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Thoughts of a trade?


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  • Premium Member

In the comparison...

"signing Curry outright"


using Harrington to sign Curry and Hinrich... We do too get capspace out of the deal.

Morever, without the deal, we would never get Curry or Hinrich.

Face it. Curry is an rFA. Just because Chicago's owner don't like him doesn't mean that he would lose him for NOTHING.. Chicago's owner would rather trade him for a pick than to watch some team come along and sign him and Chicago gets nothing. Chicago will match any reasonable offer for Curry.

Secondly... the trade is fair in that we give up a lottery pick and a budding star and we get two good young players who fit our need. The key is that at least we know what they bring to the table. There's no telling what Bogut or these other guys bring...

Moreover, I think Hinrich is probably the best up and coming guard in the league. He could be our Steve Nash with less injuries...

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I have one question? Are you smoking something??? If you are please stop.

Why in the hell would Chicago trade anyone key to their recent rebuilding success, essentially rebuilding again?? Hinrich is extremely instrumental in their success and they absolutely love him in Chicago. They aren't going to trade him. Wow....you are starting to worry me for real. I don't understand you thought processes at all. You are an extreme dreamer.

Do you question yourself before you put these ridiculus proposals on this forum? And the bad part about it.....is that you are dead serious!!! You actually have convinced yourself that these fantasy trades may happen, when there is greater chance the Hawks will win the Championship this year than all of your proposals.

Get some real information and rumors from reliable sources, not what you dreamed last night. Amazing!!

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Cap Space?

I just laughed when I saw this, because do you realize how much it would cost to resign Eddy Curry.

Do you realize how much Hughes will cost us? Joe Johnson.

You make it sound so easy, but yet it's not reachable.


First off, there are 3 things that we get in the trade.

Hinrich, Curry, and Capspace. Can you imagine having a squad of:

Curry/Smoove/Chillz/and Hinrich

with 20 million dollars in capspace that can be spent?

That's enough money to go after Hughes or Johnson or Walker or or Stoudamire or three of the fourt at once.

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  • Premium Member

All I'm saying is that with the capspace it would be possible to go after Hughes or Johnson along with Curry.

Secondly, I didn't say we SNT for Curry, I said that we make sure that Curry signs an extension before he is traded. He would still have to play out this year under the rookie contract. Poison pill if you will.

However, we would have the money to do that.

Unlike if we would try to sign the rfa Curry. First off, whatever offer we make the rFA Curry, Chicago would match then midseason they would trade him away. I doubt Chicago let's a former lottery pick go for NOTHING...

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  • Premium Member

Bulls not resigning.

Look Jr. You should do your research before you question my thoughts. First off, read the article, the Bulls aren't resigning Curry. Secondly, NO TEAM would lose a former #1 for NOTHING.

What I am saying is that we put the trade out there. Also Jr... You say that Hinrich is instrumental to their successs.. I say that Duhon and Gordon can do the same job. For proof, look at the bulls last year vs. this year. They had Hinrich, yet they were a lottery team.

If it is possible for us to give the Bull Harrington and a shot at Bogut, I think that they would consider it.

I can't believe you would dare criticize without doing any research... That's a piss poor job jr.

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It has been the policy (unstated) of all the teams to not allow rFA to get out of their contracts without a fight. The Clipps are about the only team that didn't match the contract on Odom and he had to beg them to allow him to go to Miami.

Then there's us. When JT was a rFA, BK knew that JT was not in his future plans, but we matched Utah's offer for JT because we knew that there was value.

I don't think that there's a deal that the Bulls won't match. This is why I say we offer a trade.

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I think that they know that the can sign Both and about midseason they can trade Curry for value. Moreover, with AD going into the last year of his contract, they are not worried about the future consequences of signing and trading curry... Also... I think that they are willing to sign Curry as long as it's not for the max. I don't blame them.

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getting Curry would be fine for this team...you can't teach size, and he's definitely serviceable...but we'd never get a rebound unless it was from our guards...and they're not giving up Captain Kirk...

like the idea...but dont see it happening that way.

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