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Walker / Harrington's ages


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I've seen several posts citing age difference as a reason to trade Walker rather than Harrington. Just wanted to post their ages once and for all, so we know what we're dealing with.

AH will be 25 on Thursday. AW is almost exactly 28 1/2 (He will be 29 in 6 months, 8/12).

SO, there is an age difference of 3.5 years--not 6 years.

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I think you and I are on the same wavelength here.

Let's exhibit some patience with what we currently have. How about that? Is that such a drastic idea that it simply can't be done?

This team has two established high caliber NBA players in Antoine Walker and Al Harrington. Both should be all stars, but they allow the idiot fans too much say in the voting.

Let's continue with these two and let things work themselves out.

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Al Harrington an all star? that is a ridiculous statement, the only thing Al Harrington has shown me so far this year is why he was the 6th man for Indy and not a starter, the hawks have actually played better since he has been out in my opinion, i think Childress and Smoove will both be better all around players than Al in the very near future, so why would the hawks just keep him around?

Billy Knight obviously isnt an Idiot, and right now im loving the way he is building this team, not many guys would have had the courage to come in and blow up the team like he did last year...alright look...he was very aware of how many years Al and Antoine had left on their contracts when he brought them in, their contracts are just long enough to give Chill and Smoove the time to develop a little and then both their big contracts will be gone, Chill and Smoove are the forwards of the future, its obvious

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Actually RS, I have to disagree with you on 1 point.

I don't think Smoove was brought in to be a forward of the future. Listening to BK talk (and it's hard to dicipher what he says most of the time) I think Smoove was brought in as a project with really no big expectations other than fan appeal. BK saw this atheletic kid who could probably come in for 10-15 mpg and get a dunk that gets the crowd excited..

Welp... The Kid plays the game much better than BK suspected... Not only does he dunk but he plays good help defense. That's about all for right now, but that's a lot out of high school. It's because he has good size and because he has great atheletic ability that makes him interesting. However, I think that he has to develop one more part of his game. His outside shot or his dribbling has to improve 200 fold... His problem (which is why having Toine is so good) is that he cannot create for himself. Can't dribble and doesn't have a consistent outside shot.

It's not a problem. Vince picked up some of this in college and some in the NBA...and I think Smoove has more heart than Vince. Work Ethic is questionable.

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you know...i have to say i think Josh Smith can create for himself a little better than people give him credit for...he is still a little tenative in half court sets i have noticed, he doesnt seem to want to try and do too much, but i have seen a few times he has the ability to beat his man and get to the basket...he also has some excellent passing skills and vision...last night he made a beautiful pass to Ivey underneath the basket...he saw him the moment he got open and hit him with a perfect pass, nobody saw it coming, i also think his outside shot is better than it looks right now, once again i think its due to him not having complete confidence in his game at the NBA level yet, but even when he was coming out of high school all the scouting reports i read said he had an outside shot and could hit the 3, even in the summer league he was hitting 3's...

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I'm not sure what BK quotes you're refering to, but you don't waste a first round pick on a 10 minute/game fan favorite. You honestly believe that with five players under contract BK thought we should pick up a guy to rile up the crowd 10 minutes per night. That is just idiotic.

So Smith becomes a starter and BK is thinking, "We always expected him to just dunk a couple times a night, we never thought he could contribute signigicant minutes." This is beyond absurd.

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Yeah. 17 ppg on 46% shooting. He's terrible. He passes the ball well. He plays good defense. He's played three different positions for the Hawks. He's 25 years old with a big upside ahead of him.

Fans are underselling him. Why? I don't know. I'm not an idiot, thus I don't know an idiot's thought process is.

Of course, the only opinion that matter's is Billy Knights, and I have no doubts that he sees Al Harrington as a building block.

Oh, and Harrington would be an all star if the idiot fans didn't vote.

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After the Hawks took Smith at No. 17, ESPN analyst Jay Bilas said, "Out of this draft, he is the most likely to be a bust." Smith said he'll use the comment for motivation.

"I just want to prove critics wrong, that I can play in this league," Smith said.

Said Knight, "We think he has huge potential, and
that's what this pick is for -- potential.
We know that's going to require us to work with him. We think he's a willing pupil."

Like I said, there were no immediate expectations placed on Smith. If Smith would have turned out to be a bust, I don't think it was outside of the realm of BK's thinking... My thoughts on Smith was that I wanted him at 6 and Nelson at 17... However, I'm happy with Chill...

Don't be fooled. Smith being from Atlanta was a factor as well. Not a major factor, but BK has the hard job of building a franchise and Building a fan base...

His Dream draft was probably Howard at #1, Smith at #17. Unfortunately, the balls didn't fall our way.

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Of course, the only opinion that matter's is Billy Knights, and I have no doubts that he sees Al Harrington as a building block

Yes... BK's is the only opinion that matters...

However, that second part...

He sees Al as a Building Block. It's more than just Al that BK has to consider. He also has to consider Walker, Smoove, and the future.

Al could be a nice building block... However, if Al being here hinders Smoove progress as a foundation... Then what? What most everybody that says we should trade Al says that you never hear is this:

Al and Smith plays the same game. Smith is a better defender and for now Al has a better offesne in the post. Still. Nobody has denied Al's value. In fact, that's another good thing about trading him. You get more back. With Al, we can actually look at a player and a lottery pick back...

The last part is about Al. Al does have one thing bad. He's big dog with more atheleticism. He is a ball hog. That's what people have noticed with Al out and Toine in. Walk spreads the ball better. Hell over his career Walk has been one of the better passing forwards.

Bottom line is BK has a hard job.

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Do you actually watch the games? AH is clearly not a ball hog and his game is not remotely close to Big Hog Robinson. In fact, AH and AW have similar assist numbers. AH will easily pass the ball out of the post to teammates for open shots (at times I wish he was more selfish and demand the ball in the post). At times this season, AH has led the team in assists. Occasionally AH will take a bad forced shot. I don't think he takes those shots because he a a ball hog but is simply trying too hard to make a play. AH is a very good, versatile post player who scores most of his points in the paint and in transition. Robinson is a face the basket 15 ft jump shooter and nothing else. Again, how are these players similar?

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  • 1 year later...


Fans are underselling him. Why? I don't know. I'm not an idiot, thus I don't know an idiot's thought process is.

Of course, the only opinion that matter's is Billy Knights, and I have no doubts that he sees Al Harrington as a building block.

Oh, and Harrington would be an all star if the idiot fans didn't vote.


First of all it was idiotic to say that Al would be an All-Star if the fans didn't vote. YOu may not be aware of this but the coaches pick some of the players too.

At least you are consistent with your BK nuthugging. BK is always right, even when he changes his mind. And you blindly follow.

Nice find EDS.

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Well, it is not on the level of Diesel catching him in an out-and-out lie, but it is funny nevertheless.

It seems that KB gets himself in trouble when he tries and thinks what BK will do, then has to back-track when BK does something different. If he stops thinking and just waits until after BK does something then he will be all right.

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Yeah. 17 ppg on 46% shooting. He's terrible. He passes the ball well. He plays good defense. He's played three different positions for the Hawks. He's 25 years old with a big upside ahead of him.

Fans are underselling him. Why? I don't know. I'm not an idiot, thus I don't know an idiot's thought process is.

Of course, the only opinion that matter's is Billy Knights, and I have no doubts that he sees Al Harrington as a building block.

Oh, and Harrington would be an all star if the idiot fans didn't vote.

Then why would BK now decide that AL is not a building block and give him away for a future draft pick and cash?

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