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Diesel's take....


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  • Premium Member

Good. Had we not gotten a first out of the deal I would have had to ask for the resignation of Knight.

I suspect that Boston's pick will be anywhere from 7 to 14 before it's all over. That being the case, I would love to get Gerald Green for our trouble...

Or Maybe we leave with Bogut/Jack!

Lastly, If I'm Harrington, I'm not buying the house in Atlanta Just yet. I can see a draft day trade of Harrington in order to get us another first or a SG.

Because if we take this newly acquired first, add to it Al and CC on draft day and send it to Milwaukee for M. Redd in a SNT, I'm not mad.

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You can't do a snt on draft day since you can't sign FAs until Aug.

Redd is not going to come here. No first tier FA will want to come to Atlanta right now. We have focus on 2nd tier free agents who would potetntially come here like Swift, Brown, Dalembert.

Players like Redd will want to go to a contender or a big market team and for a talent like him those teams will find a way to get him there.

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Because if we take this newly acquired first, add to it Al and CC on draft day and send it to Milwaukee for M. Redd in a SNT, I'm not mad.

We got exactly what we needed in this deal. Expiring contracts and a 1st round pick. BTW If it is Bostons pick, the season ended today it would be 16th or 17th. They may actually improve now. If not, Ainge may be looking for a job next year. The Lakers stand at 18 or 19.

Redd is going to Cleveland unless someone just makes him a offer he cannot refuse. Other words "overpays for him" big time. So I hope getting Redd is not the only thing that will make you happy.

We got another pick man, and it did not cost us anything more than what we thought it would cost all along. Be happy!

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The way that we are building I don't think you can say no First tier FA will come. I think we have to be of the same mindset as Denver. What's wrong with Atlanta??

It's definitely one of the better cities to live in.

We had probably the best draft outside of the Bulls this past year.

We have a team dedicated to change.

We have a slam dunk champion.

We might end up with 2 first team all rookies.

What's there to not like.

I say draft Jack/Bogut (not in that order)

Then make an offer to Redd of about 6 yr 60 million. He sounds like he's in it for the money and we have the money.

Then Look for a trade of Harrington. I don't think Harrington fits if Smoove & Chillz fits...

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agreed. Redd won't be coming here. We can't get TOP tier free agents yet. But we can start looking at 2nd tier free agents (swift?). You're not getting a true star like Redd unless he is the one missing piece. He would not be. That being said, once things finally do get rolling, the city itself will be a great tool in our recruiting

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If we put a 6 yr 60 million dollar deal on the table for Redd, I think he'd take it without hesitation.

Cleveland will have to take Big Z back... Bron has already said so. That leaves close to MLE money for Clevland... Plus, Gooden is doing well but he's not championship material.


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