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Ray Allen


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i don't believe BK will...these sports writers believe we'll just toss money everyone's way cause we're the hawks...apparently they still haven't gotten the memo that BK, not Babcock, is running the show now...our lowballing Dampier compared to Dallas shoulda clued them in...

anyway, we may go for Allen, but I don't think we'll give him the max since by the time we're competing, he'll be getting older

i love ray ray, but i'd rather give the money to johnson or hughes or maybe redd

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It would be special to get him here. He would definetely make us legit in the backcourt real quick.

Him, Childress and Smoove could be as tough a threesome to matchup with as any other teams "small" players in the league.

Maybe we do and maybe we don't. Looks interesting though and it makes for good NBA "news". smile.gif

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I would give Ray Allen a max contract. Ray is a great shooter and very good all around player, solid citizen, etc.

Agreed! Of all the free agents coming out next year, he is the most worthy of a max offer.

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I would offer the real close if not the max to johnson or redd, not hughes. I think Johnson is not quite max talent, but he's close enough. We'll have to offer him max to get him to come here. I think Johnson is exactly the type of player we need on this team.

Johnson, Childress, Smoove. A bunch of 6'8+ guys who can all pass, shoot, and take it to the rim. I love it.

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Yes he puts up nice stats in Phoenix, but he isnt a great shooter and doesnt play great defense. He does both well, but you dont pay a guy that doesnt excel at either MAX or even close to it money.

Hughes to me would be worth more than Johnson because he is a better defender, but again he isnt worth MAX money either.

Redd is an excellent shooter, but if I had to choose between he and Ray for the same money I take Ray all day long.

However, I wouldnt throw MAX money at any 2 unless we moved both Toine and Al, moved Smith to the 4 and Childress to the 3. If we could move Toine for Sammy and Al for a draft choice I would then do whatever it took to get Allen or Redd here.

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agreed, nobody but ray ray is max...but i would rather have the others for less than a max ray

johnson is a great shooter, especially from outside...

hughes is a great defender...lead league in steals and was a great man-to-man defender as well...also got a triple-double or two...but he is injured; will that be a nagging injury and is he injury-prone?

redd is a great player, but hasn't met expectations this year...still love to have him tho as he's also a great 3pt shooter...

i would like to move walker and toine before the deadline so that we can play chill/smoove at sf/pf and see how that works before we spend 9+mil on a sg...

if we move just walker and the chill/smoove/al lineup at sg/sf/pf works well, then i'd rather just get a backup 3pt shooter like jacobsen to be our outside threat and have chill/smoove continue to shoot 32423432 balls a day until they are >.333 from outside

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I think Hughes is the right guy for us even though he's injury prone.

as we look at getting a 2. I have two thoughts on the matter...

1. Get Hughes in FAcy..

2. Get Gerald Green out of the draft.

Hughes fits what BK likes. Defensive, Atheletic, Versatile. I think Hughes is a guy who can put up the numbers on offense because he can create for himself and can put up the numbers on defense because he's good. The only problem is his health. He's never had a complete season ( I think)... So in this manner, he's a good prospect but you don't want to give a long term deal to a guy who will get injured and pull and Grant Hill.

Green on the other hand is a guy who fits because he's a shooter. He's young and we can mold him. I like what I have heard about him because he's ready to learn. That's a trait between Smoove, Stoudamire, and other guys who are taking the league by storm. These guys come in willing to learn. I think thats better than the college guy who knows it all.

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This year he is putting up terrific numbers and FG percentages, but he is almost 100 points higher in 3pt% this year than his previous career best. That to me tells me that if you were to take him out of that high octane offense where he gets tons of open looks, he would go back to being a 35 or so 3pt% shooter. I like Joe Johnson, but I dont like him enough to even get close to max money for him and someone will likely overpay for him, maybe even Phoenix.

I really like the game of Larry Hughes, but does he need a Gilbert Arenas type of player in the backcourt with him to be successful? You also gotta factor in whether he is injury prone or not.

What we know about Ray Allen is that he can create opportunities for himself without needing another good player in the backcourt with him. Percentage wise he is having a down year, but a guy with pure scoring ability like him is pretty rare to find. I still wouldnt MAX him out though unless we had our other 4 positions locked up with reasonable contracts.

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From everything I have heard and read, it seems like Allen will base his decision on who to sign with on money. The hawks can offer more than anyone else. Cleveland wants Redd because Lebron has said he wants to play with him, and Redd is from Ohio-he wants to go home. Denver may go after Allen, but George Karl ran him out of Milwaukee, so why would he want him now? The Clippers will have cap room, but when have they ever payed for anybody? Allen is a legit superstar, and if you sign him and draft Bogut, you are a playoff team in the east. Allen would get people excited and he would give the hawks credibiblty around the league. You have to make a run at him. I also think it's possible because the Hawks owners want to make a splash and get some good press for a change.

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You guys are acting like Ray Allen is ancient. He's 29 years old. How is that old? Also, sometimes you have to sign a guy for more than on field performance. The NY Mets did it with Pedro Martinez. Sometimes you have to take into account prestige and the image of the franchise. That's the position the Hawks are in.

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The Mets were stupid to sign Pedro to that much money especially with his injury history.

Ray Allen is nice. Yes 29 is not that old. But we aren't going to be doing anything REAL for a couple of years. And that's when we'll START being good. I mean if you just want to bring him in for the same reason we have Walker as far as a mentor and maybe for a run in the beginning of our resurrection or to use him to trade I guess after you start being good.

I know you can't have all players be the same age of course. But honestly Ray won't come here. Why would he?

We keep making a big deal about age because it's important when you're talking about your star player. If it's a role player, no biggy, but we're talking a big time player.

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