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Anyone who would draft Bogut over Paul is CRAZY!!!


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Paul is THE BEST PLAYER IN THE DRAFT THIS YEAR!!! I have watched both of these guys and Bogut isn't even close to being as good as Chris Paul.

Plus why would we draft Bogut over Paul when the 2006 FA class has Shaq, Yao Ming, Amare, and Ben Wallace in it. We can get one of those guys with the cap space were gana have. SO I THINK A CENTER CAN WAIT ONE MORE SEASON!!!! But I do think we should get a quality back-up center in FA this year, who can start for us next year, and then go back to his back-up role when we sign one of those centers(AMARE!!!).

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You are smoking crack if you think we are getting any of those 4 centers. Those 4 can all get max contracts from any team of their choice. There is no reason for them to consider us. That is not to say that we shouldn't go for a PG first (I think we should), but we are not getting a superstar free agent any time soon. Maybe decent ones, not superstars

Also, Paul is very talented, but also small and struggles against bigger guards. Every night in the NBA would match him with a bigger guard. Who knows how his game will translate to the NBA?

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I would strongly consider that. A line-up of Paul, Childress, Smith, Harrington and Big Z would be a shooter away from at least respectability.

I like that lineup. But why not also go after Michael Redd and break the bank for him? smile.gif

In addition, it would be even better if we managed to keep Walker here, too. I mean...What a nice "Problem" to have for once : Too Much Talent. grin.gif

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Bogut is a legit 7 footer who is a great passer. Think about an offense that could have him in the post and J Smith, Harrington, and Childress cutting to the basket on the receiving end of his great passes. He'll also do a great job of starting the fast break. Bogut puts up a double double every night, and he played in the Olympics, so he has played against NBA players. As for Paul, he may be the most overrated player in college basketball. He's not that great of a shooter, and he struggles against guys just an inch taller than him. You don't pass up a true center when there are so few available. Why spend huge dollars on older guys when you can draft a twenty year old and mold him into what you want? Bogut has to be the pick.

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Yes, but a PG is much easier to get than a franchise center.

Bogut seems to be the real deal. He is a legit 7 footer, who has a great work ethic, excellent passer, and is a double double machine.

If anything, Bogut's game translates better to the NBA than Paul's does.. I mean Paul struggles against taller stronger points, and almost all points in the league are both stronger and taller. The best PG in the draft this year IMO is Felton. Someone asked if he's good because of the talent around him or if he's just talented. He's the type of PG he makes his team mates better. Felton's very athletic, much stronger than Paul, and has much better court vision and passing skills.

Felton/Bogut are tied right now, but that will change after the NCAA tournament starts up, and then Paul is my 3rd choice right now. Paul is so over rated right now.

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One way to do it is:

1. Trade Walker now for an extra First rounder...

2. Draft Gerald Green. He has probably the most potential in the draft. A 6'8" SG that has a sweet stroke and is atheletic. His stock should rise considerably after these HS games.

3. Go after Big Z. He's a big man who knows his role. He will be looking for a truckload of money...

4. Draft J. Jack. Of all the PGs coming out, he's not as explosive or talented as Paul. However, he's got good pro size. He's a true PG. He has hometown appeal.

If we did it that way... We would set up for the future to look like this:

Jack/Green/Chillz/Smoove/Big Z.


Jack/Green/Smoove/Harrington/Big Z.

I figure that Big Z's money and Smoove's development will determine what will happen with Harrington when his contract time comes.

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I do not claim to be an expert by any streatch and maybe you are right. Paul is the next Iverson or Francis. I am going to accept BK's choice.

I would love to get Bogut but if he is not the player I think he is, then sure get Paul. We need a pg for sure and we need a center for sure.

No way we can get both Paul and Bogut but maybe we can get Bogut and Jack. What ever BK does I am ok with.

BK will take the best available player and I have no idea who that really is. This is a tough draft. No single player is really head and shoulders above the rest.

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I would strongly consider that. A line-up of Paul, Childress, Smith, Harrington and Big Z would be a shooter away from at least respectability.

I like that lineup. But why not also go after Michael Redd and break the bank for him? smile.gif

In addition, it would be even better if we managed to keep Walker here, too. I mean...What a nice "Problem" to have for once : Too Much Talent. grin.gif

Because this is reality. Adding both Redd and Big Z in one off-season is not likely to happen.

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I have now watched Paul on several occasions and IMO he is simply not worth a top 3 pick in most typical drafts. If he is the best player in college, then why does Jack outplay him every time they matchup? Paul is a good player (I have compared him to Brevin Knight with a good jumper) but he is not explosive enought athletically or big enought to be a superstar in the NBA. I have not watched Bogut play yet but the reports are encouraging (esp. the Olympic reports) and I intend to record his next nationally televised game. I also trust BK (his only really bad move so far was Collier over Pryz) and his draft evaluations. I just want us to end up with more than one 1st rounder this draft year.

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I think our 2nd rounders this year could net us some important talent.

But in the 1st, I have to go with Felton as the best PG in the draft, and Bogut was very impressive the one (and only) time i saw him, which was against BYU. I'm just not that blown away back Jack, and I know thats a sin to say in GA, but still...just my opinion.

There is no way we sign Big Z. The Cavs can pay just as much as we can, and why would he want to leave the next Jordan to play with the Hawks? The Cavs love him, and need him, so why would they want to go? I seriously doubt the Hawks sign any big name player like Ray Allen, Micheal Redd, Big Z, or Shaq, Amare, Yao, Wallace next year. Atl just isn't a mecca for basketball or hotbed for FAs, although it has the potential to be someday, since athletes love the city, but that day hasn't come yet, we are going to have to built through the draft.

IMO right now, if we draft PG then it's Felton

and if it's Center then it has to be Bogut.

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You could say that about any player. Draft history is full of high picks who have been busts. Personally, I think it would be easier to draft Bogut and sign a PG than draft a PG and sign a center. Of course, if Bogut is gone when the Hawks pick, then a PG would be an obvious choice. As for Bogut, he isn't a big slow guy who stands next to the basket looking for put backs. He's a good athlete, and a great passer. I really think he'll be very good.

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You could say that about any player. Draft history is full of high picks who have been busts. Personally, I think it would be easier to draft Bogut and sign a PG than draft a PG and sign a center. Of course, if Bogut is gone when the Hawks pick, then a PG would be an obvious choice. As for Bogut, he isn't a big slow guy who stands next to the basket looking for put backs. He's a good athlete, and a great passer. I really think he'll be very good.

All I'm saying is that we will most likely end up with no lower than the #3 pick in the draft and we have to make sure that we get the BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE when it happens. I think that Paul/Felton/Jack are *THE* best players available and they just so happen to be PGs. As far as Centers go, we don't need a SUPERSTAR at Center...We need a CENTER THAT CAN BLOCK SHOTS, PLAY DEFENSE, and INTIMIDATE. In other words....We need another "Dikembe Mutumbo" out of the Draft.

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