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Diaw unhappy, may leave...


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not sure if has already been posted before or not..

FRA - Unsettled Diaw ponders future with Hawks

PARIS (Eurobasket) - Atlanta Hawks' French international Boris Diaw believes his lack of playing time with the NBA side could threaten his participation at this year's Eurobasket, and admitted he is thinking about leaving his club if the situation does not change soon.

The 22-year-old former Pau-Orthez talent, who joined the Hawks in 2003, enjoyed a good debut year under the coaching of Terry Stotts, but has failed to convince new boss Mike Woodson, who took charge at the start of the current season.

Despite making a short appearance this week in Atlanta's match against Orlando following the injury to Josh Smith, Diaw is aware his situation is not likely to change as Woodson has accused him of not being efficient and combative enough.

"I started the season as a first-team member but I rapidly found myself on the bench - apparently I don't live up to the coach's expectations," said Diaw.

"I don't bring enough to the team. Woodson also blamed me for not being combative and said that if I wanted to play in the NBA I had to score points.

"I have heard this reproach every day, when I go to the supermarket to buy tomatoes, the fans tell me I must shoot.

"I got it from journalists, friends or other players but rarely from my coaches. Usually they are happy to have a player like me who prefers to help his team-mates play.

"My role is badly understood. Last year the coach (Stotts) and the manager (Billy Knight) hired my services for good reasons.

"Both played in France and they knew the European system. They understood my role and knew what I could bring to the team. But Woodson does not."

In the long term Diaw admits he cannot see himself sticking with the situation.

He is worried such a scenario could cost him a place with France at the European Championships in September and hints he could leave.

"This idea has crossed my mind since I am not playing," Diaw added in L'Equipe. "The most important thing for a player is to play and I want to play.

"If at some point I am really sure I will not be able to express myself here then I will have to find a solution because it's no good for me or the team.

"I also think this situation could be prejudicial for me on an international level. I keep training and I hope I will have reached a good level this summer."

France coach Claude Bergeaud, who is currently in the United States to visit his French NBA players - San Antonio Spurs' Tony Parker, San Francisco's Mickael Pietrus and Diaw, hinted last week he could ask Diaw to play with the under-21 side to help him regain a competitive edge.

"In my current situation I would accept anything," said Diaw. "I can't refuse any playing time."

Meanwhile, Diaw is convinced France - who are in Group C and will face Greece, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the first stage of the Eurobasket, can win the competition, which will be held in Belgrade from September 15 to 25.

"There can't be any other objective for France than a final win," he said. "It was the same two years ago. So we must do all we can to reach that objective.

"In September (during the qualifying campaign) Bergeaud managed to create a united and competitive team. I trust Claude to keep that spirit."

Diaw was one of the main leaders during the qualifying campaign last year whereas Parker and Pietrus preferred not to play and concentrate on their NBA sides.

"I felt it was my role at the time to take those responsibilities," he said. "I tried to give my best to my team.

"If my role in September is to cross the ball I will do it, if I have to play and score, that's what I'll do.

"But in September, with Parker and Mike, we will have different offensive weapons."

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I had read elsewhere that there might be a "language barrier," but that doesn't seem to be the case. He simply refuses to adjust his game to his coaches' (and employer's) expectations.

The jibe at Woodson was ridiculous - the guy was an important coach on one of the most "team-oriented" champions ever.

I think it's time to trade him for something of value before he bolts for Europe. IIRC, the Hawks have to decide this summer whether or not to pick up his option. It might be a smart move to trade him to Chicago or elsewhere at the trading deadline.

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The jibe at Woodson was ridiculous - the guy was an important coach on one of the most "team-oriented" champions ever.

I couldn't disagree more. The fact that Woody was an assistant for the Pistons last year does not make him perfect.

"My role is badly understood. Last year the coach (Stotts) and the manager (Billy Knight) hired my services for good reasons. Both played in France and they knew the European system. They understood my role and knew what I could bring to the team. But Woodson does not."

