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My vision for the Hawks...what we need to do...


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All these moves are definitely feasible...

chill is our sf of the future (think matrix)

smoove is gonna be a pf (think kemp/amare w/better blocking)

so harrington/walker are somewhat expendable, and this also frees up the sg position for a shooter...

deadline trade:

walker for a first and expiring

deadline or draftday trade:

harrington for a first

draftday trade:

one of the traded-for firsts and our 2nd to move up a few slots if needed, or both firsts to really move up to get the pg that stands out for us if needed...

draft pick 1: bogut

why: athletic, offensive, efficient, can pass out of triple-teams...walking double double, can block as well to help smoove keep teams honest...

draft pick 2: pg we need (i'll use Felton for the rest of this post, but who knows who it'll be)

draft pick 3: best available

our team:







release collier, keep drobs and delk

why: have outside shots...both excellent for 3rd stringers...both decent trade bait

sign Joe Johnson or Larry Hughes

why: johnson is the outside shooter we need...hughes is also useful and is better at defense...johnson's 3s make him more desirable than hughes tho

sign casey jacobsen

why: great backup 2...can drain the long shots...bonus: played with chill at stanford

sign swift

why: backup pf/c for 30mpg...athletic, blocks shots, rebounds, scores, etc...swift/smoove/bogut make a great blocking/rebounding threesome

sign ekezie

why: stays on IL until the inevitable injury...so we don't miss a beat when we get injuries

sign KA and Willis

why: mentor the youth while on the IL as backup for injuries

That about uses up our capspace, but we'll gain delk's and drobs plus another 3+mil next summer, so will still have some space to fill holes next year...



chill/donta/3rd pick



diaw backs up 1/2/3 as needed for 15mpg

Pieces for the future:

felton: the pg we draft we are hoping will be able to be our starter for many years

ivey: great for a backup pg...runs offense and brings defense...will only improve

johnson: great sg; great shooter

jacobsen: perfect 3pt spark off the bench

chill: our own marion

donta: very promising as a backup

diaw: do-it-all role player...great for when we contend

smoove: our future all-star

swift: blocks, rebounds, scores, soars...great for backup pf/c

bogut: we are hoping he'll be able to be our starter for many years

that's a lot of great pieces and then we still will have 10mil cap space and the mle next summer to fill in holes...as well as more drafts and trades...

swift/donta/jacobsen/ivey all have the potential to be better than the opposing teams' 2nd stringers...which will translate to many more Ws in a few years...

The team:



near top in blocks

near top in rebounds

near top in steals

i can see us having 7-8 players averaging 10ppg in 3 years...like the kings did, but we'll have FAR better defense...

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Smith measured 6'7" with out shoes at the combine. Even if he has grown since, I just don't see how he is big enough to handle Duncan, Garnett, O'Neil, etc. Stoudamire has at least an inch or two on him and alot more muscle mass.

Maybe in a couple years it can work but right now I think the Hawks should do everything in their power to turn Josh smith and Josh Childress into solid wing players. Both need to work on their shots.

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bk said he thinks smoove could be pf after the summer...

and ben wallace is a small center, but look how that worked out...

and amare is a small center but look how that is working out...

Both Amare and Ben Wallace have alot more muscle mass than Joshn Smith. Heck, I have more muscle mass then Josh Smith and I am a runner. I am not saying it cannot work it just does not seem ideal. If one of Childress or Smith can develop an outside shot then you obviate the need to bring in a high priced shooter.

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I'm sorry you can't turn a rookie into Craig Hodges or Ray Allen by just spending a summer working on their jumpers. A high priced shooter gets a high price for a reason, mainly that it takes more than a summer of practice to achieve their level of skill. Our rookies can improve, but if your BK you're not thinking about leaving Michael Redd unsigned because Childress is gonna work on his jumper. You make it sound too easy.

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