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What Artest did was unprecedented. There can be no debate about that. Yes, there has been violence from players toward fans in the past (Cordova in baseball throwing a chair; hockey riots), but Artest's charge into the stands and the beating of fan(s) who could scarcely defend themselves was without parallel. What goes on in hockey is ridiculous. The fans come to see fights, some of them try to get involved; that cannot be excused. Fans throw things at baseball games in Philadelphia and Shea all the time, but no player has ever charged into the stands to fracture the skull of some guy for pouring a beer on him. What Artest did was horrific. The fact that he is black had very little to do with that. If Scott Pollard had been the one throwing blows, I would've been just as critical. Furthermore, black athletes are not the only ones under the microscope. John Rocker's career was ruined for pea-brained ethnically sensitive comments that he made (and what he did was legal).

Yes, there are racist people in America, but coming on to this basketball forum and generalizing about 'white America' shows the same sort of prejudice that you might accuse them of. I don't know anything about you, personally, but the posts I have read from you have been almost nothing but inflammatory, continually pitting races against one another, classifying an entire continent of white players as 'Euroscrubs'. It is wrong to overcriticize black basketball players just because they are black. However, it is just as wrong to always side with them just because they are black. Both are forms of prejudice.

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damned right I can say it. I came from the poor south, got an education and work every day towards being at the height of my profession. Should I feel bad that I didn't come from the inner city slums and become a pro basketball player?

I never said I was an expert on his life. I only know what he presents to the world and that is the image of a wannabe thug who thinks people owe him something for being a basketball player. You seem to think that alone excuses him from accountability for the decisions he made. Yes, he made them, they weren't forced on him by white america...much to your disdain I'm sure.

oh, you poor shallow little man. I'm I supposed to be upset that my daily schedule isn't posted in the newspapers? Should I run crying to mommy that I'm not famous? You're the one that seems to link character and celebrity, status and income, as if you can't have one without the other.

I love how you throw the race card as if it excuses you from ever stupid thing you want to say. "I can't possibly comment intelligently, so I will blame white america and log off quickly". You're such a smart guy!

Give me a break.... You're a joke.

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BHG (biggothawkdown) knows what happened. He knows that it had nothing to do with black or white, either the incident or the punishment. He just likes to throw that stuff out there for shock value and to cover his tracks when he has nothing meaningful to say, which is often.

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Kenyon Martin is an educated millionaire, who has traveled the world, come back from career threatening injuries, to become a leader on his team and in the community

Not that I know Zo.. But it sounds like you are talking

about him to me. What he has done has been far more

impressive than what Kenyon has done. Just can't respect

the guy for the comments about Zo. Thug? I don't know..I

just know I will not respect KM after those comments.

About the millionaire stuff... Why are you trying to be

so materialistic? Everybody loves money, but that doesn't

mean being rich makes you a good person. I'd think Artest

probably has some good in him... I've never hit fans, but

I've got mad and broke chairs and stuff in the past. So

I know sometimes you just get mad and things happen. I

don't do it anymore, I've tried to get my act together

the last few months. He probably has some good, but at

his age he should be able to get his act together abit


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I wouldn't call Artest's charge into the stands unprecendented. I think Vernon Maxwell did it before. Outside of basketball, I think that baseball has had more than a few incidents where players and fans have gotten involved. In fact, a few years ago, I think it was a father/son duo who fought with a Kansas City Royal coach.

There is also racism amoung the sports... The other day, Wolf Blitzer was interviewing Stern and a few players. He brought out a poll that showed that basketball players are seen as the group with the best character amoung the sports. Basketball came off with the worst. I thought about it, basketball doesn't have the worst characters in sports. I think it's either football or baseball. Especially now with the steroid scandal...

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I never said I was an expert on his life. I only know what he presents to the world and that is the image of a wannabe thug who thinks people owe him something for being a basketball player.
You seem to think that alone excuses him from accountability for the decisions he made. Yes, he made them, they weren't forced on him by white america...much to your disdain I'm sure.

Instead of answering you cop out I NEVER said I approve of Artest actions in the Basketbrawl. My problem is with the type of attention it recieved. White Hockey players have done the exact same thing with less provacation. You know it so you play the cry baby card. That is sad instead of talking about it intelligently you claim I am crying. Sad thing is they did the same thing to MLK when he was marching. It is a lame arguement. SMDH!

Artest was wrong to react to a wrong tthe way he did but was it half as bad as what you say. Hell No!!! Everybody makes mistakes, I am sure you make 8 or 9 a day.

Its amazing how you try to get personal and insult people yet are ready to throw a fit whe others do it. tongue.gif

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BHG (biggothawkdown) knows what happened. He knows that it had nothing to do with black or white, either the incident or the punishment. He just likes to throw that stuff out there for shock value and to cover his tracks when he has nothing meaningful to say, which is often.

That is crap and you know it! I dont say the lame crap you want to hear. Gloss over issues and what have you. Its amazing how quick everyone is to call a black millionaire a thug, yet want to claim Bogut or Dan Dickau ( Lil d*ck) is some kind of saint.

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Looking back over it, you asked me questions about myself, albeit indirectly and I answered them. What more do you want?

