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Dont Be an Ignorant B*stard - Trade Toine


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I think people just read it the wrong way.. no harm intended to anyone.. let's just move on and discuss if Walker should be traded or not..

I think if we cannot get a 1st round pick and/or quality talent in return, whether it be now or the offseason, I say we keep him and resign him, as I think he will be considerbly cheaper than anyone else of his caliber..

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Its just the subject line thats all. Sounds like anyone who disagrees on trading Walker is a "Ignorant B*stard". Just a little strong thats all.

My thought is if we can get a 1st rd choice trade him. But then again there is no guarantee that pick will turn out to be better than Walker.

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I think it depends on the board. I do the same thing on BlackVoices.com and it wouldnt raise an eyebrow. But this site is multi-cultural so chillz acts like it the U.N.an deletes anything offensive. LOL!

I actually lost interest in posting at one point because this site doesnt really like for a good fight to break out every now and then. I lurk from time to time and I havent seen a good argument or even something resembling a fight. I think it would be good for the site just because reading nowadays all you guys do is agree about damn near everything.

I wish someone would deviate from the general consensus you all have about everything. Hotlanta and I used to argue every other thread because neither of us were jumping on anybody's bandwagon. But now that that is gone you guys have gotten way to PC for me.

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Diesel has mellowed in his early/mid 20's, Hotlanta has accepted that we shouldn't be a good team and you just don't bring the heat anymore!

I could care less if people argue basketball here man, you konw that. That's what the site is for. But all the name calling [censored], man that's just childish and it gets old, fast. I've been doing this for 15 years and I know what it's like on other sites. I'd shut it down before I let it get like that.

I just don't think most people have much to argue about when it comes to the team, for now. Most everyone likes the coach and thinks he'll be solid, they like the direction the team is going and they like our young talent. Even guys like hotlanta have accepted that even though we suck, we're at least working towards something that could be good. It's an oddly peaceful time to be a hawks fan. I even get it from random people. You'll be talking ball and the Hawks will come up. Instead of the usual "man the Hawks Suuuck", you get stuff like "Josh smith is going to be something" or "you think they're going to keep Walker?". It's a big change over the past few years, even back to the end of the mookie/smitty/deke days.

You should enjoy it man, while it lasts. Once people start getting expectations about us, all the happy good times will be gone and it will be war again!

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LOL! I remember I was soooo happy when I first started postin I has 20 some odd years of penned up Hawks talk. I was so happy to find out I wasnt the only fan.

I remember we had some good ones back in the Day Walter and Diesel. Me and Dolfan. Me and Hotlanta . Me and Walter. Hotlanta and everybody on the board. confused.gif It would be nice to have a few fights break out every now and then just to get the passion back, because I am scared it might last.

But your right people have fewer negative things to say about the Hawks. And teams stopped the Draft any half assed Euro player grin.gif so I dont really have much to be pissed about, esp. with Babcock gone. grin.gif

Oh well maybe I can find someone to come in and call me a racist like back in the day. Then we can get it started again. grin.gif

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Perhaps my favorite thing of all time is the fight that got so raucous, people started posting their addresses for potential throw-downs.

(Hmm, I never did send any Xmas cards..)

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