I think this is accurate. Diaw will never be a pure scorer. Just like Peja Stojakovic will never be a great defender. Diaw is a facilitator who can be a great addition to a team with his D and his passing and all the other little things that he does. Woody does not seem to value any of it if he doesn't score enough. That's a fact. So why should he stay somewhere where he is not able to help the team (no PT) and the team is hurting him (no PT)? Diaw is greatly underappreciated by this coaching staff and this city in general. He could be a great addition to a team that could incorporate his style of play. If Woody thinks he is useless unless he becomes a pure scorer, he might as well cut him. He should be working on ways to incorporate what he has in Diaw into our system. Otherwise he should cut him. Diaw will always be more of a defender and facilitator than a scorer.

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The object is not that Woody wants Diaw to become a scorer, he just wants Diaw to become more aggressive with the ball. For example when he hits that lane, hit it hard and take the ball to the hole with authority, don't pass the ball like he normally does. Diaw is very talented and all he needs in his game to become competitive, he isn't very much competitiveness, he has no fire. Woody is trying to light that fire in Diaw, and Diaw has the tools to become a decent scorer in this league.

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I agree with Lascar. They knew what they were getting. Why would you want a guy who is not a great scorer trying to score . When he could get his teammates better shots.

However, I think Woody has put together a lineup that doesn't have a place for Diaw. We don't need a 2 that can't shoot. If we had a PG or 3 that was a pure shooter then we could afford to have diaw in there, but now he's just like having another slower pg out there.

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He just doesnt want to. He has one of the prettiest shots on the team and with enough practice and desire could turn into a fine scorer. He is also long armed and could get lots of put back jams on offensive boards if he wanted to.

What you guys arent talking about is how much he hurts THIS Hawks team because we dont have enough scorers out there to have him just passing the ball every time he touches it. Its easy to defense those guys and double the main scorer because they know Diaw wont shoot. He is a major liability for us because of his refusal to even be a threat to score. Personally I like Diaw and I think he has a bright future ahead of him and hopefully for us......but if doesnt start to realize that he isnt playing European ball anymore and starts to become someone that the defense has to respect, he will never be successful in the NBA.

If you look at guys to compare him to, like Battier or Newble or Christie or Bowen, all of them are terrific defenders and team players, but all of them are a threat to score and they keep the defense honest. Diaw doesnt force the defense to be honest and that is what hurts us so much. On a team without a legit starting player who is a consistent outside shooter he just kills us.

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Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but I have not had much time recently. I have managed to read most everything, I just have not had time to reply. Anyways, down to business.

I actually got to watch the last few games and I think Diaw has a player that he can be paired up with in Delk. Those two seem to play really well together and it allows the Hawks to keeper a taller lineup on the court. It would be sad to lose a good basketball player just because the coach cannot make it work. Diaw has performed respectably, and I for one, would like to see Diaw and Delk, along with Drobs, to come into the game together more often.

Off topic a little bit here, (and I know I am going to get someone upset with me because of the way things have been around here since Walker came) but I really hope that Walker gets traded before the deadline. I have a feeling that when he gets traded (hopefully) that the team will start playing much better team oriented basketball. I know that he is apparently a great locker room leader and all, but from watching the games, he does not seem to make any of the other players around him better. I would much rather finish the season watching players that will actually run an offense unselfishly and play without having to constantly scowl (I am actually worried that his face might get stuck like that).

I know this is getting long, but I feel that I need to close by saying that I miss the good old days when I first started reading this site (before the Big Dog trade) and people came here to talk about the team, and not just discuss the life story and inner feelings of one player. This is sad, but I actually miss some of the basketball discussions (or arguments, whichever you prefer) that used to keep my attention and made me want to read every sentence written. Now it seems like I skip at least 25% of posts because I already know the topic.