So when in the last 10 years have 5 hockey players, white or otherwise, rushed into the stands and beat on fans? C'mon, tell me... Because if it hasn't happened in the last decade, it's really not relevant as far as the media/publics reaction to it are concerned.

I do remember last year i think, when a (OMG I HAVE TO SAY IT) "white" hockey player hit another (OMG NOT AGAIN) "white" hockey player in the head with his stick and nearly ended his career. The guy was brutalized in the media for over week. Hockey itself was put under the microscope because of its "violent nature". It was the topics of discussion on sports sites and tv/radio shows for a week or more. "what is wrong with Hockey", "are hockey players violent by nature".

So are you going to tell me that despite all this, had this guy rushed into the stands and started beating up a bunch of fans, he would have somehow gotten LESS negative press? As it stands he didn't get much less and we're talking violence against ANOTHER PLAYER, NOT FANS.

Also, get back on track here man. I'm not the one attacking artest. Someone else called him a thug and you went off defending him on the grounds that he's black and has money (though not millions, he's makes it but he certainly does not have it).

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slum Audio pronunciation of "slum" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (slm)


A heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing and squalor

I think adding inner city was completely valid. I've never refered to the above as a slum unless it was downtown. The suburban versions are usually called projects or trailer parks.

I'll try to be more PC for you in the future, since you're so sensitive. smile.gif

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That is crap and you know it! I dont say the lame crap you want to hear. Gloss over issues and what have you. Its amazing how quick everyone is to call a black millionaire a thug, yet want to claim Bogut or Dan Dickau ( Lil
) is some kind of saint.

No, what is amazing is how people like yourself can defend 30 year olds who cannot figure out that basketball is a team game. Point is Rasheed Wallace. I think he has finally figured this out.

I always thought Wallace was a class act and a team 1st type of player. He was immature and did not seem to understand that "he was in control" of his actions and what "he did" both positively and negatively effected his team. I think he has got that now. Took a while but he does understand it.

On the other hand Artest does not get it. He not only cannot control his temper but he actually thinks a rap album is more important than his team trying to ensure home court advantage throughout the playoffs. If you are any kind of team player at all, you would understand this.

I would not expect this from a rookie much less an all star 30 year old veteran. I do not think Rasheed ever asked off so he go down to South America and invest in a pot farm.

Artest may have a lot of money but that was pretty much classless and I really do not have to know him to figure that out.

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Give me a break. Kenyon is a thug and you can't change that fact. He makes millions of dollars to play a game in the spotlight that is why I have the right to judge him. Any pathetic loser who would make fun of a guy with a life threatning disease is a piece of garbage.


Artest comes from the slums, got an education and reached the height of of his profession. Can you say the same.

Your talking about someone you dont know whatsoever as though your some type of expert on his life. LMBAO! I am sure if his mother dies tommorow, your going to post something commemorating her. No! Your going to post something horrible like you did about Rick James.

Artest is no saint but neither are you. The difference is that he is famous and therefore every mistake he makes is in the public eye. Versus when you or any of your fellow Hawksqauwkers do anything short or going on a killing spree it wont make the back page of the AJC.

One point although I think that the players should have let shhhhh go with that basketbrawl nonsense. And I agree Artest should have been more mature about it. It is amazing to me the hypocracy of white America.

There have been several occasions when white hockey players fought fans. Yet when black players do it, it is the end of western civilization. SMDH!

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ever, ever, ever....even indirectly. Please do not mention them in the same paragraph, unless it is to contrast MLK's love for peace and selflessness with Artest's love for violence and selfishness.

I think Chillz makes a good point. MANY WHITE AMERICANS were pushing for that white hockey player (who hit the other with his stick in the head) to be TRIED AS A CRIMINAL for something he did on the court (which was probably partly accidental...hockey players take swings at eachother up high a lot). John Rocker was OSTRACIZED, too.

I said before, there is still racism in America, but you don't help it go away by trying to find it where it is not. Artest did something horrible. It was every bit as bad as it seemed. John Rocker made awful comments. They were every bit as ignorant as they seemed. The media is not attacking black athletes. If anything, the media protects politically sensitive groups. For example, a black comedian can say whatever he wants about white people for 30 straight minutes (such as Chris Rock) and it's aired on TV, and no one cares. Have you ever heard a white guy have a 30 minute act making fun of blacks? I don't think so.

Don't get me wrong. Chris Rock is funny, and I'm not offended by his jokes. However, you have to admit that it's a lot more acceptable to criticize whites than blacks these days. That may well be justifiable, and I'm not arguing whether it is or is not. It's just the state of things. Once you see things in that light, it's hard to argue that the media is out to get blacks.

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I never compared MLK to Artest. So get that [censored] straight. King Died so Artesat wouldnt have to put up with the shhhh ya'll would put him thru.

PS. Look over the every movie from 1900 to 1960 whites making fun of blacks. Dont forget "Birth of the Nation" first fil with sound. about the GREAT rise of the Klan to preserve the virtues of white womanhood. Viewed in the White House By Woodrow Wilson who called it a great film. I dont recall Chris Rock wearing white face. Oh lord the list goes on endlessly.

White men love to cry and complain about how oppressed they are. Yeah the history of the this country and all the statistics show how oppressed white men are. confused.gif

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