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Is employee8 alright, has anyone heard


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He has turned in his Hawks Membership card...He is over on the Boston board now. LOL!!

Well, I hope he at least comes back every now and then. He is a good poster.

I love this deal for us. All expiring contracts and as it stands right now, Bostons pick is at 17. If we draft a different position with our first we should still be able to grab a point guard.

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If Bogut comes out and gets into the invitationals and tourneys and dominates the competition, ala duncan, are you gonna man up and give him some respect? What about if he's just very good, not dominant? will you acknowledge that he might be better than you gave him credit?

I'm just curious. I'm not on his bandwagon. But he's definitely the most intriguing prospect out there this year, at least right now.

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All you do is critize this whole team. With Walker gone you will now blame poor AL.

That is what this board does, it criticizes the highest paid.

It is just a matter of time before you harp on AL, ignore his good games and then blame him for Smith and Childress standing around and like usual you won't show up after he does well.

Walker played on this team with a bunch of rejects from otehr teams who wanted toplay more, two rookies and Al. No one else is capable of doing much on the court obvious by the fact that they just don't do it.

The one time anyone tried it was Lue. He at least has some heart.

Now we have Al, He will be double teamed every game because he will be the only player anyone knows.

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I've critisized walker, diaw and collier when they've had bad games. There's nothing wrong with critisizing a player's performance. Its ok really, you dont have to take it personally, that's what fans do, especially ones who care enough about the team to waste time on a messageboard. When I say walker had a horrible game or Collier is a terrible player, Im saying it cause it's the truth. Its sad that I have to explain all this to you. really. When you have the worst team in the NBA there's going to be more critisism than compliments.

Harrington doesnt have the offensive skills walker has. But Harrington isnt as turnover prone, he's not the horrible free throw shooter walker is (though hes not great) and he doesn't try to do too much as Walker does on a regular basis. I'm a big fan of Harrington.If he starts playing any differently than he has all year who knows maybe he will get critisized, but maybe he'll deserve it.

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There's nothing wrong with critisizing a player's performance. Its ok really, you dont have to take it personally, that's what fans do, especially ones who care enough about the team to waste time on a messageboard.


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yea, nice diesel. Keep talking just to hear yourself talk, even if it makes no sense. I mildly critisize overpaid overrated veterans and you constantly rag on a 19 year old rookie. I love Chill, and I've never critisized him. look in the mirror before you start calling me out.

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