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woodson needs to light a fire under diaw's ass and diaw needs to take a few more shots

woodson isn't forcing diaw to become a shooter, but he needs him to take more than 1 shot per 10 mins on the court...

if diaw can't do that, as much as i like him, we need to trade him...woodson is trying to get diaw to do that so he would become very valuable to us, but from the sound of this article, diaw is unwilling to take a few more shots (even tho he said he will for france...he has pride for that team so will do whatever they want, but if the hawks want him to shoot, he gets offended) for the hawks, so he is gonna have to be traded...

too bad, he was my fave player last year, and if he would just shoot the ball, he could be in my top 3 this year (after smoove/chill)

btw, notice that even people at grocery stores are telling him to shoot...some people tend to do the opposite of what others tell them to do; maybe he's not shooting because he's being told by everyone to do that...

i also didn't like how he is ok with everyone and their uncle saying he needs to shoot, but gets offended when his coach says he needs to...that's ur coach's job: to get u to work on ur weaknesses and make u a better player, along with one that fits in more with the team...

all diaw has to do to get his PT is to just shoot when open...he doesn't have to shoot when guarded, but when wide open, take the damn shot...then he'd get some good pt...

or he can continue to be arrogant and refuse to do it just cause others are telling him to

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one way he should look at it if he prefers to be a passer/setup kind of guy, is that scoring helps that very same part of his game...

if he drives and dishes, other teams know that, so he doesn't have anyone open to dish to...if you are a threat to score, then you will have better passing options available to you...you can still be a courtvision/passing player but still score...the scoring, even just a little, can help your other part of the game..

sounds to me that he thinks he's just fine the way he is and anyone telling him to do anything else is dumb..yes, we know what kind of player we had, but he's a young player, if he thinks his game is just fine where it's at, he's got issues..

and Diaw, the reason you got more playing time and the coaches were fine with your style last year, was because we had Jason Terry who needed you...and we still sucked...so step up your game because your game isn't a finished product and your team needs you to...

in summary, they're telling you to score, not because it came to them in a dream, BUT BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO BETTER YOUR GAME!

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Yeah my dad is French too and I grew up there, but I'm used to the ignorance around this area of the country. I'm sure neither Dakin nor Inside_Man have been out of the country much, much less to France.

As for the 35 hours per week that law was created to *gasp* create more jobs for the unemployed. How rude of them for trying to take care of everyone in the country

As for whoever said shooting was the most fun part of the game, my guess is that stockton and magic would disagree. Diaw is the only player in the entire league who gets sh!t for unselfishness and wanting to focus on the dirty work such as defense. Besides anyone who has seen him knows he has shot the ball alot more often this year and hardly ever passes up an open shot anymore. All he needs is more PT to show what he can do and how he can mesh.

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^^^ It's not like he ever said he didn't need to work on his game. Basically the whole statement is "woody doesn't think I'm good enough to play, and doesn't understand how to use my skills". that's it. I think that's a fair assessment. I don't think he's disagreeing with the need to shoot more. He's saying that even with his game as it stands today, he could be contributing to the team, but Woody doesn't get it and an other coach probably would.

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He might THINK he is helping the team by playing "unselfishly" as HE defines it but I think he is actually being selfish by REFUSING to be aggressive offensively. Putting him in the same sentence with guys like Magic and Stockton is preposterous! Magic averaged right at 20 ppg for his career AND over 11 apg for his career. Stockton played a long time but in his prime, he was averaging 17+ ppg and 14+ apg. The point is that both Magic and Stockton were very unselfish but they scored a lot of points too and forced the defense to ALWAYS account for them. Same goes for Jason Kidd, Steve Nash and any other good "unselfish" player.

The frustrating thing about Diaw is that all he has to do is be aggressive. Its not just about shooting open J's either. He should be putting the ball on the floor and going to the basket. He's 6'8" and a very good leaper. He would draw a lot of fouls if he would just take the ball to the basket aggressively not to mention the fact that defenders would be forced to collapse on him and it would create easy scoring opportunities for his teammates when he did pass the ball.

Diaw can blame Woody all he wants but how hard is it to shoot the ball? He is not telling Diaw he has to MAKE it, just the he has to SHOOT it (or take it to the hole). If Diaw played on a team with 4 offense-minded guys in the lineup (like Phoenix perhaps), he would be okay. However, most teams don't have that many scorers so even the 5th option has to contribute SOMETHING offensively.

I like how Woody has handled him. He told him to be aggressivve and he wouldn't so he benched him. Now, he's giving him another shot. If Boris wants to play, he had better be aggressive or he will be right back on the pine. If I were Woody, I'd put him in the game and call plays for him all night and force him to be aggressive.

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