury & they could quickly become the worst team in the Atlantic. Walker is insurance vs. that.


Because in the end, Philly just wants to resign some of their free agents (Walker included).

They do want to resign some of their free agents. But they also want to fill some of their holes.

Would you rather 1.) resign Dalembert to an overpriced contract just to split time with Jackson for the next 2+ years or 2.) resign Walker to an "undervalue" contract to be a borderline All-Star in his prime?

If they like Walker, and I'm not sold on this "O'Brien likes him" argument, then a Daly/Big _og for Walker/Diaw wouldn't surprise me.

(And I am going to ignore your comparison of Walker to Robinson. You know as well as I do that Toine is much more valuable).

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This deal gets us back Big Dog's 12 million dollar capspace... That's the capspace I'm talking. Usually teams don't trade Capspace for capspace.. What's the purpose..

What you're saying is that Philly trade's it's capspace and Dalembert for 2.5 million more in capspace that will get eaten up by AI's 12.5% raise...

Talk about CLUELESS.....

Again... What's the purpose?

Will walker get them pass the 2nd round???

Hell with Walker and AI on the same team will there be enough shots???

Obrien may love Walker but he's not going to give up a shot blocking C for 5 months with Walker... Again Clueless... What's the purpose??

Dol... What you fail to realize is that a shot blocking C is a comodity... They are not an add in... The other night... Dalembert put up 21 with 16 boards and 3 blocks... You think they are just going to give that away for 5 months with walker??

Give me a break...

Let me ask you..

If you are Philly's GM, do you make this trade?

I mean, you know that you cannot resign Walker at the end of the year.

You know the difference is capspace is gone immediately.

You know that there are NO shot blocking Cs coming in this years draft..

Do you do this??

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Philly doesn't make this trade if they don't intend to resign Walker. That's the benefit - a borderline All-Star at their weakest position.

Yes... But they cannot resign Walker when they are already over the cap. Also, Walker has to be released from his contract.. I doubt that Philly or any team would give Walker an extension on the 14.5 million he's making now... That's shaq Money... So if they trade Capspace for Capspace then they basically say, we're not resigning Walker.


Would you rather 1.) resign Dalembert to an overpriced contract just to split time with Jackson for the next 2+ years or 2.) resign Walker to an "undervalue" contract to be a borderline All-Star in his prime?

We've discussed the undervalue contract... It can't be done without exposing him to FAcy and begging him to take a MCE contract (5 million per)... Sorry but I bet if Chicago makes the sameoffer, Walker goes there or if Shaq/Miami calls Walker goes there...Point is nobody wants to trade your C and sit around like Cleveland did with Boozer.

If you resign Dalembert you don't have to keep him if you don't want him... You can trade him...

Teams match all the time... In fact, it's hard for a player to not be matched... The only 2 that comes to mind are Odom and Richardson. Both Players had to beg the owner to not match and had LAC not been flirting with Kobe, QRich would still be a Clipp.

We even matched for JT... Thats why if you really want a player, you don't try to sign him as a rfA like we did with Swift. Wait the year. So I believe that Philly will match just because they want to get something for him...

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Yes... But they cannot resign Walker when they are already over the cap.

Yes they can. You just can't sign OTHER TEAM'S players if you're over the cap.

NBA Salary Cap FAQ (Larry Coon)


LARRY BIRD EXCEPTION -- This is the best known one. Players who qualify for this exception are called "Qualifying Veteran Free Agents" in the CBA. This exception allows teams to exceed the salary cap to re-sign their own free agents, up to the player's maximum salary. The free agent in question must have played for three seasons without being waived or changing teams as a free agent. This means a player can obtain "Bird rights" by playing under three one-year contracts, a single contract of at least three years, or any combination. It also means that when a player is traded, his Bird rights are traded with him, and his new team can use the Bird exception to re-sign him. These contracts can be up to seven years in length. A player can receive 12.5% raises using this exception. This exception is known as the Larry Bird exception because the Celtics were the first team allowed to exceed the cap to keep their own free agent, and the player happened to be Bird.

They trade for Walker SO THAT they can resign him. Otherwise, they have virtually no way to improve the team other than their mid-first rounder & the MLE. And Iverson grows older by the day...

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Walker is not resigning with Philly. Not unless they give him a no trade claus. He seem's very serious about staying in one place.

I have followed him for years through Jim O'Brien era (including College) and let me tell you this. He is not happy with Jim O'Brien and what went down in Boston.

He really felt he and Jim were real friends and when Jim sold him down the river it didn't sit well with him.

For the record Jim didn't apoose the trade, in fact he agreed with it even though he didn't want too. He should have stepped up.


I have basically decided that Philly won't trade Daly for Walker.

But, if they do, it's because of:

1. Their gaping hole at PF. Kenny Thomas is undersized and undertalented.

2. They need a second scorer, preferably one with low post skills.

3. They have depth at center, and obviously Jackson fits better with their coaching scheme.

4. They're capped out & heading toward luxury tax land very shortly.

5. Dalembert will want to start & that may have to be done elsewhere.

6. Walker would resign with them, and probably for a decent discount.

7. Walker isn't a championship piece, but he's probably enough to get them into the playoffs.

But if, and it's a BIG if, Philly decides that Delembert is in their future plans - all bets are off.

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We've discussed the undervalue contract... It can't be done without exposing him to FAcy and begging him to take a MCE contract (5 million per)... Sorry but I bet
if Chicago makes the sameoffer, Walker goes there or if Shaq/Miami calls Walker goes there...
Point is nobody wants to trade your C and sit around like Cleveland did with Boozer.

It seems like BK is in a bit of a pickle here. He would like to trade Walker for something or someone that would help this team BUT what team would accomodate him, if any? I agree with you, diesel. I just don't see ANY TEAM giving up anything when they could simply go after him in Free Agency.

If anything, I think Walker would be better off going into Free Agent status 'cause then he would have plenty of choices of where he'd like to go. He's still relatively young and in his prime so the choices will be plenty. And that said, I can see Chicago, Miami, Boston, Philly, and maybe even a return to Dallas(Walker left Dallas on good terms) again in his future.

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Oh, Yes, they can resign Walker to an extension (ala Bird Rule) but my point is that they would have to pay Walker 112.5% of 14.5 Million with raises for every year he is signed...

That's an annual raise of 1.8125 Million.

So if they signed him to a three year extension (ala Bird)...

That's 16.3125, 18.125, 19.9375.

That's a three year 54.375 million dollar deal. This is using the Bird rules...

What I am suggest is that No team wants to overpay Walker this much but this is the option that Philly would have if they didn't want him to become a free agent.

Detroit was in the same pickle last year... They took on Sheed from us... What they did was allow Sheed to go FA..> Of Course, Isiah was sending Sheed flowers every day.. And in the end, Sheed resigned with Detroit...

Philly won't have that option unless they clear some salary because they are already over the cap... Them giving up Big Dog instead of some of their cap killers will not help them to be able to resign Walker or any of their other players. Therefore, I suppose they will not do the deal unless we take back some bad contracts.

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